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File 130448716759.png - (132.13KB , 777x777 , hiro.png )
6248 No. 6248 [Edit]
Hi TomodaChi,
I've seen the phrase "floor shitting NEET" thrown around a lot, but I don't really understand it. Why would they shit on the floor?
Don't they have a toilet or at least a sink?
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>> No. 6250 [Edit]
Its a meme they have on /jp/.

The gist of it is that the most hardcore of NEETs never leave their computer, even to do a shit, so they just slide their ass out and shit on the floor.
>> No. 6251 [Edit]
I even browse Tohno chan at uni. The girl sitting me keeps sneaking looks at my screen and giving me awkward stares.
>> No. 6254 [Edit]
ether do the same to her, or tell her if she doesn't stop you'll get the police involved for harassing you or something.
>> No. 6261 [Edit]
just wink at her. I promise she will leave or stop looking at you.
>> No. 6263 [Edit]
Hey now, I don't neccesarly have to be rude back!
>> No. 6265 [Edit]
You could show her it, maybe she would fit in here.
>> No. 6266 [Edit]
she might just think it's 4chan he's browsing. That site is pretty mainstream, and TC has the same layout, so it would be easy to make a mistake like that. If she does think it's 4chan, she's likely a normal from /soc/ or something.
>> No. 6284 [Edit]
No, she was a chinese international student.
>> No. 6285 [Edit]
maybe she heard of 2chan.
>> No. 6286 [Edit]
Oh, I just got that it says "γƒ‹γƒΌγƒˆ" on OP's image.
>> No. 6288 [Edit]
File 130458026588.jpg - (83.84KB , 600x250 , chinaboo.jpg )
chinese has there own imageboards
>> No. 6289 [Edit]
No I'm pretty sure my explaination of the floor shitting thing just caught her eye.
>> No. 6290 [Edit]
thaast why i browse with a diffrent layout than yotsuba
>> No. 6292 [Edit]
that's katakana though not hanzi
>> No. 6293 [Edit]
its not literally shitting on the floor, but putting a pail on the floor and shitting there
>> No. 6301 [Edit]
Ive literally never heard the word 'pail' get used outside the Jack and Jill rhyme.
>> No. 6414 [Edit]
File 130474558652.jpg - (187.68KB , 550x550 , c10f682728bcb6663aa20f2ed8257d2c.jpg )
All over the floor.
>> No. 6457 [Edit]
Threaten to rape her.

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