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7114 No. 7114 [Edit]
Do any of you have any sort of old tech lying around?

I just set my old computer back up today, so that I have a computer to use while I wait for a new charger for my laptop to arrive. It's really old; I got this thing in 2000, and it was made two years before that. It makes that fast ticking noise when it's working hard, and it beeps when it starts up. But I've done a lot with it. Through it, I found the Internet, IRC, and imageboards. I once planned to run Linux on this thing, but seeing the desktop on this again makes me think otherwise.
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>> No. 7115 [Edit]
Every nintendo console since SNES (except virtual boy).
>> No. 7116 [Edit]
I have the ass-kickingest 386 ever built & my old win98 box.
>> No. 7117 [Edit]
That feel when I'm still running Windows XP, have a CRT monitor and a mechanical keyboard.
>> No. 7119 [Edit]
I still have my first Windows 95 in a closet somewhere.
>> No. 7120 [Edit]
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I'm using this motherfucker right there.

Seriously, it's the best keyboard I have ever used.
>> No. 7121 [Edit]
I have a laptop from the 95's, but It's forgotten in a warehouse. Also computers with TURBO BUTTONS.
>> No. 7122 [Edit]
My dad used to have one with a turbo button.

I wish he still had it.
>> No. 7123 [Edit]
Yeah, basically my dad started using computers in the 80s and he's kept everything, not to mention my own computers starting from ~95. I have something like 8-9 monitors and a whole lot of other stuff.
>> No. 7124 [Edit]
Windows XP is great dude. Why would you want to run stinky-ass slow fancy Windows 7?
>> No. 7125 [Edit]
Yeah, I have a pretty recent machine but I'm still running XP. It's just so fast and bloat free. Lots of stuff you can customize too.
>> No. 7126 [Edit]
Not the guy you're responding to, but the only reason I'm running 7 is because my laptop came with it and I don't feel like going through a hassle to put XP on it.
>> No. 7127 [Edit]
I found my windows 98 computer and my Game Boy Color in my closet when I was cleaning it out last weekend. Didn't think I'd find those in there under all the old clothes and postage boxes.

I'd still be using the monitor that I used on that computer on my current as a secondary monitor if it weren't for windows 7 being windows 7. Now it's just taking up space because I don't feel like moving it.
>> No. 7128 [Edit]
I still have my original Nintendo Game Boy sitting on my shelf, and it still works. Played the shit out of some Pokemon on that thing.
>> No. 7130 [Edit]
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I got this old thing here that dual-boots 98 and 2k for the sole purpose of old games. That desktop (as in meant to sit flat desktop) that's standing on it's side all the way to the right was in my room for about 9 years (till last christmas), and was already about 4 years out-of-date by that time.

Also we have a 386, but we're holding on to that only because my dad has alot of really old autocad drawings that uses a dated file format that nothing but that old version can read.
>> No. 7139 [Edit]
OP here. I was just listening to a few MIDI files I had sitting around, and they sounded a lot better than I expected. Then I remembered, the sound card in this thing has its own MIDI synthesizer (which sounds awesome).

It's been a while since most people gave a damn about MIDI, hasn't it?
>> No. 7140 [Edit]
It's not the operating system I'm complaining about. It's perfect considering the age and quality of my hardware. What I'm complaining is mainly the age and quality of my hardware.

If it has a 64 bit processor and more than 4GB of RAM, Windows XP renders you unable to use any more than 4 GB of RAM, unless you have WinXP x64 in which case I feel really sorry for you.
>> No. 7143 [Edit]
Not if you make music on the computer.
>> No. 7144 [Edit]
My computer is pretty old in terms of technology

Its around 5-6 years old now, I got it for christmas one year, I believe I was 13-14 at the time. Getting ready to order a new one since this one is just too old to do most things, going to be sad to see it go but it has to. I'm not going to get rid of it though, originally I was going to let my parents use it so they don't bother me about borrowing my new one, but thinking about it now I want to keep it as a sort of time capsule to look back on in a few years. After I transfer all my files I need to the new one I'll just leave everything on it the way it is to read years later to look back at how I once was, I change constantly and can't even remember who I am in periods of my life such as my likes and dislikes, if I left this to sit for a year and come back to it who knows the shock I might come to.

The family computer we used before this one (95) they (parents) gave away not too long ago. But a few months before they did I noticed it and got it running again and logged on, it brought back so many memories of back then when I would log on as a young kid to play games on cartoon networks website and some flash games I enjoyed. Which is part of the reason I want to keep this one. I've lived most of my notable life on it. If I just got rid of it it'd be like I was throwing away an old friend. I can't abandon it.

I still have some other old stuff, like my gamecube but most of it I got rid of or lost being too young to realize the sentimental value this stuff has when you get older. I really wish I had my old gameboy though, I might as well consider that to be the very foundation of me--ever since I can remember I've loved pokemon. Played it like mad, I remember anytime I'd get dragged out of the house on some boring trip or appointment my parents had I'd take it with me and all would be good as long as I had a ample supply of AA batteries. Recently I've gotten this odd urge to find a gameboy and poekemon yellow. Playing ROMS don't do justice to it. Next time I go out I think I'll look around some pawn shops though, might have some luck there without it being pretty expensive as I imagine it would be on something like ebay.
>> No. 7162 [Edit]
>I'd still be using the monitor that I used on that computer on my current as a secondary monitor if it weren't for windows 7 being windows 7.

Scratch that, got it working.

Post edited on 19th May 2011, 6:38pm
>> No. 7163 [Edit]
Not as bad as people make it out to be.
>> No. 7209 [Edit]
I have a closet full of old crap dating back to at least the late 1980s. Game consoles...old computers...laptops...hardware etc.
>> No. 7214 [Edit]
I just found a box of about a dozen floppy disks (the smaller, 3.5-inch ones) in my closet today. Popped them into my old computer, and surprisingly the drive still works.

Most of them were blank, though. The ones that weren't held SNES/Genesis ROMs or stupid little programs I wrote in BASIC long ago.

Post edited on 20th May 2011, 7:22pm
>> No. 7533 [Edit]
I still listen to some midi files I enjoyed as a kid
>> No. 7538 [Edit]
I have an original Game Boy that I still use. Only have Tetris and Dr. Mario for it, though. Kind of a shame, too: I've been looking for my old Pokemon Blue, Final Fantasy Legend 3 and Link's Awakening cartridges, but they're nowhere to be found. Internal batteries are probably dead either way...

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