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File 13050450336.jpg - (53.13KB , 600x450 , Chris_chan_looking_up.jpg )
6616 No. 6616 [Edit]
you know what really scares me?
being chris chan.
no really.
I mean I’ve followed this guy since 07 and enjoyed his antics and laughed at his expense. But I’ve come to realize that I’m only a stone’s throw away from being this guy. I mean if I had not encountered the ronery threads of old I probably would be stalking and harassing girls like him .Also Whenever I venture outside I’m terrified that people perceive me the same way as him, that I’m as pathetic and creepy as him and this has instilled a deep fear of going outside. Maybe I shouldn’t care what other people think but I can’t help it.
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>> No. 6617 [Edit]
I find his actions calming and reassuring. It's good to know I'll never be as pathetic as him.
>> No. 6618 [Edit]
Does he know he's followed all over the internet?
>> No. 6619 [Edit]
File 130504796810.jpg - (22.15KB , 240x106 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
epic memes aren't really my thing
>> No. 6620 [Edit]
you know what really scares me?
I have some of the same lego sets in that pic sitting behind me right now.
>> No. 6621 [Edit]
I feel the same way OP. Fortunately, unlike him, I actually have a sense of shame
>> No. 6622 [Edit]
I have some of his same posters on my walls, from nintendo power. Then again I put mine up when I was a kid.
>> No. 6626 [Edit]
I think that's one of the main things that prevent us from becoming like him.
>> No. 6627 [Edit]
He also lives his life desperately wanting to have sex, which is what leads him into doing like 90% of the stupid shit people mock him for
>> No. 6636 [Edit]
not this thread, and on tohno-chan of all places...
>> No. 6668 [Edit]
Ive noticed that a decent portion of the people who hate him are self-hating uncle tom....i mean self hating autistic people or whatever who do that to try to feel 'normal'. I know someone IRL as well as someone off a forum who was like that. It's sickening to me, they're all falling into the "im not normal, but at least im not X" mentality. Meh.
>> No. 6671 [Edit]
I remember overhearing something about "4chon trolls" and apparently he started the ED article on himself....
>> No. 6673 [Edit]
Should I be proud that I don't know who that guy is?
>> No. 6675 [Edit]
You didn't miss anything.
>> No. 6681 [Edit]
The one thing that comforts me about the weeaboo vloggers is the fact that I can at least pretend most of them are just trolling, or playing characters, like Borat or Stephen Colbert. There can be no other explanation for people like Chris-chan, or that guy who recorded himself mumbling through the Lucky☆Star OP while bringing his mom's grocery cart out to the car, or Togi-chan, or any of those creepy asspies who just want to be like Boxxy or other face-trolls. They want to thrive from the attention so they play these unbelievable people who will guarantee them attention. 

I did something similar once around 2007 or 2008. I played a faceless namefagging character and trolled a certain imageboard's Japan/General and Video Game boards. Someone actually made an ED stub article on it. It got boring eventually as they would become enthralled with rage at the mere appearance of the name I took, so eventually I went back to anon, until early 2010, when I took the predecessor to my current name. 

I gave it thought, and came to the conclusion that the activity I took under that trolling guise is unforgivable and better left being never, ever resurrected. 

If anyone cares to know, that name was ワルテルちゃん. A horrid time if there ever were one. 

Pulled that one out of the bowels of the ghost of Internet past. It does feel like it happened a longer time ago than it actually did. 

