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7280 No. 7280 [Edit]
I did it. I finally did it, Tohno-chan.

I haven't fapped in a month now and I don't feel the urge to do so. I was even watching that new KanojoxKanojoxKanojo episode earlier, but nope, I didn't do it. Feels good man.

That is all.
>> No. 7281 [Edit]
I gotta try that.
>> No. 7282 [Edit]
If I go even a week without it there's a risk of it happening in my sleep ;_;
>> No. 7283 [Edit]
I hope you're ready to start cleaning your bedsheets every now and then. Chances of nocturnal emissions go up without masturbation or sex.

Congratulations either way, it takes quite a bit of motivation and will to accomplish things like this if you are accustomed to doing it on a regular basis.
>> No. 7284 [Edit]
I'm going to do this until comiket 80. Wish me luck OP.
>> No. 7285 [Edit]
If I go more than a day-ish without fapping I start getting all tingly and random boners for no reason at all. Sometimes its more of a "lets get rid of this" than enjoying it when that happens.
>> No. 7286 [Edit]
whats the point?
>> No. 7287 [Edit]
I'm the same way. Or sometimes I can't get hentai images out of my head and I keep getting boners, so I fap just so I'll stop thinking about them for a bit.
>> No. 7288 [Edit]
People do it for a variety of reasons. One is to get more freetime. Another is to increase sensation when they start again.
>> No. 7291 [Edit]
I forgot about the new KanojoxKanojoxKanojo thanks OP
>> No. 7292 [Edit]
Mostly because it was a chore and I couldn't get to work until I fapped to some hentai. It was a bad habit.
>> No. 7294 [Edit]
fapping is like a drug, once you pop you can't stop, but the longer you go without doing it the easier it gets not to.
I'd say the day after last doing it is the hardest.
>> No. 7297 [Edit]
Same here though moreso for me since I'm translating a H-manga at the moment.
>> No. 7300 [Edit]
You are strange. I absolutely love fapping.
>> No. 7301 [Edit]
some of us find it to be a shameful and disgusting habit, and hate ourselves for doing so.. well, maybe that's just me.
>> No. 7302 [Edit]
Congratulations, OP.

I don't have the willpower to go past a week or two without getting out of control horny and eventually caving in.

Anyway, I just made myself a cheap homemade fleshlight, and I'm not about to let it go to waste since it feels so good〜.
>> No. 7305 [Edit]
I get extremely horny (and ronery) if I don't fap and start getting sexual thoughts and obtrusive boners extremely frequently.

I like it, apart from the ronery part.
>> No. 7307 [Edit]
It's easier not to do it if you work out. A few push-ups might do the trick already, but when I was still going to the gym 2 hours per day I could go without fapping for months no problem.
>> No. 7309 [Edit]
I let myself masturbate only after studying something for at least an hour before each session. I often fap several times a day too, so it keeps me active.
>> No. 7310 [Edit]
but how could you make love to your waifu if you feel ashamed about your sexual nature?
>> No. 7311 [Edit]
Once or twice a day seems like a healthy and balanced way to approach fapping. I've even read a study that said this kind of schedule improves prostate health, supposedly.
>> No. 7446 [Edit]
I have to fap before watching some anime just to go into it with a clean mind. I hate it.
>> No. 7447 [Edit]
Funny, sometimes I don't fap so I can properly enjoy fanservice anime
>> No. 7449 [Edit]
To put it euphemistically: I don't fap, I have sex with an imaginary person (specifically my waifu). And sex is a normal and healthy part of a romantic relationship, yadda yadda yadda.

I guess it helps that I'm not obsessed with (her) virginity like some people around here.
>> No. 7456 [Edit]
I don't think I have made it more than a week since I was like 16 or so.

Anyway, as others have asked; what is the point of refraining? You will just end up cumming in your sleep one night and need to some laundry as a result.

Do you have an epic naughty dream when that happens? I think I have only had maybe one or two nocturnal emissions my whole life.
>> No. 7457 [Edit]
I used to have nocturnal emissions a lot more frequently. I had like 15 in my entire life. I wish I could experience them again because they were always accompanied with amazing erotic dreams. Ever since I started masturbating, I stopped having them, sadly.
>> No. 7458 [Edit]
nocturnal emissions feel really awesome but cleanup is a hassle
>> No. 7459 [Edit]
It would be a lie if I said I have not imagined taste every single square inch of her incredibly beautiful and godly body.
I'd go down on her out, and go for seconds thirds fourths and not stop till she was wet as a river.
But I don't see why we need to rush into going
all the way
but that's besides the point really.
I think there's a fair difference between jerking off and making sweet sweet love.
just imagine a loved one walking in on your beating your meat, even if you've done the deed, I can't imagine they would like what they see.
>> No. 7469 [Edit]
Once or twice a week seems a good pace for me, but I can last however long I desire, as fapping really isn't a big deal to me.
>> No. 7483 [Edit]
I haven't fapped or even had the urge to do so for ~4 months. SSRIs do wonders for killing my sex drive.
>> No. 7484 [Edit]
It's such a distracting bother for me..
might not take much to get me aroused, and when it happens, I might blow hours looking up and or drawing trash.
happened yesterday, but didn't actually jerk off, and couldn't get any sleep for hours after going to bed because of it until I tried sleeping on my hand which had a mind of it's own, and woke up with a nasty surprise.
I wish there was a off switch for this stuff.
>> No. 7488 [Edit]
You are lucky. I got back on them not too long ago and am hornier than ever. I do last longer now which is both good and bad. I really kinda wish I wasn't a slave to my sex drive.

The effects these meds have on people are rather wide ranging it would seem.

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