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File 130482837353.jpg - (470.81KB , 1100x700 , $RWRNWDQ.jpg )
6522 No. 6522 [Edit]
i dont like music.

no matter how hard i try, no matter what i listen to, i can never make myself enjoy it

It is to the point where i don't even go outside because i find it so irritating
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>> No. 6523 [Edit]
That's unfortunate.
>> No. 6524 [Edit]
You don't have to like music
>> No. 6525 [Edit]
I'm sorry to hear that.
>> No. 6526 [Edit]
That's weird.
All kinds of music? Not even classical?
>> No. 6527 [Edit]
>> No. 6528 [Edit]
The only 2 times I tried it got me violent and not pleased at all...
Drug users really should stop believing psychotropics works the same for everyone, and recomending its recreational use as a solution to anything.

I'm not OP, btw.
>> No. 6530 [Edit]
  Try extratone.
>> No. 6531 [Edit]
All kinds of music, anything.

i even mute the computer when i play video games
>> No. 6532 [Edit]
I'd guess that's your autism kicking in. My brother is like that, he really loathes any kind of sound, especially high-pitched ones. Spends days at the computer playing video games but with absolutely no sound.
>> No. 6539 [Edit]
I am okay with sound, i just loathe anything that has a consistent beat and controlled pitch.
>> No. 6546 [Edit]
Why not try listening to noise or drone? Those two genres span a gigantic range of sounds, and are nowhere near conventional music. I'd say start with two super entry level artists: Merzbow and Sunn O))).
>> No. 6557 [Edit]
How do you feel about something like this
>> No. 6577 [Edit]
Oh god what
>> No. 6582 [Edit]
  Try this, then.
>> No. 6588 [Edit]
I think you should try smoking pot/taking mdma/psychedelic drugs before listening to it.
>> No. 6596 [Edit]
OP here.

I have tried pot once, and did not enjoy it. when i was high, i was really angry for no reason and i kicked a hole on the wall, i also didnt sleep for two days and was very irritable for about two weeks afterwards.
>> No. 6604 [Edit]
Not liking music is a mind-bogglingly impossible thought to me. When I was a young lad, I used to be the same, though - My mother used to play really shitty music, and from about 5-12, I didn't especially like any music. Now, though, it's just insanity to think otherwise.

I'd try to help you, man, but I don't think I can, and I wouldn't want to seem pushy. Not like not enjoying music is against the law or anything, you know?
>> No. 6607 [Edit]
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What a shame
>> No. 6608 [Edit]
I like music a lot more if I imagine cool made up movie scenes to them
>> No. 6609 [Edit]

I sometimes get so excited about the music I'm listening to that I start posing like I'm in an action movie.

I'd die if anyone saw me.
>> No. 6611 [Edit]
sometimes I do this using characters from a book I've been reading
>> No. 6612 [Edit]
Just do DJ moves instead.
>> No. 6613 [Edit]
I do OP themes in my head. Sometimes of series, sometimes of my 'life'.

You guys are the only ones I'd tell that to, I think.
>> No. 6614 [Edit]
Same I've been doing that for years.
>> No. 6615 [Edit]
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I like to imagine what it'd be like making money just playing music. I'm decent enough at piano and guitar, so I could start up a band, but I'd likely faint or throw up out of nervousness if I ever got near a crowd, let alone a stage. I thought about just wearing a costume and trying it out, but I'd never know how you even go around to setting up yourself to play somewhere. Do only large bands play on stages? Now that I've really put this all to writing, I've come to notice how I know absolutely nothing about how musicians and playing live go along.
>> No. 6640 [Edit]
Same here. Western, populare music is just that bad. Up until my mid-teens I had been stuck in a sluggish, mute slumber. Then I discovered comiket, and a new and better world flowered in my sight; the rest is history. I'll never be done unearthing new music.
>> No. 6663 [Edit]
I understand how OP feels. When I was younger I was not a fan of any music. Then I was a Star Wars fan and watched the films and liked the music. then on to linkin park then electronic stuff and rap
>> No. 6664 [Edit]
Star Wars and mecha anime. Fuck yeah. Honestly I dont care much if other people know that im doing that.
>> No. 6680 [Edit]
I played in a couple bands and performed in front of small crowds (in cultural festivals and stuff). Alternately, I danced in front of fairily large audiences. It is kind of tricky, indeed, to find a fair balance between keeping concentration and the neccessary respect to the stage, and just letting yourself go; at the end I utterly hated my performances, always, althought some people in the public allegedly enjoyed them...

Right now I'm more like you: I don't think I could climb into stage again, since I became isolated. But if you really want to perform, I'd say you could do fairly well and manage stage panic better as long as you really feel comfortable (and thus compromissed) with what you're doing; it's way harder to do things naturally and with love, when you have to endure things you feel dubious about. So finding the appropriate mates is crucial; and it depends on what you want to do, but of course there's no need to be many of you to give moving performances.
>> No. 6716 [Edit]
Listen to this in the background of whatever you are doing. If you are doing nothing, perchance you could imagine yourself flying a plane in 1910, or driving though a wheat field in the summer.
>> No. 8667 [Edit]
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When I was younger, I never listened to music. People asked me "what kind of music do you like?", I couldn't answer anything.

Nowadays I've found some songs, mostly anime or trance-shit, that I find enjoyable, but I still can't listen to e.g. someone playing live music. My old friend used to play guitar when I was around, and it made me feel irritated. He probably was a fine player, but to my ears it sounded just horrible. It's the same with almost every live gig I've attended to. There's nothing I find fascinating in live music performances. If I'm forced to take part of one, I get bored and restless, "when will this end...".

But I don't think that not enjoying music should be considered weird or anything. For me it seems normal.
>> No. 8670 [Edit]
I didn't start listening to music regularly till 3ish years ago (19ish years old), I was browsing internet radios on PSP, I like video game music, they had videogame stations, turns out asian pop/rock/anime is in the same section music thought ahh what the heck, I've enjoyed anime opening music before, maybe these will be good. Turns out it was, spent 8 hours a day listening to it for months on end. This is also how I choose which anime to watch, if it had a good sound track, I would watch it.

Now when I listen to music, I airguitar and drums, and dance retarded while sitting down, imagining jamming with the k-on crew, all the while pretending I am kawaii~. I dread the day anyone witnesses this.

I've since cut back on my music listening though, I think this is for the best.
>> No. 8671 [Edit]
Are you saying you don't enjoy being angry? Being angry is like a really nice aspect of being human.
Sure it's better to take it easy most of the time, but anyway.
>> No. 8672 [Edit]
  Also, for some reason I ended up practicing singing this piece for a bit and I think it sounds pretty cool.
>> No. 8681 [Edit]
I like almost all music. It all sounds nice to me. Even rap and dance music, which other internet-types don't tend to like.

I love collecting music. All different kinds, tagging them correctly, making playlists. It's very fun.
>> No. 8683 [Edit]
  I used to feel just like you, OP, until I discovered Explosions in the Sky (specifically, this song). Only then did I really start caring about music. Hopefully, you will discover a band that turns music back into something enjoyable for you. I couldn't even imagine living without it now.
>> No. 8687 [Edit]
I love plenty kinds of music, but I agree with you there on live performances. I've never been to one, and I don't see the point in going to one either. Crowded, filled with people pushing you around, can't hear the songs since it's too loud, paying so much money for only one day, etc. I'd say buying CD's is a better way to spend the cash, but even then you can find them for free online and listen in the comfort of your own room.

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