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File 130473215143.jpg - (82.13KB , 441x276 , Untitled.jpg )
6388 No. 6388 [Edit]
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>> No. 6389 [Edit]
Normally I hate things like this but I consider...THAT...Miku-thing an abomination
>> No. 6390 [Edit]
needs more blood on the car.
>> No. 6431 [Edit]
File 130476783414.jpg - (921.99KB , 1920x1200 , wallpaper-405379.jpg )
I don't think I would have minded if they had used a decent image in that ad.
>> No. 6435 [Edit]
Couldn't you have put this in the original thread instead of making a new one?
>> No. 6436 [Edit]
I think maybe he accidentally posted a new thread. Maybe a mod can help him put it back into the main thread?
>> No. 6452 [Edit]
File 13047920356.jpg - (8.86KB , 266x190 , images.jpg )
Nice. Do one with Toyota executives next.

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