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File 129038734676.jpg - (228.98KB , 1024x768 , DSCN0014.jpg )
608 No. 608 [Edit]

i know it's bland, I dont' have the money for posters/figs n shit
Expand all images
>> No. 612 [Edit]
File 129039972192.jpg - (316.12KB , 1105x789 , roomPC.jpg )
>> No. 613 [Edit]
File 129040064823.jpg - (158.72KB , 800x971 , 1198575910255.jpg )
>> No. 631 [Edit]
You DRINK your own PISS? Why man? I usually just toss out my piss bottles, personally
>> No. 646 [Edit]
don't turn this into /jp/, please.
>> No. 648 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure that's pineapple soda guys.
>> No. 650 [Edit]
i think its passionfruit, pineapple soda is yellow
>> No. 657 [Edit]
File 129042297687.jpg - (545.17KB , 900x675 , battle.jpg )
>> No. 659 [Edit]
File 129042755950.jpg - (1.37MB , 2241x1861 , so_much_herp_derp.jpg )
I always wanted to post my battlestation but there's nothing great about it. It gets the job done I guess.
>> No. 661 [Edit]
File 129042881472.jpg - (256.41KB , 640x480 , n64.jpg )

>> No. 666 [Edit]
File 129045705150.jpg - (2.86MB , 2800x3600 , apartment.jpg )
This isn't mine but someone posted it in a /jp/ thread the other day. It's everything I hope my future apartment will be. First I'll need to overcome social anxiety, finally get a job and driver's license, and move out though ;_;
>> No. 668 [Edit]
That is fucking nice. Only thing I'd change is have a dual monitor setup instead.
>> No. 670 [Edit]
it´s ok but it'd be nice too if you post your own actual battlestation (if you haven't), however it is. i'm not OP, but i'm genually interested on how fellow brohons do experience their hiki life; wich is, finally, what most of share in common (or am i wrong?).
>> No. 671 [Edit]
Like how you gave stuff labels like that, pretty neat.
>> No. 672 [Edit]
I would but

1. I don't have any sort of camera
2. I am utterly paranoid about having ANYTHING related to me online. I don't know why
>> No. 673 [Edit]
>utterly paranoid... online

fair enough. unlike facebook whores, youtubees, bloggers et al., none of us here lack of reasons to be (over)protective of our privacy.
>> No. 681 [Edit]
File 12904957077.jpg - (130.55KB , 768x1024 , DSCN0021.jpg )
>poorfag case
I wouldn't call that a poorfag case.

now MINE'S a poorfag case. and a shitty comp at that. it's only got an old and possible failing 8600GT, and a 2.3GHZ single core processor
>> No. 682 [Edit]
File 129055470428.jpg - (533.25KB , 2560x1920 , 000410.jpg )
Yay. I've only upgraded mine because I got college money, otherwise I'd still be stuck with a Pentium 4 and a Geforce 6200. Oh,
and a 15" screen.

That money was godsend, seriously.

Went faster than I expected.
>> No. 687 [Edit]
File 129056700857.jpg - (274.84KB , 1000x808 , 4809393.jpg )
>college money... godsend

it's hard (for me) to admit it but yeah: that dirty money's been really useful.
i'm still receiving the rest of a scholarship, for something i did from home. it has paid for a couple figures, an entire service on my PC (wich already failed again, dat mother-fucker-board), my first tablet and finally my first Notebook: HP G42, dual core, 3GB ram... not gonna lie to you: shit's been real good.

also, i just got wireless netto, so the latest weeks i hardly left my BED. my back's starting to hurt badly; enduring it for now with methocarbamol and ibuprofen.
>> No. 688 [Edit]
I use a laptop on my bed against a wall.

Always lying sideways or on my back or stomach or cross legged. More healthy then slouching in a chair all day I reckon.

I have a desktop and monitor but my copy of win7 stopped working so it's been sitting unused for months and months just gathering dust.

