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6757 No. 6757 [Edit]
Have you ever been in a serious fist fight?
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>> No. 6758 [Edit]
>> No. 6759 [Edit]
Nah, I'm a pacifist.
>> No. 6760 [Edit]
I fought a kid once in elementary school; we just wanted to see who would win. It was more of a wrestling match I guess. We were sent to the principal's office after a teacher caught us fighting during recess, but it turns out the principal wasn't there that day. So we ended up avoiding any sort of punishment for it, and actually sort of became friends after that.
>> No. 6762 [Edit]
When I was a kid I got into a bunch of small fights, but nothing big enough to cause serious damage to anyone. I did get in trouble a lot, though.
>> No. 6765 [Edit]
A few. I lost every single one.
>> No. 6766 [Edit]
On one of the last days of 6th grade, the entire grade had a huge water balloon fight. Since nobody liked me, lots of kids would gang up on me. One group in particular was relentless; five or six kids would all come up at once and through the balloons as hard as they could, so they wouldn't pop, they'd just smack me hard enough to leave a welt.

The semi-leader threw a balloon at me, but it didn't pop when it hit the ground, so I picked it up and all the kids ran different directions. I chased after the leader, and he wore those retarded skate shoes that no one ever ties, so it fell off and I picked that up, too. He told me to give it back, and I said, "Let me hit you and I will." Naturally, he got all his friends to come over and wrestle the shoe away from me. (The water balloon popped in the process as well).

The leader was too far away to hit at that point, but someone else was still close to me, so I yanked on his necklace to choke him. It broke. He started punching me in the stomach, and FINALLY a teacher noticed and broke us up.

We both got suspended, and the other kids got off with no punishment.
>> No. 6768 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure if someone punched me I would kill them, or at least try to until they knock me unconscious/kill me. I have 20 years of pent up aggression and I don't care about my life very much
>> No. 6772 [Edit]
I feel the same way. Sometimes I daydream about antagonizing some random, obnoxious moron just so I could take a swing at him. I've never been in a fight and I don't care if I lose either.
>> No. 6773 [Edit]
I defended myself twice from bullers in middle school; but, fortunately, we got quickly separated so they didn't count as serious fights.

Apart from that, I've been punched on the face just once, by robers on the street, and only once I got really beaten the hell up by a bunch of drunk football (amateur) players, who pushed me to the ground and kicked me everywhere, breaking me teeths and stuff (I was trying to save a friend from them, by distracting them; I succeeded).
>> No. 6774 [Edit]
I did quite a few times when I was in elementary and middle school but I don't remember ever being the progenitor of one. It was funny because almost all the people I had fights with became somewhat my friends later on. In elementary school, on my first year there used to be a lot of fights in the backyard, where the "grown-ups" played football. There was this frail, poor dude on my class that liked to do all sorts of pranks and other stupid things to people, so one day in class I simply punched my fist into one of his eyes. The next day he came with black eye in class and punched me in the eye. We later became friends.

My best friend in middle school was a guy that was almost 4 inches taller than me. We usually started the day by fighting each other then ended best friends and having hugs and brofists by the end of it, and this was nearly every day like this. Good times.
>> No. 6775 [Edit]
I can understand you. I think we are a rare type in this world. Strict social regulations means fights nowadays are social/psychological and more resemble spats between women. Men can go through their entire lives never having been in a fight. I find this an incredible shame.

Having a fight is a far more meaningful and honest exchange than a conversation. Tonegawa in the 'Kaiji' series explained this. No matter how much confidence the conversation is made in, how can you really be sure the other guy is being honest when all thats between you are words? In a fight, there is no room for lies and everything is communicated with brutal honesty. A fight is worth dozens of conversations. Its not strange that you became friends with the people you have once hated and fought- I did too.

These positive aspects of fighting may seem trivial in the face of the negative conseqeuences- being hurt, getting killed, or getting into trouble with the law. Adults cannot get into fights without invoking the wrath of those serious consequences, but amongst boys, the consequences are trivial.
>> No. 6776 [Edit]
>Men can go through their entire lives never having been in a fight. I find this an incredible shame.
are you really incapable of accepting that people can be honest without beating the shit out of each other? maybe you were born in the wrong century
>> No. 6777 [Edit]
No, obviously people have meaningful relationships without fighting each other.

