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6623 No. 6623 [Edit]
Does anyone else feel "out of the loop" when it comes to modern pop culture? Yesterday I saw an ad for some award show and I literally did not recognize a single celebrity in it. I can probably name more touhous than I can songs released in the last 3 years
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>> No. 6624 [Edit]
The only really popular artist I know of right now is Lady Gaga, and that's only because people are constantly talking about her and spurting inside their pants about how fantastic she is, so it's impossible even for me not to know her. Aside from that I'm in the same place as you, and I'm very happy about it. The less of that bullshit I know about the better.
>> No. 6625 [Edit]
>Aside from that I'm in the same place as you, and I'm very happy about it. The less of that bullshit I know about the better.

Yeah, I agree. The only downside is if I ever get a job I'll never be able to talk with co-workers about anything, but then again I don't want to talk to people anyway
>> No. 6628 [Edit]
Very much so, I know next to nothing about what's hip and cool outside, and don't much care.
modern pop culture seems like a complete wasteland of no talent attention whores and spoiled skunks that look like they just got done working a street corner, getting praised and adored for the massed for being disgusting messes.
Why should I care who some guy is dating, where some trash shops, or what a pair of idiots named their kid? I don't care about that stuff when it comes to the people down the street, why should "celebrity's" be any different?
The quality of film and music seems to have really taken a nose dive, plots take a side track to the fancy cg and that 3D stuff, music sounds little more then people behind the scenes trying hard to make the 'artist' not sound half as bad as they really are, and I stopped watching TV when reality shows started taking over, with the exception of a few shows I downloaded.
I do fear a little that I'm becoming one of the old guys that think everything their kids like is crap and starts everything with "back in my day" but whatever, I don't care, don't care if I'm behind the times, and certainly don't care about the crap they put out and call entertainment.
>> No. 6629 [Edit]
the qaulity of film didn't nose dive it was always bad with a few gems in between. the nostalgia just makes you remember the few gems, but trust me there were some really bad movies that were popular.
take for instance Mannequin.
>> No. 6631 [Edit]
  Don't worry about it. Watch this, makes a lot of sense.
>> No. 6632 [Edit]
I don't care about TV, or movies or pop songs at all either.
>> No. 6633 [Edit]
the only modern western things I enjoy are Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, and It's Always Sunny
>> No. 6634 [Edit]
I hardly even know the 4chan memes from the last year or two.
>> No. 6635 [Edit]
>> No. 6665 [Edit]
No i manage to keep up to date decently with new/popular trends. I'm not fashionista but I can keep up to date decently. Example, I watch Real Housewives of X and Bad Girls Club and Jersey Shore.

Not like you only have to discuss popular shit, and besides they can fill you in or you can listen to them as they discuss it and infer if need be (annoying yes)

(User was banned for having extraordinarily shitty taste in television)
>> No. 6666 [Edit]
Yeah, and it feels good, man.
>> No. 6669 [Edit]
Yeah that makes sense.
>> No. 6672 [Edit]
The only thing I can talk about with normals is maybe... Dr. House?
>> No. 6676 [Edit]
I haven't watched TV or listened to the radio in a couple years, so I know how you feel.
>> No. 6679 [Edit]
Nope: not even that (and I do enjoy House).
>> No. 6688 [Edit]
I like House too, but the last few seasons have really gone downhill. I've heard that the next season may be the last, which is really good in my opinion because the show has nowhere else left to go.

>Example, I watch Real Housewives of X and Bad Girls Club and Jersey Shore.

Holy shit, I fucking hate you. I know nothing else about you and I wish nothing but harm onto you
>> No. 6691 [Edit]
I follow modern pop music thanks to listening to the radio. I need to keep connected in someway, but I work and drive a lot.

Its not a big deal, its not for every one


Thats a bit rude, he might be trolling or maybe that what he watches the chill out. Its about as intellectually stimulating as some of the anime out there.
>> No. 6692 [Edit]
>Thats a bit rude

I really don't care. I just wish he posted with a trip so I could get a script that hides his posts
>> No. 6693 [Edit]
To me, pop culture is nothing but stalking celebrities, and I really don't give two shits about what brand of paper towels they buy. And as for the part that's not professional stalking, most of the movies and music they cover is mainstream shit. Most movies made have sex and lust as a main plot mechanic or fancy CG to make up for complete lack of plot, and most mainstream music sounds pretty much the same.
>> No. 6694 [Edit]
Be glad. Celebrities are nothing but decadent whores. They leech and contribute nothing of value. If there was any justice in the world, they would be crucified in public.
>> No. 6695 [Edit]
Seriously. Whenever I see retards from Jersey Shore or whatever get glowing praise and treated like royalty it makes me want to vomit.
>> No. 6696 [Edit]
The most disgusting part is that these degenerates are role models for young people.
>> No. 6700 [Edit]
>(User was banned for having extraordinarily shitty taste in television)

