This is a board for topics that don't fit on other boards, but that are still otaku/hobby related.

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File 130548632864.jpg - (25.84KB , 400x266 , sesame_street_count_dracula.jpg )
6966 No. 6966 [Edit]
/ot - 6961
/so - 4014
/an - 3858
/vg - 2898
/mai - 2713
/pic - 2340
/ns 1767
/cr - 1160
/fig - 1067
/mp3 - 975
/fb - 971
/mt - 608
/vn - 519
/ma - 506
/foe - 366

i decided to rank the sites boards by total post count.
what do you think the ranking reflects about the site's users?
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>> No. 6967 [Edit]
ha ha ha
>> No. 6969 [Edit]
Business as usual.
>> No. 6971 [Edit]
this brings up an important question:
            do puppets count as 2d or 3d?
>> No. 6972 [Edit]
Did not expect to see [an/ in third.
>> No. 6973 [Edit]
It kind of bums me out to see /so/ be the second most popular board
>> No. 6977 [Edit]
/mai/ and /ma/ need more posts. I don't know how I feel about /foe/'s ranking.
>> No. 6978 [Edit]
I still go to /jp/ for my touhou discussions
>> No. 6979 [Edit]
I feel as if Touhou does not have enough material to occupy a single board. It needs its own board so the content does not flow into the other ones but I am not surprised that it is such a empty board.
>> No. 6981 [Edit]
I'd have expected /mai/ to be in third.. Eh, oh well.

/so/ is like the 'flagship' board for tc. That and /mai/.
>> No. 6983 [Edit]
>/so/ is like the 'flagship' board for tc.

That's what bums me out
>> No. 6984 [Edit]
Here it is based on unique users.
so 917
ot 848
mai 636
an 580
vg 534
mp3 252
fb 209
fig 205
cr 195
mt 148
foe 146
ma 145
vn 143
ns 136
pic 53
ddl 8
>> No. 6987 [Edit]
>/ot - 6961
>/so - 4014

It tells me that few people actually come here to discuss otaku stuff.
>> No. 6988 [Edit]
Yeah that kind of sucks. What really gets me is when some people here say they don't care about Japanese things at all, since that's like 90% of the site's purpose. It's like if I posted on a sports forum or something.
>> No. 6990 [Edit]
I really wish that the media boards and /ot/ would have been the focal points and /so/ just sort of a side thing, but the opposite has happened. Can't be helped I guess
>> No. 6991 [Edit]
if this place was just an otaku board I dont think it would be much different from the many other otaku boards out there
>> No. 6992 [Edit]
I sometimes wonder if I'm the only one who never touches /so/.
>> No. 6993 [Edit]
I do because it's nice to get some stuff off my chest every once and a while. I've pretty much run out of things to say though
>> No. 6997 [Edit]
I think /so/ is so popular because it is pretty unique to tohnochan.

There aren't many image boards where you can go and talk about your problems without being mocked relentlessly.
There are plenty of image boards where you can talk about media.

Its not a bad thing.
>> No. 6998 [Edit]
I never do either. Frankly, I don't really care about loneliness. I pretty much accepted what I am.
>> No. 7004 [Edit]
I'm happy with my life, and I still post on /so/. It just has interesting discussions.
>> No. 7006 [Edit]
it'd be nice if manga were more popular. i guess thats why i can't find translations of a lot of the stuff i want to read.
oh well, maybe i'll eventually learn japanese.
>> No. 7010 [Edit]
I wish it were so too. Mainly because I only read manga and don't really touch the other japanese media. Ive gotten so used to the pace that I simply do not have the attention span to watch anime or read VNs anymore.
>> No. 7012 [Edit]
It's still by far more popular, with much more translated material, then VNs.
>> No. 7014 [Edit]

And yet the board itself doesn't get any traffic. I always wished /ma/ would move at a faster pace but it won't happen I guess.


/so/ isn't really about loneliness, though. //Well, at least it wasn't two weeks ago, haven't checked it lately (first my router died, now it's my monitor - I'm currently using my TV as a substitute along with a stonge age router that disconnects every 2 minutes and I just don't know what to do about all of this - I can't read manga on this thing)// Yeah, sometimes people will just plain rant about how their life sucks and how they wished they had friends and so on. But from what I can tell ~70% of the time this isn't the case and as gisacle mentioned, /so/ has a decent amount of threads touching on interesting topics.

