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File 13056875395.jpg - (1.49MB , 2099x2127 , big-toshokan-sensou-ost.jpg )
7096 No. 7096 [Edit]
Hooray for the earthquake!
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>> No. 7099 [Edit]
i will be happy on the day when this old bastard has a heart attack
>> No. 7101 [Edit]
why the fuck did they re-elect him. even if people hate anime he still fucking said he was happy the earthquake happened, why would they want this man in any sort of position of power
>> No. 7104 [Edit]
I swear I'd make killing him the main task in my life if only going to japan wasn't such an impossible thing to me.
>> No. 7105 [Edit]
Japan loves this guy, Japan loves Kyoto Animation, Japan loves Haddo Gei

Conclusion: Japan loves tlorrs
>> No. 7111 [Edit]
I admit he's annoying but it's strange that people would hate him this much. He's just very conservative and - in case of anime and manga - highly misinformed. You might hate him and I won't defend him but remember, people who voted for him think likewise, it's not just him.

What worries me much more is that there are people who are retarded to the point that they would reelect a guy who says that

>the tsunami was "divine punishment" for Japan's "selfishness."

And he said that BEFORE the election. If people think they deserved the tsunami then fuck this, they were the ones that really fucking did; there's no cure for stupidity.


>"we've got homosexuals casually appearing even on television."

I'd love to see him say that in one of the more liberal European countries.
>> No. 7137 [Edit]
Ishihara was good friends with the late Yukio Mishima, a nationalist who committed seppuku in 1970, who visited gay bars and was very interested in the homosexual culture.

Isn't half of what Ishihara has said of extreme disrespect to his old friend?
>> No. 7150 [Edit]
>in case of anime and manga - highly misinformed
You sure about that? I heard he used to be heavily involved in the anime industry. I remember watching the most recent Space Battleship Yamato anime and being pretty surprised when I saw in the credits that Ishihara wrote the script for it. (it was a pretty boring movie despite good animation and music, so it's fitting I guess)

>there's no cure for stupidity
As they say over there, バカは死ななきゃ治らない "an idiot can only be cured by death"
>> No. 7151 [Edit]
So this just might be an elaborate plot to spread the love of anime and homos around Japan. As long as he's the craziest, no one can do any harm to his loves~ It's calculated tsundere?
>> No. 7152 [Edit]
Isn't there a story in Japan about a daimyo who, after seeing so many of his neighbour states fall into war against each other, decided to troll them all so they would be forced to band together to take him out?
>> No. 7155 [Edit]
no, but that basic premise of pissing off everyone against you isn't new. Leo Strauss (Neo-con grandfather) said "the best way to unite men is against other men" or something like that.

Also see False Flag operations like 9/11, the Manchurian Incident, the Reichstag and the Glewitz Incident

And of course anime has that - the most recent major example that comes to mind is emperor Lelouch in Code Geass pissing off the entire world against him by pretending to be a mass-murdering dick, but having his best friend as Zero kill him before any executions happen
>> No. 7167 [Edit]
File 130587560858.jpg - (42.91KB , 500x281 , bscap0054.jpg )
Tokyo Metropolitan Government's list of magna to be banned as of July 1
Oku-sama wa Shōgakusei
Aki Sora
Kareshi Sharing
Koibito 8-gō
Hanamizawa Q-taro Jisenshū Hana-Hiyori
Midori no Kisetsu

On a personal note, I fapped massively to the 2nd Aki Sora OVA and it's loss is not an insignificant one
>> No. 7168 [Edit]
>Reasons for designation: Sexual intercourse in school
what the hell
>> No. 7169 [Edit]
This I'm actually okay with, it seems like a very highly inappropriate place to engage in such shameless acts.
>> No. 7262 [Edit]
How long has Ishihara been making noise about censorship? It seems like Toshokan Sensou was possibly written with him in mind.

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