In all, they either have no idea what they are doing (being mentally incapable of knowing) or they know  full well what they are doing and are playing some sort of character. This brand of plain and simple idiocy has lost its humorous nature long ago and should not be continued. It's painful for us, it's painful for the person doing it, and it gets nothing of value done. 
>> No. 6682 [Edit]
wow and you have a 3DPD that is autistic
>> No. 6683 [Edit]
I've done trolling IRL. I was in the debate leagues, Chicago Debate League to be specific. Urban Debate is fun unlike the suburban or preppie fuckers (I have my biases). Last year I got stupid and pretended to be a white nationalist in my arguments. It's fun given I'm black spouting white suprecamist sources and arguments. You've seen the David Chappels skit on the black klansman who never knew he was black as he was black and he bacame a Klan member? I was like that. Also stuff like denying the holocaust in front of a polish girl as my opponent and a jewish judge (didnt know that then) and makign stupid shit like pedophilia arguments and saying that all humanity was a virus that needed to be elimineted. Yeah it was dickish but as it was debate I believed (still do in a way) that it was debate team's environment inherently lets you fuck around with arguments like that.
>> No. 6684 [Edit]
Wait what.
>> No. 6685 [Edit]
"asspie" is an insulting term.
>> No. 6686 [Edit]
Bros with aspergers are bros. Trolls with aspergers are given insulting monickers.
>> No. 6687 [Edit]
Was this in public?

NASA must be taking an interest in your balls. I would never be that brave.
>> No. 6689 [Edit]
Well, I keep my old legos in a box.
>> No. 6690 [Edit]
>It's fun given I'm black
Well, I'm a spic and I laughed with your post; but, of course, some people don't get even the obvious trolling, let alone find it funny.
>> No. 6707 [Edit]
yeah, I see that logic. I see it applied to other cases.

I should specify. I meant 'last year of high school' which was in 2008.

For those unaware, a decent portion of people in policy debate make up wild and wacky arguments, and even the "core files" that everyone gets (pre-made pro/con arguments) have arguments like "If you don't pass my plan, everyone will die in a nuclear holocaust" (well 'if you dont pass x, then y bad thing will lead to z bad thing which leads so nuclear war').

Some people try to intimidate their opponents by dressing formal and shit, and carrying cartwheels worth of papers and files. I normally debate 'regularly' with a little fun like marxism arguments but for my senior year I decided to 'pig out' so to speak.

Also, at the end of the rounds you shake your opponents' hands and go "Good game". The time with the Polish girl, I hugged her.

~2 years later (I occasionally go up to the league tournaments to check on my old team, and plan on judging too) I noticed I probably didn't say "i was joking" too blatantly so I told her that. She said 'yeah, I found that out'. We then discussed leftist ideas, from the USSR to the Republicans in the Civil War.

I think I told everyone I debated when I was in "insane troll logic mode" at the end "We're joking and it's just a debate" while hugging people.

In a way I feel bad for not making some of that clearer (I think I pissed off this ghetto dude a lot) but in a way I know i'd regret NOT being a troll in the future. Meh.

public as in me, the opposing team and the judge and sometimes novice people would go on to watch. Honestly no more than 7-8 people.

me/my partner = 2 people
opposing team = 2 people
judge = 1 person
[sometimes] your coach = 1 person
[sometimes] novice debaters = 2-3 people

Again note my analogy to the Chappelle skit w/the black white supremacist - which I was roleplaying.

Debate team was fucking fun - I remember [before trolling in the last year] using image macros in debates, overwhelming my opponents by answering to much and so detailed that they would not be able to try to twist me around/prove me wrong, attacking their citations because it had a .de name (german) or as a COMMUNIST WEBSITE (the 'core files' included articles from socialist sites and i recognized some of them).

It's funny how I did all that but was arguably wayyyy more shy and whatnot then than now. Then meh, different sides of a person.
>> No. 6709 [Edit]
Also, I guess you could say it was 'public' in that me and my team had a rep. Arguably I helped people by distracting people from the other teams. It was fun to see how people remembered that in the future.

Also >>6690

Im reminded of these people who would, in religion debates go and write some stuff on a scrap paper and claim to be a 'prophet' and say that "no, those texts are wrong I am a prophet" and whatnot. Also, me and this other guy (same team) debated radically differently, I was debating 'regularly' but he was borderline trolling - the other team was surprised at how we acted.

The other guy though on average took debate seriously. One time he lost a semifinal and was PISSED and walked outside cooling off in the hood. They thought he'd get beaten up - haha no based off what he said he's a good fighter.

Any Debate Team people here? Even non-urban league people

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