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File 130540644727.png - (37.79KB , 510x160 , demand_logo.png )
6931 No. 6931 [Edit]
I hate making new threads that already existed before, but since the other is gone it can't be helped. Also I thought this would concern us.

Seems that if this shit passes through, the amount of censorship in the us is suddenly gonna surpass that of china.
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>> No. 6933 [Edit]
Even if that faggotry passes, the blacklist will be incompetent as fuck - see the firefox extensions that bypass ICE takedowns and the danish government blacklists being horribly outdated.
>> No. 6934 [Edit]
plus I doubt it would pass. these kinds of things have been floating around for what seems like forever and nothing ever comes of them
>> No. 6935 [Edit]

Greetings from Canada. The new Internet surveillance state.
>> No. 6936 [Edit]
Canada is pretty much fucked because it's being ruled entirely by conservatives now. I would say come to america but the same will happen to us within a few years
>> No. 6937 [Edit]
Also canada wants to make it illegal to link to hate sites, which pretty much means every site on the internet. If I lived in canada I'd be researching suicide methods right about now
>> No. 6940 [Edit]

Canadafag here, shit sucks having a majority conservative government now. All their draconian laws are going to be pushed through, ruin the country, and by the time the power is back to the left where it belongs, our culture won't give a fuck and be complacent with their lives.

It sucks.
>> No. 6943 [Edit]
I wouldn't be too surprised if this passes, most people won't even care as long as they can still browse Fecesbook. If the internet ever becomes completely regulated then I'm out.
>> No. 6954 [Edit]
File 130544249565.jpg - (3.82KB , 78x118 , onion.jpg )
The darknet awaits, gentlemen.

Post edited on 14th May 2011, 11:55pm
>> No. 6955 [Edit]
could you sugest a few interesting tor-only links (or tags) for internet-activism purposes? to be honest, up to now I've just found vidalia useful for you know what...

Post edited on 15th May 2011, 12:54am
>> No. 6956 [Edit]

Tor is very unsecure and it's sooooo easy to figure out an IP of a user. Not to mention so many of the nodes are blatant honeypots. I see so many 10mbit+ pipes running nodes all on the same IP it's hilarious. Don't even get started on all the ways you can leak java/flash/activex etc into a page to get info.

It's safe enough for daily browsing I guess, but I would not trust it for anything serious. I'm sure nobody on Tohno would last long in a prison.
>> No. 6960 [Edit]
I heard it's unreliable.

What are some opinions on other anonymous nets, like Freenet or I2P?
>> No. 6961 [Edit]
Freenet is unbelievably slow, and unreliable too.
>> No. 6970 [Edit]
>Tor is very unsecure and it's sooooo easy to figure out an IP of a user.
Me thinks you don't understand onion routing, but feel free to prove me wrong.

>Don't even get started on all the ways you can leak java/flash/activex etc into a page to get info.

Oh. Well that's why you use it in combination with No Script. I thought that would be common sense.
>> No. 6976 [Edit]
What's funny is that Obama himself has criticized China for it's internet censorship yet has no problem with our own government doing the same thing. He's such a fucking piece of shit, but so is anyone who would get the republican nomination so either way we are fucked until 2016. Probably beyond 2016 as well because the american people are idiots

Post edited on 15th May 2011, 2:35pm
>> No. 7019 [Edit]

At least Trump isn't running
>> No. 7158 [Edit]
Well apparently CEO of google is against it this time. This is what came in my e-mail from the demand progress people:

Great news: We don't always see eye-to-eye with Google, but we're on the same team this time. Google CEO Eric Schmidt just came out swinging against PROTECT IP, saying, "I would be very, very careful if I were a government about arbitrarily [implementing] simple solutions to complex problems." And then he went even further. From the LA Times:

"If there is a law that requires DNSs, to do X and it's passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the president of the United States and we disagree with it then we would still fight it,"
>> No. 7539 [Edit]
Well fuck, shit passed.

Though minutes after it did, someone put a "hold" on it, buying more time, though I'm not that optimistic about it all. Though more big companies are against it, in addition to google, Yahoo, and the Computer and Communications Industry Association, Consumer Electronics Association, and Net Coalition are making their opposition vocal. Demand Progress and a dozen other civil liberties and human rights groups circulated a letter in opposition this week. I'm hoping these companies get it to drop, but if this shit passes..... I'm gonna miss you guys.
>> No. 7540 [Edit]
If it passes Tohno-chan could go down as well as any other imageboard (you know the one).

Although if it passes I will be happy for one thing. See the faces of "the music, film, software, gaming and publishing industries, which loses billions of dollars in revenue each year to online piracy." and then when they'll notice it was all for nothing.

Hahaha. Hahahahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh man, it will be hilarious.
>> No. 7541 [Edit]
I won't live long enough to see that because I'm going to put a bullet in my head pretty soon after the internet dies.
>> No. 7542 [Edit]
Don't worry, we'll all just go underground! Yay, Tohno-chan 2!
>> No. 7543 [Edit]
Oh fuck, I guess I should start downloading everything I can.
>> No. 7544 [Edit]
>Well fuck, shit passed.

the judiciary committee. the senate hasnt touched it yet
>> No. 7545 [Edit]
Why would TC go down in the first place? We're hardly a hub of piracy or CP or anything.
>> No. 7546 [Edit]
We also don't pose a threat to the RIAA or Hollywood's bank accounts, and we don't do shit like DDoS Visa. The people in charge of blacklisting wouldn't give a fuck about us
>> No. 7547 [Edit]
piratebay and wikileaks will be blocked (and they will both constantly pop up under new names) and that's about it.
>> No. 7548 [Edit]
I still can't believe they haven't realised the the majority of people that pirate stuff are people that wouldn't pay for it anyway.
>> No. 7549 [Edit]
That's a stupid argument because if they had no way of getting it for free they would pay for it if they wanted it enough.
>> No. 7550 [Edit]
As true as this is, it's all the same shit to the ignorant.
but we do have the fact that we're hidden and still pretty far off the radar to help us out if and when they start hunting for imageboards.
>> No. 7551 [Edit]
>if and when they start hunting for imageboards

why would they do this
>> No. 7552 [Edit]

No, this isn't an Onion article
>> No. 7553 [Edit]
Because internet super-heroes like using the name 'Anonymous'?
>> No. 7554 [Edit]

The whole Anonymous entity that the media has been calling "cyber activists" as of late is not in any way connected to imageboards anymore, man. It's all moved to Facebook now.
>> No. 7555 [Edit]
pretty much yeah.
I'm sure they think all image boards are breeding grounds for "Anonymous" hacker/pirates.
>> No. 7557 [Edit]
it seems like every time i start to feel the least bit happy i see shit like this and go right back to wishing i had an exit bag
>> No. 7561 [Edit]
Where the fuck am I supposed to move if this shit passes? No one likes Americans.
>> No. 7562 [Edit]
I would recommend canada, because they speck English in most of the country.
but they're not doing much better

you could try this maybe?

There's also trying to learn Spanish and going to Mexico, maybe getting a tan and growing a mustache so people don't give you to much crap.
>> No. 7582 [Edit]
Into a grave. Seriously, the rest if the world is crumbling too; you won't be happy anywhere

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