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File 130483821119.png - (549.69KB , 1000x651 , tohnofinalbdayresize.png )
6535 No. 6535 [Edit]
Happy Birthday Tohno!
Expand all images
>> No. 6536 [Edit]
File 130483825929.png - (260.44KB , 1146x843 , herppyderpthday.png )
herpy derpthday tobo!
>> No. 6537 [Edit]
File 130483829693.png - (20.06KB , 364x360 , I'dTohnoifyouknowwhatImean.png )
To our favorite Sony-fanboy!
>> No. 6538 [Edit]
happy birthday
>> No. 6540 [Edit]
Those images are awesome, thanks a lot guys.
This really means a lot to me, thanks.
>> No. 6541 [Edit]
Happy 20-something birthday.
>> No. 6542 [Edit]
Happy Birthday! I have nothing to give you but thanks that you made this glorious website. Hope you enjoy your birthday!
>> No. 6543 [Edit]
>> No. 6544 [Edit]
Happy Birthday, Tohno. I'll donate to the site sometime this year when I have some more money.
>> No. 6545 [Edit]
I wish I could have drawn you a pic. It was supposed to be you helping Minagi out of your car (she was to be looking up and you smiling) at a fancy-ass restaurant (which is why I was trying to get a restaurant name out of you in the irc a week or so ago).

Alas, I cannot draw, so the best I can do is at least say Happy birthday~

Maybe I'll gift you something through steam, or probably just give you alot of money again.

Post edited on 8th May 2011, 12:32am
>> No. 6547 [Edit]
Happy Birthday!!
>> No. 6548 [Edit]
Happy Birthday.
>> No. 6549 [Edit]
File 130484065970.png - (69.51KB , 637x617 , moonlightminagi.png )
>> No. 6550 [Edit]
Happy 23rd birthday, hope you have a good one.
>> No. 6551 [Edit]
Happy birthday, Tohno.

Hope it's as good as it can get.
>> No. 6552 [Edit]
I should draw a picture, but I don't know what to make.
>> No. 6553 [Edit]
File 130484257947.gif - (230.22KB , 400x226 , 698294298_1350737.gif )
>> No. 6554 [Edit]
haha, nice.
>> No. 6555 [Edit]
Happy Birthday!
>> No. 6556 [Edit]
Happy birthday!
>> No. 6558 [Edit]
File 130484715574.png - (10.16KB , 300x300 , 1304847074624.png )
>> No. 6560 [Edit]
Happy birthday!
>> No. 6563 [Edit]
Happy Birthday!
>> No. 6567 [Edit]
File 130485576833.jpg - (221.55KB , 800x798 , Untitled-2 copy.jpg )
Tanjoubi omedetou!
>> No. 6568 [Edit]
Happy birthday, brother.

Unfortunately(Or maybe fortunately?), I am not near creative enough to come up with something for you, so just have my well wishes and make it a good one.
>> No. 6569 [Edit]
Happy Birthday!
>> No. 6570 [Edit]
HBD, bro. HBD.
>> No. 6571 [Edit]
File 130486236458.png - (90.42KB , 333x226 , Happy b-day.png )
I hope you have a nice birthday!
>> No. 6572 [Edit]
Happy Birthday Tohno!
>> No. 6573 [Edit]
Happy birthday, Tobo!
>> No. 6574 [Edit]
Happy Birthday , Tohno.
>> No. 6576 [Edit]
I wish I could give you something nice other than a general sense of goodwill. You deserve it. Happy birthday.
>> No. 6579 [Edit]
Aw shit son, you're old now
just kidding, happy birthday
>> No. 6580 [Edit]
File 130488232721.jpg - (110.47KB , 843x717 , mael point.jpg )
>> No. 6581 [Edit]
Happy birthday!
>> No. 6583 [Edit]
File 130490062085.png - (554B , 122x122 , Tohno with cake.png )
Happy Birthday, Tohno!

I drew you in 1D with your cake! (It's chocolate)
>> No. 6584 [Edit]
Tohno's only 3 years older than me. For some reason I always imagined him in his 30s
>> No. 6585 [Edit]
File 13049045556.jpg - (59.68KB , 362x363 , 1259011908498.jpg )
Happy Birthday bro, I'll be the same age later this year.
>> No. 6586 [Edit]
Happy 23rd birthday! God you're making me feel old though
>> No. 6591 [Edit]
Just wanted to say thanks again, this is really nice.. it really made my day, I was moved by this thread nearly to tears, you guys really are something, and all the images in this thread are awesome.
Thanks a lot guys, this really meant a lot to me.
>> No. 6593 [Edit]
File 130492447262.jpg - (35.01KB , 797x259 , 1240481880485.jpg )
I'm glad.
>> No. 6677 [Edit]
stay alive tohno!

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