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File 130521394591.jpg - (44.63KB , 387x628 , bugs pedophile.jpg )
6808 No. 6808 [Edit]
Why America, why?
You could have done this so well, but nope, you have to make bugs look like a faggot pedophile and change the episode format to a god damned sitcom.
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>> No. 6809 [Edit]
thats what i said!
>> No. 6811 [Edit]
I heard about the Looney Tunes remake but I didn't even want to watch a preview of it. And a sitcom format? fuck.

Bugs looks the same as ever, though.
>> No. 6812 [Edit]
>god damned sitcom

you mean the 22 minute ep? That's not so bad, stuff like Tiny Toons I think had a 22 minute format and its showed that western animation can work w/that slot.
>> No. 6813 [Edit]
>bugs look like a faggot pedophile

Tell me more. I'm pretty sure the television censors would not let something like that slide. Just how does he look like a pedophile?
>> No. 6814 [Edit]
The only thing I don't like about his design is he looks too purpley. I can't really speak for the show itself but it's probably awful
>> No. 6820 [Edit]
>faggot pedophile

then you don't belong on /tc/. If you don't like 2d lolis, then you have no place here.
>> No. 6822 [Edit]
Somehow I don't think that's what OP meant.
>> No. 6823 [Edit]
usa usagi
>> No. 6826 [Edit]
Yeah but tiny toons had a ton of off the wall jokes and stuff but this is more like the sitcoms you see on tv with mild episodic plot and, normally, bland jokes.
I mean, watch this clip, not only did Speedy get his whole bit butchered, but they're pulling the whole friendship thing they do in every cartoon these days.
I didn't even smile watching Daffy's antics.

What on earth are you talking about? pedophile =|= loli.
>> No. 6829 [Edit]
At least it's well animated. It looked like it was going to be Flash puppet animation like half the shows on Cartoon Network right now.

Post edited on 12th May 2011, 6:56pm
>> No. 6831 [Edit]
They modernized it to have dialogue and a more cohesive plot

If there's ever a cartoon to go back to slapstick style, it sure as hell won't be from Looney Tunes
>> No. 6832 [Edit]
why pedophile? Just because he wears a Japan hat?
>> No. 6837 [Edit]
File 13052546766.png - (68.39KB , 224x169 , Spoiler Picture.png )

Honestly, in light of Bugs' history, I'd say we've made progress.
>> No. 6842 [Edit]
>that picture

Oh god, my childhood burns. This can't be true.
>> No. 6848 [Edit]
File 130527502666.jpg - (50.86KB , 600x391 , space jam2.jpg )
y'all brohnos watching a troll show and should just go see Space Jam again if you want Looney Tunes
>> No. 6850 [Edit]
oh cool they made it into a slice of life show
>> No. 6851 [Edit]
The biggest issue I have with this show is that Speedy is the voice of reason.

Not my only issue, but this just bugs me to no end.
>> No. 6862 [Edit]
Sadly it is.

I need to rewatch it, actually. there needs to be a site with all the old episodes of the show too.

That's what makes the least sense to me, why speedy?
When i think of speedy, i think of a slightly crazy vigilante kind of mouse that gets his kicks out of screwing with cats, not some calm quiet pizza parlor owner who gives sage advice.
>> No. 6863 [Edit]
Speaking of space jam, it's website has been completely untouched since 1996

sort of interesting
>> No. 6864 [Edit]
It's like looking into the distant past of the internet's birth. What memories.
>> No. 6865 [Edit]
my favorite part is how a shit resolution wallpaper is in a zip file
>> No. 6866 [Edit]
I know! I took a look at the source code for some of the pages... I haven't seen things like tables, imagemaps, tiled backgrounds, frames, etc. in a very long time.
>> No. 6885 [Edit]
File 130534813282.jpg - (206.96KB , 900x650 , 1305095834310.jpg )
You guys actually watch TV? I haven't seen anything broadcasted locally for what has to be nearing two years...
>> No. 6905 [Edit]
I don't even own a TV, but that's mostly because in my country there's nothing on I want to see. If I were living in Japan or the US, I'd probably watch something every now and then.
>> No. 6939 [Edit]
I just watch Breaking Bad. Normally I assume hyped US shows are really bad (because 9/10 times they are) but BB really is a fantastic show.
>> No. 6985 [Edit]
Malcolm in the Middle's dad cooking meth and icing mofos is undeniably baddass.
>> No. 9597 [Edit]
I was talking to a young relative one day. We started talking about cartoons, and he mentioned Looney Tunes. I was surprised to learn they remade it. I asked him if he ever saw the old ones. He said yeah. Then I asked him about the new one. He said it was like the old one, but he then said it was actually funny. Honestly I don't know how to feel about that.

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