No. 6735
>The quality of film and music seems to have really taken a nose dive,
I hate when people say this. 2010 was an AMAZING year for film; tell me how many of these you saw (anyone reading this, not just Tohno) last year, and of those, how many you thought were bad movies:
127 Hours
Black Swan
Exit Through the Gift Shop
The Fighter
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
How to Train Your Dragon
The Illusionist
The Kids Are All Right
The King's Speech
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
True Grit
Winter's Bone
Music is harder to defend, but I'd say we have it pretty good in that regard as well. Pop music is never meant to intellectually stimulate you, it's just meant to make money. This has always been the case, and for a long stretch in the late 2000s, pop was not only unintelligent, it just wasn't catchy. Songs like Taio Cruz - Dynamite will never be remembered for elevating music to a new, unexplored plane, but at least it's fun to listen to.
While it's infuriating people always think we should worship Lady Gaga for writing her own songs (even though, you know... that's what every musician should do), she does do some very different things. Her new song, Judas, is possibly the least-mainstream mainstream song I've ever heard. And since she's so popular, everyone else is going to copy her, which means she actually is pushing the industry in a new direction. She could push it a lot more than she does, but it's still something.