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No. 6392 [Edit]
So what is tohno-chan's official stance about lolicon?

I mean, compared to other imageboards I barely see it discussed/posted here. Would we have problems with the host or something?
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>> No. 6393 [Edit]
As long as it's 2D it's OK with me
>> No. 6394 [Edit]
Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
>> No. 6395 [Edit]
File 130473723045.jpg - (47.38KB , 333x605 , twist twist boom.jpg )
I like loli as long as the girl's not TOO young. She also needs to be at least somewhat of a tease, because seeing pure innocent lolis in hentai (pic related) just makes me feel bad. As far as site rules I'm pretty sure any porn that isn't 3D (or furry) is just fine, just keep it in /ns/

Post edited on 6th May 2011, 8:02pm
>> No. 6396 [Edit]
I like lolis, and judging from all the folk regularly discussing Astarotte on IRC and /an/, so do most here.
>> No. 6397 [Edit]
it has borderline legality so it could mean trouble with the hosting company
>> No. 6398 [Edit]
Oh god if loli gets banned from here I don't know what I'd do.
>> No. 6399 [Edit]

We hardly ever talk about it.
>> No. 6400 [Edit]
File 130473939736.jpg - (192.43KB , 456x650 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
But still ;_;
>> No. 6401 [Edit]
File 130474108681.jpg - (15.17KB , 372x470 , 1270788915525.jpg )
I may partake in the enjoyment of such material on occasion.
>> No. 6402 [Edit]
File 13047421669.jpg - (78.62KB , 959x649 , t43073_pedo%20lolicon.jpg )
I would have thought it rather obvious. Everybody on this site is a lolicon. It's true, we simply don't talk about it very often, but you won't find any dissenting voices whenever a picture pops up.

Post edited on 6th May 2011, 9:23pm
>> No. 6404 [Edit]
I'm a lolicon but really about the only place the subject would come up is on /ns/, which I don't browse very much. And I guess the Lotte thread.
>> No. 6406 [Edit]
Well, now that thats settled, I have a question of my own.

What about /ss/? Same stance as with loli?
>> No. 6407 [Edit]
What's /ss/
>> No. 6408 [Edit]
Straight Shota. Please learn these common acronyms.
>> No. 6410 [Edit]
so i shouldn't make a loli thread in /ns/ then?
>> No. 6412 [Edit]
Things are fine as is. You can have loli threads in some of the other boards, but there shouldn't be an entire board created for it. We already have too many boards.
>> No. 6420 [Edit]
I personally don't have issues with other people liking lolicon so long as it doesn't extend to the real world. But overall.. I dunno, lets not open this can of worms? I wouldn't really like Tohno to get into legal trouble for loli.

I'm not a lolicon, in fact I prefer girls in their late teens.
>> No. 6426 [Edit]
File 130475706724.jpg - (338.72KB , 800x800 , 9057dcfe75be5cfe484f18d1d4bf7d59.jpg )
I appreciate some lolis.
>> No. 6427 [Edit]
I don't know how many people here are homosexuals so I think that shota is frowned upon
>> No. 6428 [Edit]
We are discussing Straight shota here. I like both loli and ss, but I see no reason to discuss it here so I don't care if it is forbidden for legal reasons.
>> No. 6430 [Edit]
No lolis, no fap.
>> No. 6432 [Edit]
File 13047713122.jpg - (493.37KB , 810x960 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I can a appreciate a loli from time to time but I'm not really attracted to it. I'm more attracted to young teens, so I'm probably a hebephile.
>> No. 6450 [Edit]
It's illegal in Canada, borderline illegal in the United States, and illegal in the UK. In fact in Canada and the UK it is legally considered child pornography. We can draw (no pun inteneded) unneeded attention to ourselves by allowing it.

As a moderator on this site and a Canadian this concerns me, especially with the Harper Government's recent promise to begin Internet surveillance.
>> No. 6453 [Edit]
>I'm more attracted to young teens, so I'm probably a hebephile.

Yeah, pretty much the same for me
>> No. 6454 [Edit]
I believe the stance should be that it's neither encouraged or discouraged. Basically what we've been doing so far (don't need to look far for loli stuff here, but it's not really the focal point of anything)
>> No. 6455 [Edit]
I think we should add "No child pornography" to the rules section.
>> No. 6456 [Edit]
Not really needed, since the rules already forbid this

>Uploading, posting, discussing, requesting, or linking to anything that violates local or United States law.
>> No. 6458 [Edit]
Then doesn't loli fall into that catagory?
>> No. 6459 [Edit]
Not quite yet.
>> No. 6460 [Edit]
I would definitely consider myself a lolicon but I don't really see a need to go around posting porn on tohno-chan. That's not really why I come here for.
>> No. 6461 [Edit]
I'd really like to get Tohno's view on whether it's allowed or not, and if not then he should just get rid of /ns/ since that place is a minefield.
>> No. 6462 [Edit]
Or just be like "No loli; no black vans".
>> No. 6463 [Edit]
there's not even a point in having a porn board if loli isn't allowed in my opinion. its one of the staples of hentai
>> No. 6464 [Edit]
Whenever I hear about legality of loli slowly being taken away it really fucking depresses me that something like drawings can become illegal in our society, and the majority of people don't care. Just one more thing to go through my mind if I'm ever on the verge of killing myself I guess. That's how I see all fucked up news now, really: Just one more thing that's going to help me pull the trigger when the time comes

Post edited on 7th May 2011, 12:25pm
>> No. 6465 [Edit]
File 13047958117.jpg - (21.63KB , 600x450 , ohno.jpg )
>> No. 6466 [Edit]
Do I really need to list the copious amount of genres in hentai other than loli?
>> No. 6467 [Edit]
Sure, go ahead. Maybe lawmakers can find it and it'll give them a head start on what drawings to make illegal next. My money's on rape
>> No. 6471 [Edit]
I always wonder, where exactly do they, draw the line, at what's illegal loli and what's just a drawing.
How much detail do you have to add to a drawing before it becomes illegal?
>> No. 6473 [Edit]
you're questioning the logic in a law that makes no sense in the first place
>> No. 6475 [Edit]
I find the idea of drawings being illegal as completely silly, and I don't hate loli.
That said however, it is still a legal thing, and as much as I'd like to say, "post whatever you want guys", I really rather not have cops kicking down my door for it.
So yeah, I'd prefer it if you guys could avoid posting stuff that might get the site taken down.

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