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File 130526289275.jpg - (315.39KB , 600x398 , 2-nostalgia-iris-greenwell.jpg )
6843 No. 6843 [Edit]
What are your most nostalgic memories?
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>> No. 6845 [Edit]
Playing video games with my brothers.
>> No. 6849 [Edit]
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The atmosphere of the 90s.
>> No. 6852 [Edit]
>> No. 6854 [Edit]
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Playing Goldeneye with my friend and his brothers.
Early 90's Disney cartoons.
The daycare I went to.
My grandfather's summer house.
>> No. 6856 [Edit]
The one time when I got to play video games and watch movies with other kids my age.

I wish that could have happened more than once.
>> No. 6857 [Edit]
I was in a gifted class in elementary school, which pretty much meant that every Wednesday I got leave my shitty normal class and go to the gifted class, where all we did was play around on computers and watch bill nye all day. This was in the mid 90s, so the only computer games we got were some sort of battle chess game, sim city, and some game where you're a robot that bakes cakes or some shit. I loved all of them ;_;
>> No. 6858 [Edit]
>I was in a gifted class in elementary school, which pretty much meant that every Wednesday I got leave my shitty normal class and go to the gifted class
Whoa, me too. But instead of doing what you did, we would study things like ocean life, color, and rocketry. My favorite moment has to be the rocket-launching contest we had at the end of my 5th grade year.
>> No. 6859 [Edit]
I'm not sure if it is nostalgia googles but I believe that TV was way better back then.
>> No. 6860 [Edit]
I don't get nostalgic.
>> No. 6893 [Edit]
I remember, yes, I remember. I have too many nostalgic memories to count, but I will share one of my dearest ones.

I'm not sure on the exact date. Could have been late January, maybe mid-February - Not this year, of course. Long ago. I still find it strange that this memory is so vivid, while all of the other ones have been decayed by time.

I returned to class from lunch, early. There was a bit of snow on the ground. A few clouds were in the air, making the sky seem darkened. I gazed at the hillsides surrounding the school, the sky seemed soft against it. The red brick of the various buildings littering the campus provided such an odd contrast to the light-grey sky. I entered the building that my class was in, waiting for lunch to be over, so I could resume class, get through the day. A few other losers were there, too, doing...loser things, rather than socializing at lunch. It was nice that I wasn't completely alone. As the minutes wore thin, more people trickled in. After a while, somebody shouted, "It's snowing!", and it was. A class of kids waiting for their teacher to return paused. They looked out the window. Sheets of snow were cascading from the heavens. It was honest beauty, a rare kind for me to find. The girl of my affections said 'hi' to me that day, while the snow fell, I guess she felt sorry for me. Then again, she was a friendly girl. That totally means what you think it means, too. I had a few vague acquaintances in that class, and we watched the snow together, sitting near the heater. When everyone entered was back from lunch, we just watched the snow fall together (not in silence, of course - we were teenagers, not over 60's). When the class ended (lunch was at the very end of the period, so we had 5 minutes of break time in between lunch and the next class), everybody simply packed their bags, left, and things proceeded as they were from then on. But that moment, that singular moment, is something I will always hold dear to my heart, and something I will never be able to have back...

I don't know why such a memory makes me feel this way. Is it the girl? No, it couldn't be. I always thought that it was that craving for 'purity' along with 'normalcy' that I was never able to quite crush. However, time taught me of the true essence of human beings (I know I'm the only one who remembers that day so fondly), and here I am. Yet, I will never forget that day, and I don't think I'll forget the times when I felt a glimmer of purity in life. I yearn, friends. I'm sitting here, yearning with all my heart for another chance that I will never get. It's not an uncommon occurrence, though. Yearning for wishes that will never come true is a large part of my life as it is. Still I wonder, has it all been in vain? I don't regret my path as it is (it's my decision, etc.), but if I could do it all over again, I would. Just to have moments like that back.

tl;dr - Nostalgia goggles on the highest setting aren't anything to fuck around with.
>> No. 6896 [Edit]
We were like that. Well I was in 7th and 8th grade for english. Shit was so cash, I missed that and some of the sumer programs I went to (Debate team and HPPSHI, a public health academic summer program). Ironic as I didnt like that summer program then as well I liked playing video games and whatnot.

spending time in m house in summer alone when my mom was at work or somewhere else, marathoning anime series, playing video games, watching tv and anime on the TV (Stuff like some of the Pokemon movies), posting on forums. This was summer 2005 and 2006.

Also wandering around my neighborhood and following bike trails to parts of my city, or wandering around the city center alone.

And, uh living in the ghetto when younger and seeing the fire tuck come by, and seeing people open the fire hydrant down the street from me during summer, and talking to these older guys down the block about weather.
>> No. 6897 [Edit]
I have rather fond memories surrounding my old ps1 and the few games I played the hell out of on it, namely the spiro games, ctr and v81&2.
It was only a few years ago, but that freezing cold night far far away from home, watching gunbuster on my psp at 3 am in a small employ's brake room they luckily left unlocked.
I recently dug out all my old lego sets and I guess you can say, nostalgia hit me like a brick
Not much else, I need more ram upstairs.
>> No. 6899 [Edit]
File 130536246814.jpg - (93.02KB , 560x432 , ahaha.jpg )
>nostalgia hit me like a brick
>> No. 6904 [Edit]
Audio morrowind_title.mp3 - (1.74MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 1:54
Playing Morrowind all day for several months.
It was like living in a different world and country. I even picked up the local language (English) during my stay.
>> No. 6906 [Edit]
I don't think I have any.
>> No. 6907 [Edit]
Pretty much this.
>> No. 6968 [Edit]
When I was a kid whenever my mother vacuumed carpets I'd lay down on the couch in the same room. For some reason, the sound of the vacuum made me sleepy as it somehow made me feel all warm and cozy.

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