I hope that's not one of those joke bans, and they really did it. Because seriously fuck anyone who watches jersey shore. I've never even heard of those other shows but I assume they are similar society rotting garbage
>> No. 6701 [Edit]
I checked and it's real, all be it short.
>> No. 6702 [Edit]
File 130506921287.jpg - (77.48KB , 454x530 , sumire_nazi.jpg )
Let this be a warning. Future posts similar to this will be killed with fire.
>> No. 6704 [Edit]

thank god
>> No. 6705 [Edit]
I own a TV but its just for DVD/bluray and video games. it isnt even plugged into an aerial.
I dont know about pop songs either. some podcast I listen to was playing this "party rockers in the house" song and I thought it was a spoof or a youtube song like Rebecca Black, then I happened to be somewhere and hear it on the radio.
>> No. 6706 [Edit]
I am almost completely out of the loop when it comes to popular stuff, although I pick up a little bit of awareness through internet osmosis. Mostly modern video games but a little bit of music and some movies/shows too. It doesn't add up to much though.
>> No. 6708 [Edit]
The word is "albeit," NOT "all be it."
>> No. 6710 [Edit]
Saying I watch certain shows means I deserve harm and death? Not even normalfags are that bigoted.

Wait. Saying you watch a show is enough to get you banned? For how long?
>> No. 6711 [Edit]
It's not that I fell out of the loop, I literally fled from it. I stopped caring when they began praising stupidity over actual intelligence. It really bothers me that such decadent behaviour is praised and I simply can not grasp the reason behind all of it.

Modern art is worse than a joke, it's literally garbage (I went on a visit to the local MoMa recently, as they had a free entry day). It was uninteresting, nothing catered to me or made me think for a second "Wow, this is actually impressive", no. Pop music is all the same regurgitated crap, absolutely no one strives to make something unique. One guy found a beat that worked, so everyone copies it. The TV is a continuous stream of non-sense and shit. Every single channel tries the hardest they can to not educated you. It's only sugar for the brain.

The only thing I have is the internet, but even here and every day more, I have to put up with this normalfag mainstream mediocrity. They want to filter what I can view, what I can hear, what I can learn. Fuck you society, you won't have me. /rant
>> No. 6712 [Edit]
You compared us to normalfags so the mods will probably put you on their hitlist.
>> No. 6713 [Edit]
The world would be a much better place if Hollywood and New York were wiped off the face of the planet by the Axis.
>> No. 6714 [Edit]
>Not even normalfags are that bigoted.

Tolerance is for the weak.
>> No. 6715 [Edit]
I would honestly not care if the mods banned people who watch jersey shore forever. Liking that show says a lot about a person
>> No. 6717 [Edit]
Nothing has changed.
It's the same shit we had in high school with new morons producing it.
>> No. 6719 [Edit]
the comparison isnt inaccurate now is it. Prove me wrong, how is it inaccurate. Especially given I didn even bring the subject up.

like what?
>> No. 6721 [Edit]
>like what?

Like you're a huge fucking moron who needs to be shot. I'm not usually this mean to people here but jesus christ who the fuck defends jersey shore.
>> No. 6722 [Edit]
I've never seen jersey shore and have no interest in it but I'm pretty sure you need to stop liking what I don't like.
>> No. 6723 [Edit]
Then you should get raped in the ass, you dumb fucking faggot. Get off the period you asspained piece of shit
>> No. 6725 [Edit]
Also, I'm pretty sure that Marilyn Manson got a sex change and came back as Lady GaGa.
>> No. 6728 [Edit]
Please take it easy.
>> No. 6729 [Edit]
sorry people hate your show about borderline retarded glowing orange people
>> No. 6730 [Edit]
please tell the enemy forces to also cease their battle as well
>> No. 6731 [Edit]
If you find jersey shore in any way enjoyable you don't belong here
>> No. 6732 [Edit]
b-but, there is someone who likes something that I don't! It's infuriating to me! I need to come at them, bro.
>> No. 6733 [Edit]
for all you know, he could have more anime/watch more anime than you do or have a bigger HD. We also dont know how he got to watch Jersey Shore.
>> No. 6734 [Edit]
jersey shore is normalfag garbage. He might as well have said he loves american idol
>> No. 6735 [Edit]
>The quality of film and music seems to have really taken a nose dive,
I hate when people say this. 2010 was an AMAZING year for film; tell me how many of these you saw (anyone reading this, not just Tohno) last year, and of those, how many you thought were bad movies:
127 Hours
Black Swan
Exit Through the Gift Shop
The Fighter
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
How to Train Your Dragon
The Illusionist
The Kids Are All Right
The King's Speech
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
True Grit
Winter's Bone

Music is harder to defend, but I'd say we have it pretty good in that regard as well. Pop music is never meant to intellectually stimulate you, it's just meant to make money. This has always been the case, and for a long stretch in the late 2000s, pop was not only unintelligent, it just wasn't catchy. Songs like Taio Cruz - Dynamite will never be remembered for elevating music to a new, unexplored plane, but at least it's fun to listen to.

