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File 130662920231.jpg - (33.20KB , 280x400 , ken-kawasumi.jpg )
7588 No. 7588 [Edit]
Is anyone else here into cooking Japanese cuisine?
I went down to my local Japanese grocery store a few days ago because I was out of a bunch of stuff, amongst them was nori. I was looking through all the nori available and they were almost all from China with a few from California and one from Korea. There was only one brand from Japan and it was about 8x more expensive than the Chinese kind. If you've ever read about nori, then you realize that seaweeds are particularly effective concentrators of unhealthy industrial metal pollutants such as mercury and cadmium. I ended up buying a kind from California. Last time I was able to buy a 50 sheet pack from Japan at a good price, but this was a few months ago. Does anyone here know whats up with Japanese nori exports? Is it tsunami related?
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>> No. 7591 [Edit]
>Is it tsunami related?

Probably related to the nuclear scare
>> No. 7592 [Edit]
Haven't they been dumping radioactive water into the ocean? If they have then it probably has something to do with that.
>> No. 7598 [Edit]
America actually has one of the least polluted environments on the planet. You'd be best to go with them.
>> No. 7602 [Edit]
Nuke nerves.

Also scalping purists.

Isn't most nori from the Sea of Japan or the Seto Naikai, or near Okinawa? I never heard of the Touhoku region's flawless nori.
>> No. 7606 [Edit]
nori making is probably a fairly energy intensive process, what with all of the pressing, drying and roasting involved. i wouldn't be too surprised to find out that producing for the export market is restricted due to their electricity shortage.
>> No. 7623 [Edit]
File 130669699526.jpg - (10.44KB , 300x219 , rabbitapplemed.jpg )
I did one of this a couple days ago.

Feels anime, man

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