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7005 No. 7005 [Edit]
Has anyone here ever seen a good English translation of the original Train Man archives?
Google's fails hard, but not as completely as my own translating abilities.
You remember the brouhaha over "yuki means snow"?
Well my original reaction to that TL note went along the lines of a quite earnest
     well that certainly is a fun new fact to learn.
     thank you including it, translation dudes!

Anyway, I'm sure I would enjoy reading the original Train Man threads translated and I doubt its an all too unique sentiment, so I'm guessing they exist somewhere out there, but I've not tracked them down effectively yet.
>> No. 7009 [Edit]
I only know of the website

I don't know if its good or not because I only last read it when I was first starting anime and such.
>> No. 7013 [Edit]
Not the OP, but just quickly skimming all the threads in their translation area seems as if it's all good. Thanks for the link.
>> No. 7079 [Edit]
that is quite wonderful, thank you for the link
>> No. 7129 [Edit]
i wonder if this event inspired a small wave of railway vigilanteism amongst the nichanneru crowd

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