No. 7014
And yet the board itself doesn't get any traffic. I always wished /ma/ would move at a faster pace but it won't happen I guess.
/so/ isn't really about loneliness, though. //Well, at least it wasn't two weeks ago, haven't checked it lately (first my router died, now it's my monitor - I'm currently using my TV as a substitute along with a stonge age router that disconnects every 2 minutes and I just don't know what to do about all of this - I can't read manga on this thing)// Yeah, sometimes people will just plain rant about how their life sucks and how they wished they had friends and so on. But from what I can tell ~70% of the time this isn't the case and as gisacle mentioned, /so/ has a decent amount of threads touching on interesting topics.
Also, this is /fb/ material I'd say.