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File 130478392246.jpg - (1.09MB , 2288x1520 , 1263688819050.jpg )
6441 No. 6441 [Edit]
Show me those moe cars you have (including your own, maybe?).
Expand all images
>> No. 6442 [Edit]
File 130478401785.jpg - (620.38KB , 1600x1200 , IMG_0362.jpg )
>> No. 6443 [Edit]
File 130478407359.jpg - (37.24KB , 500x333 , p7.jpg )
>> No. 6444 [Edit]
File 130478410510.jpg - (579.27KB , 1600x1200 , IMG_0439.jpg )
>> No. 6445 [Edit]
File 130478415757.jpg - (520.64KB , 1600x1200 , IMG_0446.jpg )
I could swear I saw a Minagi one once.
>> No. 6446 [Edit]
File 130478424639.jpg - (95.96KB , 640x427 , gsrstudieukyo94.jpg )
>> No. 6447 [Edit]
File 130478428111.jpg - (70.27KB , 480x395 , 1302602024467.jpg )
>> No. 6448 [Edit]
File 130478430222.jpg - (184.92KB , 760x507 , 1291347720205.jpg )
>> No. 6495 [Edit]
File 13048081397.jpg - (148.41KB , 800x600 , A005_21ouka_01.jpg )

when I get a moped I plan on itashing it. like this pic i uploaded.

rest of the stuff is on here

also check out this
>> No. 6499 [Edit]
File 130481000551.jpg - (666.98KB , 2560x1201 , Studie_GLAD_BMW_Z4_2008_Super_GT_qualifying.jpg )
Haha, what. That moped looks awesome.

Thanks for the links.
>> No. 6504 [Edit]
youre welcome!
>> No. 6506 [Edit]
File 130481481041.jpg - (71.00KB , 800x470 , 1e4b5d01.jpg )
>> No. 6508 [Edit]
File 130481587146.png - (0.96MB , 850x675 , carrrrrr.png )
That's actually Tohno's car.

On his Crown motherfucking Victoria and his fucking V8 with his fucking awesome vinyls all over the fucking car.
>> No. 6509 [Edit]
He probably means a 'real' itasha, not just something with a few small decals slapped on.
>> No. 6513 [Edit]
Oh, I though he was talking about the Minagi vinyls. My bad.

Post edited on 7th May 2011, 6:41pm
>> No. 6515 [Edit]
File 130481772676.jpg - (428.41KB , 1600x1200 , IMG_0408.jpg )
Tohno's car is still moe, no matter what.
>> No. 6516 [Edit]
File 130481778142.jpg - (625.72KB , 1600x1200 , IMG_0289.jpg )
>> No. 6517 [Edit]
File 130481792155.jpg - (752.75KB , 1600x1200 , IMG_0496.jpg )

A download link to high-res pictures if anyone's interested.
>> No. 6529 [Edit]
I will never forget a car I saw when I was about 6, which the owner had completely painted over with all these awesome designs and monsters and stuff, and he filled the inside with a bunch of Halloween accessories. I would love to do something similar with my artistic influences, but I (1) don't have a car, and (2) would be too scared to screw it up.
>> No. 6533 [Edit]
File 130483649589.jpg - (156.44KB , 800x535 , 048.jpg )
Nevermind the high-res part. It's just small pictures from moeyo.
>> No. 6534 [Edit]
I wonder if you would be arrested if you drove this outside of Japan.

Every soccer mom would report you to the authorities.
>> No. 6564 [Edit]
>> No. 6595 [Edit]
File 130493203537.jpg - (97.43KB , 500x350 , pipandco_dumbcar_090527_01.jpg )
The janitor at my very first school made his van look like the dog car from Dumb & Dumber. He was one rad dude.
>> No. 6637 [Edit]
I'd drive that shit in the Chicago ghettoes to see what happens haha. Then the yuppie and gay parts of the city. Of course, probably going into parking lots of suburban malls will be the funnest.

I'm reminded of those ghetto ass cars full of stickers from i dont know where. I pass one on the bus sometimes on my way to college.

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