Never having been in a fight is still a shame though.
>> No. 6779 [Edit]
The only serious fights I have been involved with are my against my brother. He's got a short temper, and we are very similar in age, so we obviously fought all the time growing up. He favors clawing, grappling and choking, so I wouldn't exactly count it as a fist fight, but whatever.

I am very pacifistic person, and am extremely reluctant to punch people, but I vividly recall the times in my life where I adequately defended myself. Strangely enough, those were the times where I actually won the fights.
>> No. 6781 [Edit]
My whole childhood and high school years were an incredible shame. So what.
>> No. 6782 [Edit]
Thats not what I mean mate.
>> No. 6783 [Edit]
I once got in a bit of a fight with someone in high school because I was trying to show that I was cool (which was a horrible mistake). I got in trouble for it, and afterwords we sorta became friends. To this day I feel horrible for doing it because we were both social rejects, and I discovered that we actually got along. I haven't talked to him since high school though. I remember he had a somewhat old car with a decent engine, he used to spin the tires in the parking lot a little when leaving school as a way to say "hi".

Oh, and one winter I got tackled outside my house by one local bully who I had offended somehow. I got them suspended from school and in trouble with the cops (and in the process his parents). Surprisingly he never bothered me again.

Post edited on 11th May 2011, 8:44am
>> No. 6786 [Edit]
Yes, somewhere around my senior year of high school. At some point, some asshole was annoying me. Eventually it got into a fist fight, when he punched me in the face, it didn't hurt. I punched him back and it hit him hard. Don't remember the rest. I got suspended so many times in the 9th grade for over stupid shit. Everyone was defending the other guy. I didn't do shit. All they did was provoke me.
>> No. 6789 [Edit]
File 130512829679.png - (191.66KB , 800x600 , Keanu and Yotsuba 2.png )
Nope, I hate violence when it's not fiction.
>> No. 6792 [Edit]
I've been in many fights, and my relationship with the other people just got worse.
>> No. 6793 [Edit]
>Having a fight is a far more meaningful and honest exchange than a conversation. Tonegawa in the 'Kaiji' series explained this. No matter how much confidence the conversation is made in, how can you really be sure the other guy is being honest when all thats between you are words? In a fight, there is no room for lies and everything is communicated with brutal honesty. A fight is worth dozens of conversations.
To be honest some of the stuff said in Kaiji is said because it sounds cool and not because it reflects reality. That's one of them. First, the idea that a fight is honest is obviously false. Someone can fight for plenty of dishonest reasons and the other person will never know. Second, what kind of ideas can you convey with a fist? Just a select few emotions. Not even a microscopic fraction of what you can with words.

There's a reason scientists write papers rather than go around punching each other.
>> No. 6794 [Edit]
>Having a fight is a far more meaningful and honest exchange than a conversation. Tonegawa in the 'Kaiji' series explained this. No matter how much confidence the conversation is made in, how can you really be sure the other guy is being honest when all thats between you are words? In a fight, there is no room for lies and everything is communicated with brutal honesty. A fight is worth dozens of conversations. Its not strange that you became friends with the people you have once hated and fought- I did too.

Stupid. Sorry, real life is not some anime. You realize they're just stories written by someone romanticizing about something for the sake of entertainment?

As for me, no. I once beat up some kid in school and had the cops called on me, but he didn't fight back so it does not count. I consider myself a pacifist.
>> No. 6795 [Edit]
I never was, and I want to never be. I cannot stand even fictional violence.
>> No. 6796 [Edit]
I broke up a fight once. There was this reject who was overweight, smelled bad, and poor. He also lied ridiculously and once threw his shit up the bathroom wall, which is a great story I won't tell in this post. Anyway, some dude started wailing on him in the locker room when no teachers were around. Everyone else was standing around with their thumbs up their asses so I pulled the other guy off him and told him to chill the fuck out.
>> No. 6799 [Edit]
>> No. 6800 [Edit]

Have fun being a fucking Neanderthal. I'll stay here in the 21st century and put my frontal lobe to good use, thanks.

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