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File 130538513972.jpg - (299.29KB , 1024x670 , Japanese_soldier_with_bird.jpg )
6908 No. 6908 [Edit]
Yesterday I watched Letters from Iwo Jima.
In the middle of the night, zapping through TV channels. Missed the first 20 minutes of it. Checked info, "American movie..." and instantly prepared for PURRLLL HURR BURR style garbage.

But I was pleasantly surprised, the Japs spoke, amazingly enough, in Japanese. So I kept watching.
Wow, they are being depicted as humans with feelings, how uncommon for an American movie. I started to get captivated by it.

Later comes the scene where Saigo and Shimizu want to desert to the merricans. Shimizu goes first, and a soldier with him. The soldier gets shot while trying to flee, but Shimizu makes it. Soon after he comes across some American troops and is captivated, where he meets another deserter.

I thought "nah they certainly won't get shot, like they would have been in reality, Americans were famed for shooting Japanese even after they surrendered", but guess what happens, both of them get shot. Now I really started to like this movie, it was American yet not ridiculously [negatively] subjective in its portrayal of non-American characters like such movies normally are.

Great movie, truly recommendable.
Respect for America: +1
(Yeah, there were some factual inaccuracies etc., but that had little to do with the subject of the movie, and the impressive thing is that Japanese were depicted as humans)
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>> No. 6915 [Edit]
I watched something similar as well recently. I cannot remenber the title of the movie as I saw only a fraction of it, but it had the main characters as descendents of japanese immigrants to America. The story revolved around the sight of the japanese immigrants in America during World War II, something that I had never heard of during history classes or overall studies of the war.

They were actually deported back to Japan soon as America joined the war, apparently. It went through the family receiving the news about the attack to Pearl and being visited by government spokespeople to get them out of theyre houses and into boats to send them back. A nice overall view of the japanese community in America during the war.

Though the movie you've watched is american, it appears to be made by a japanese descendent as director. I would not expect such a humane view of the soldiers was the director not from the losing side.
>> No. 6916 [Edit]
The director of Letters from Iwo Jima is Clint Eastwood, who to my knowledge is not Japanese at all. I've seen enjoyable movies from him before.
Although most of the cast was Japanese.
>> No. 6917 [Edit]
File 130539677884.jpg - (288.92KB , 788x1153 , Concentratedlove05B.jpg )
Wow, i read this thread and now i want Japanese-American internment camp doujin.
>> No. 6919 [Edit]
Wait. I thought Letters from Iwo Jima was a Japanese made movie.

Uh, please post a link to where yo got that from
>> No. 6948 [Edit]
1941 is a Stephen Spielberg movie about unnerved and idiotic Americans in California bickering about coastal defense while a Japanese sub filled with the only intelligent people in the movie successfully attacks a coastal theme park, throws a Nazi overboard, takes a POW, and unintentionally makes a civilian destroy his entire house.

That's relatively human.
>> No. 6952 [Edit]
what the fuck am i reading
>> No. 6957 [Edit]
Iwo Jima was a relatively good film, but like most American war films, they're just packed with subtle nationalist, patriotic and often propagandist messages. I saw a real interesting programme on TV once about how much the Pentagon, CIA, Department of Defense and other crap get involved when you make a war film in the states.
>> No. 6958 [Edit]
File 130545930368.jpg - (113.55KB , 631x291 , 1243035382635.jpg )
Oh god that's hilarious. I kind of feel bad for laughing as hard as I did.
>> No. 6962 [Edit]
File 130548299789.jpg - (62.84KB , 400x300 , Its-A-Conspiracy.jpg )

>> No. 6963 [Edit]
Come on now, all governments use films and other media to sway public opinion. The US government is no exception.
>> No. 6974 [Edit]

Naw, it's really not. I mean it sounds silly to say the DoD sticks their fingers in movies, but they honestly do.

Check out this great programme if you want, called Hollywood and The War Machine. It talks about the direct and indirect influence the US Government and agencies within play in the making of war films. It's actually an amazing little documentary/discussion, including Oliver Stone who directed pretty much all the recent iconic war films, like Platoon, Born on the Fourth of July etc. Chris Hedges also talks, and he's a pretty damn good academic/philosopher on modern society. Hilariously Micheal Moore is there, and his input sucks as usual.
>> No. 6982 [Edit]
This is why I only take in my propaganda from the UK.

Besides their treatment of Ireland, their foreign policy is much, much more relaxed, unbiased and truthful than the American "If you're not a patriot you're a terrorist" media.
>> No. 7043 [Edit]
File 130558622081.jpg - (67.87KB , 499x719 , Germaniamica.jpg )
Are there any American movies that depict German WW2-era soldiers as humans with feelings?
Germany has been demonized in Western media far more than Japan, so that would really impress me.
>> No. 7044 [Edit]
cross of iron
kelley's heros
>> No. 7046 [Edit]

...but that was cancelled out by that shitty other movie that came out right afterwards.
>> No. 7049 [Edit]
Which movie was that?
>> No. 7051 [Edit]
Inglorious Bastards
>> No. 7052 [Edit]
Bitch you did NOT just insult Inglourious Basterds
>> No. 7055 [Edit]
Seriously, fuck any movie that Queefin Tarantino makes. Also any movie about WWII Germany that does not clearly define the line between the Wehrmacht (Luftwaffe, Heer and Kriegsmarine) and the Nazi Party (SS and SA).
>> No. 7056 [Edit]
why are you so obsessed with nazis?
>> No. 7057 [Edit]
Ffffff it's like you didn't even read what I said.
>> No. 7058 [Edit]
literally half your posts are about nazi-related things
>> No. 7059 [Edit]
nazis are cool bro
>> No. 7060 [Edit]
I've only posted four times?
>> No. 7065 [Edit]
I think hamish ment that half of your total posts on the entire site are about nazis. And I agree completely, it seems true from what i've read.
>> No. 7070 [Edit]
I thought Downfall was really good. The depictions of Hitler and the Nazi brass and staff are as actual human characters, albeit most of them highly flawed. It also draws a line between Hitler and his SS men and ideological supporters, and his regular army generals and soldiers and the common people of Berlin, who are being forced by the Nazi leadership to fight to the death. It's a German movie, but it got a pretty wide theater release and positive reviews in the US.
>> No. 7074 [Edit]
Very interesting video, thanks for posting.
>> No. 7077 [Edit]
No, I think I can find two posts and remember one time in the chat I have mentioned the alleged material.

At least I don't talk about my race.
>> No. 7081 [Edit]
they portrayed the Heer soldiers as decent person, see the sergeant who when asked if he got the iron cross for Jews responded "Bravery".

Inglorious Basterds DID do that. I think the SS colonel who pointed out the British officers' accent was a prime example of that.

He said he would've been a Nazi if DESU didnt pull him out of that, and he is Protestant(Lutheran) German mainly, specifically Prussian. Well his ancestry is that. Also he says he likes the uniforms lol

well that's not American-made though. Still a good movie I agree, I saw it personally.

you talked about it in DESU's thread in /so., in the con thread dealing with Hetalia about dressing up....and that's it.

Speaking of related things, you listened to Hanzel Und Gretyl?

Its blatant Nazipunk hah
>> No. 7084 [Edit]
I've found at least 13 so far
>> No. 7088 [Edit]
I don't listen to shit, sorry.

Also in my defense, my most expensive uniform is a Russian Spetsnaz uniform. I guess now I'm a Nazi AND a Soviet!
What are your criteria?
>> No. 7089 [Edit]
Nothings wrong with being obsessed with Nazis mate. Nazis are pretty cool dudes!

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