Also, this is /fb/ material I'd say.
>> No. 7015 [Edit]
/so/ is mostly about depression and very little about actual loneliness.
>> No. 7016 [Edit]
wow, so tohno-chan is where the boring narcissists from /r9k/ ended up at?
lol, i'd have never expected that, but now that i know i guess its my responsibility to go tell the folks over at 4chon.

>> No. 7017 [Edit]

>> No. 7018 [Edit]
Thank you for being so responsible.
>> No. 7020 [Edit]
These rankings reflect the fact that many people who go to Tohno-chan are people who are considered outsiders to the mainstream world. People who have been bullied, socially isolated by their peers or society, people who can't fit into the mainstream because of various reasons. The board does fit a particular niche for NEET, Hikikomori, socially isolated, and others with similar conditions.
>> No. 7021 [Edit]
Still, I'd rather TC be a place those people go to discuss anime and games and stuff, not how depressed they are
>> No. 7022 [Edit]
I think we have an unhealthy amount of meta discussion.
>> No. 7023 [Edit]
Well, it's both. Why shouldn't it be? This is the only place I know of where people understand. It's great if you don't care that they're alone, but we're all in different situations. Some of us are under a lot of pressure that we can't get rid of.

I agree that we don't want to attract the wrong sorts of people with /so/, but I don't think that's been happening very much lately judging from posts.
>> No. 7024 [Edit]
*if you don't care that you're alone
>> No. 7025 [Edit]
>> No. 7028 [Edit]
>I think we have an unhealthy amount of meta discussion.

I don't. As long as it stays on /fb/ or /ot/ why does it bother you?
>> No. 7029 [Edit]
Really, all meta discussion should go on /fb/. That's what the board is there for after all
>> No. 7030 [Edit]
But if a mod makes a meta thread, is it still feedback or off topicness!?
>> No. 7031 [Edit]
did a mod make this?
>> No. 7032 [Edit]
I think so. I don't see how else they could post unique users.

Post edited on 16th May 2011, 1:24pm
>> No. 7035 [Edit]
pretty much, I've been thinking of maybe renaming it to /fb/ - meta

well we have the unique user posts thing bellow the post area.
and the person that made the unique users post was not the same person as OP.
>> No. 7042 [Edit]
I think /so/ should be renamed too since it's more about general depression than being "lonely".
>> No. 7073 [Edit]
> 4chon
>> No. 7075 [Edit]

'Depression' might not be the best choice but I always felt /so/ was never about loneliness in the first place (well, we could argue about the old /so/ where discussing 3DPD wouldn't get you lynched but nowadays it's different). Back in the day I would've suggested /so/ - Suicide/General. Now it's hard to find an appriopriate name due to vast variety of topics discussed there. /so/ - Madhouse/Snake Pit/Sanatorium if you'd prefer to be more 'politically correct'.

I kinda like Snake Pit for some reason.
>> No. 7082 [Edit]
I prefer Mad Snake Pit-House, gets almost everything in there.
>> No. 7083 [Edit]
/so/ = Life or lack thereof
>> No. 7085 [Edit]
File 130567063540.jpg - (10.40KB , 176x106 , ptkan Tenshi ?.jpg )
It's really called Snake Pit now.
>> No. 7087 [Edit]
What does "snake pit" mean?
>> No. 7090 [Edit]
In before /so/'s post rate drops because no one knows what Snake Pit means.
>> No. 7091 [Edit]
I don't know what snake pit means...

I actually preferred the name 'ronery', it fit in with the Japanese orientation of the site. I don't really like the name 'snake pit'..
>> No. 7092 [Edit]
>> No. 7094 [Edit]
Neither do I
>> No. 7095 [Edit]
snake pit
n. Slang
1. A place of disorder and chaos.
2. A mental health facility.

Very clever.
>> No. 7097 [Edit]
I find Snake Pit to be a bad name for /so/. It sounds as if we were all lunatics or if we were unorganized when it came to acting civilized. Also gives the feel that there is something wrong with the people who frequent it.

On the contrary, /so/ is a safe heaven to many of us and an organized group for the discussions from everyday to serious problems.
>> No. 7103 [Edit]
I didnt think anyone would seriously believe /so/ was going to be renamed to 'Snake Pit'

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