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File 130594603599.jpg - (207.66KB , 1920x1080 , 1305628096101.jpg )
7216 No. 7216 [Edit]
I would like to know your opinions and experiences about incest, tohno-chan.
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>> No. 7218 [Edit]
I don't think it's appropriate to this discuss this here.
>> No. 7219 [Edit]
I barely find 3D women attractive, family members even more so
>> No. 7221 [Edit]
anime makes it sound attractive when in reality it's disgusting
>> No. 7222 [Edit]
File 130594840320.jpg - (28.18KB , 225x350 , kanejou.jpg )
Incest in the 2D? I find it cute.

Also shouldn't the pic be a bit different, OP, to make it related?
>> No. 7223 [Edit]
File 130594910492.jpg - (29.78KB , 469x396 , 1244396833776.jpg )
I have a bad feeling about this thread...
>> No. 7224 [Edit]
Fantasy in general makes things more appealing.

Can you imagine how much it would suck to live in a time with orcs and ogres and shit?
>> No. 7225 [Edit]
In fiction? Awesome for many reasons

In reality though, not so much
>> No. 7239 [Edit]
File 130596497759.jpg - (236.13KB , 1115x739 , dogtooth03.jpg )
I dunno; turned out pretty well for these guys.
>> No. 7242 [Edit]
2D sibling incest is nice. The white knight in me is disgusted by anything involving the father, though.
>> No. 7244 [Edit]
File 130596831762.gif - (42.26KB , 320x140 , sigpic62200_8.gif )
Well, that's pretty much what manga/anime/vn does to everything...
Personally, I found incest in art fascinating and extremely arousing (mostly around imouto/siblings in general). In 3D, I do dislike it but just in the same degree I dislike any other kind of (so called) love relantionship.

About my actual experiences on the subject: I talked a bit about them in here, long ago, and it's indeed not something concerning to /tc/ affairs (short story: reality is always disappointing and frequently dangerous).

Post edited on 21st May 2011, 1:59am
>> No. 7245 [Edit]
I like sister incest! Both little (not-loli) and big sister.

This is only restricted to doujins though.
>> No. 7247 [Edit]
I don't mind it unless its brother with sisterdue to personal experiences with the subject. When it comes to H and the such I just try and imagine that they're pretending.

I have to admit though, I found Kirino's relationship with her brother in Ore no Imotou quite cute...
>> No. 7248 [Edit]
The same could be said about pretty much everything. Imuotos are the most drastical example I'd rather have diabetes than a real little sister.

In anime/manga it's fine. I love possesive older sisters. Cute younger sisters are ok but usually they have retarded and perverted brother so I don't like it as much.

By the way, I do have an older sister. I hate her with passion. She's the only person I was close to hitting in my entire life.
I feel bad for her boyfriend. He's such a great guy. If they ever split up I'll try to woo him myself. Even though I'm quite homophobic.

Post edited on 21st May 2011, 9:49am
>> No. 7255 [Edit]
I think it's awesome in 2D. I think it should be legal in 3D just like any other relationship between consenting adults.

I'm sexually attracted to my older sister, but that's it.
>> No. 7256 [Edit]
Opinion:It's alright in fiction. I don't really care about real life, though.

Experience:I've had something happen with a cousin when I was really young, but I'm not going to get into it.
>> No. 7257 [Edit]

the same can go for a whole lot of shit in anime
>> No. 7263 [Edit]
Once, my family had this other family over for dinner, and the daughter was mega-frigging-hot. I knew she'd changed into her swimsuit in my sister's room, so searched for the girl's clothes, found her panties, and jerked it massively sniffing them. Later on, I discovered she'd come to our house wearing her swimsuit, so it was my sister's stuff I'd been working with. I didn't feel bad about it being my sister, I felt bad that it wasn't that girl.
>> No. 7272 [Edit]
Not exactly /tc/'s cup of tea, but I enjoyed your story. That said: the only thing that sometimes makes long for contacting my father (whom I've never met) is knowing that I have a(nother) half-sister from his side... but I always conclude it's better not look for unnecessary problems.
>> No. 7273 [Edit]
I would highly suggest utilizing the reintroduced post editing system.
>> No. 7277 [Edit]
I enjoyed this story.
>> No. 7293 [Edit]
btw, OP: Yamada?... why?
>> No. 7333 [Edit]
I thought it was Kotoko Aihara

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