While it's infuriating people always think we should worship Lady Gaga for writing her own songs (even though, you know... that's what every musician should do), she does do some very different things. Her new song, Judas, is possibly the least-mainstream mainstream song I've ever heard. And since she's so popular, everyone else is going to copy her, which means she actually is pushing the industry in a new direction. She could push it a lot more than she does, but it's still something.
>> No. 6736 [Edit]
Ok I just had to google this show, cause I had no idea what all this rage and insulting between users was about...

It does looks like shit, alright. But, fair or not (acording to the site's rules), that user was banned already and, by all means, this is what I'd really consider as detrimental posting:

>Like you're a huge fucking moron who needs to be shot.
>Then you should get raped in the ass, you dumb fucking faggot. Get off the period you asspained piece of shit

We've discussed this ad nauseaum: namecalling and witch hunts should not define this community's identity; it's juvenile, stereotypic, and cheap-vulgar.
>> No. 6737 [Edit]
The show isn't just shit, it's completely intolerable to anyone with half a brain (which is why normalfags eat it up). It is, indeed, competing with American Idol for the shittiest, most brain numbing thing ever put on television. The fact someone who could possibly enjoy such garbage is on this site makes me feel like a friend killed my parents or something.
>> No. 6738 [Edit]
Is it better than the other three or four songs of hers I've heard played over and over? I really can't tell if I hate Gaga because she's shit or if I hate her just because people won't shut up about an artist who, from what I can tell, isn't that special.
>> No. 6739 [Edit]
File 130508017847.jpg - (27.75KB , 300x406 , cinema DID used to be better.jpg )

>Black Swan
It was terrible: full of dying to be perfect clichés from emo girls' arsenal. Dance was all absent; dancers life cartoonized pitifully, even worst if as an example of vocational (human) drama. No wonder it would win somebody an Oscar: it's so trivial and predictible that simple-minded people just had to love it (just like it happened with, say, Titanic)...

I stopped thinking Aronofsky was that good of an artist/director ages ago; but I still hold some respect towards him, mainly because of Pi. Swan Lake just made him lost me completely (not even a masturbating skinny Portman in panties could make it worthy of watching).

>Toy Story 3
>How to Train Your Dragon
It's just kid's/familiar stuff and you know it; at the most, it praises failled moral values for the sake of a decaying society. As comedy? Meh.

>Lady Gaga
I've never been myself a defender of kitsch art, so I can't think of anything good about this weird dude/girl/character.

>Pop music is never meant to intellectually stimulate you
Well... yeah. No more comments.
>> No. 6740 [Edit]
Considering Lady Gaga, I haven't tried listening to her songs itself, but apparently if you just ignore all the hype and weirdness and consider them in a vacuum, her songs are actually very decent synth-pop.
>> No. 6742 [Edit]
Normal society isnt some monolithic group of morons who think Jersey Shore is good. Most people outside of this website would probably admit its stupid, even if they do watch it. Just like most people in Japan think K-On! is stupid.
>> No. 6743 [Edit]
See >>6740

It's fine if you hated Black Swan and HtTYD, but what about the others? And I didn't think Toy Story was kid's stuff. Familiar, yes, but so what?

>I've never been myself a defender of kitsch art
Me neither. I'm talking purely from musical standpoint.
>> No. 6744 [Edit]
Entering quicksand on purpose, are we?...
>> No. 6749 [Edit]
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i live for pop culture, how am i supposed to pass my time without music, films, or games?

lady gaga is pretty good, considering she is a clone of madonna. born this way looks nowhere near as good as the fame monster, but i'll still give the album a listen.

i enjoy her songs better when she plays them acoustically. i wish that she would have did a backwards david bowie and regressed into something simpler and maybe more artistic. not this corny "I WAS BORN THIS WAY ^__^ DON'T CARE WHAT OTHERS THINK ^__^ YOU'RE SPECIAL" garbage. i'd love to hear her do something "indie", using real orchestras instead of synths.
>> No. 6761 [Edit]
In retrospect, I should not have said that, as I hardly watch movies anymore.
Only saw Toy Story 3 of that lot.
My apologies.
>> No. 6769 [Edit]
These days I just don't give a shit anymore.

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