There is a 2.1 speaker system that I rarely use because I don't have a long enough cable to reach the laptop, so just use the laptop speakers or headphones.

Everything else pretty normal. Old clothes everywhere, documents/papers around. A few books, couple bags, a plant near the window.

I don't really keep a lot of stuff.
>> No. 723 [Edit]
File 129078922872.jpg - (1.01MB , 1280x960 , бойная станция.jpg )
>> No. 727 [Edit]
Silly Russians, that's not how you place a computer!
>> No. 729 [Edit]
I know, but it makes plugging and unplugging external devices much easier.
>> No. 730 [Edit]
Is that a photo of Stalin?
>> No. 731 [Edit]
>> No. 735 [Edit]
File 129084465119.jpg - (353.92KB , 960x1280 , SSPX0004.jpg )
my books...
>> No. 1277 [Edit]
File 129218400423.jpg - (234.94KB , 1024x768 , DSCN0041.jpg )
figured I'd post more pictures cause I can

basement station (used for old 9x era games)
>> No. 1278 [Edit]
File 129218415054.jpg - (234.96KB , 1024x768 , DSCN0043.jpg )
console gaming station
>> No. 1279 [Edit]
File 129218430736.jpg - (236.28KB , 1024x768 , DSCN0040.jpg )
plus speakers, second TV, foot stool, lamps, and cat.
>> No. 1363 [Edit]

I wish that was better lit, I want to see what titles you have in your library.
>> No. 1404 [Edit]
File 129236733728.jpg - (463.40KB , 1024x711 , S6305475.jpg )
My desk. It's nothing special, but it's nice for me. Second monitor is great for shmups, and the keyboard/arcade stick swap places easily.
>> No. 1405 [Edit]
File 12923675278.jpg - (459.70KB , 642x874 , S6305476.jpg )
Where I play console games. I also have a tate setup for my Dreamcast shmups, but it's a bloody mess right now so no pic.
>> No. 1406 [Edit]
File 12923676941.jpg - (421.75KB , 447x897 , S6305474.jpg )
and last up is my game shelf
>> No. 1549 [Edit]
I just noticed something. why is that chassis fan unplugged? that, and it seems too small for what size fan should be there.
>> No. 1552 [Edit]

Is it really necessary?

It's been 3 years since I unplugged mine. I love the silence.
>> No. 1698 [Edit]
File 129289227938.jpg - (637.43KB , 2816x1584 , S63004992.jpg )
I've never posted pics of this before but what the hell. what could possibly go wrong...
>> No. 1699 [Edit]
File 129289273953.jpg - (790.27KB , 2816x1584 , S6300501.jpg )
and heres a pic of the room with my TV. if youre wondering why there are xbox games but no xbox its because I recently moved it into my bedroom when the lag on my TV was pissing me off.
>> No. 1700 [Edit]
I never felt any fear of posting my station, anonymously, since only one person outside my family (whom I stopped seeing 10 years ago) has ever saw/been_in there.
>> No. 1706 [Edit]
File 129296775090.jpg - (536.85KB , 1600x1200 , deskspace.jpg )
just noticed how there is no weeaboo related stuff in my desk area.
>> No. 1766 [Edit]
Here's the deal:

I've got three VGA monitors (two of them are LCDs) and I want to use them as TVs to use my consoles, but that way I'd have no sound. Are there any kind of cheap speaker that uses RGB (if not, I could get adapters) and doesn't take too much space?

I'll post it here when I get everything set up.
>> No. 1770 [Edit]
VGA don't send audio signals, brah. the only connector that sends audio signals with video is HDMI, though they make scan converters that can translate one type of input into another.

here's something i found after a short search:
this one is component only, but has an audio output as well, probably just the equivalent of a Y-splitter, or maybe is part of the box and removes the audio lag, not sure...

here's a result for composite video to VGA:
this one don't have audio but can do component, s-video, and composite

these are the results of a quick search, you can probably find some better equipment with a more thorough search.
>> No. 1771 [Edit]
File 129318100575.jpg - (17.94KB , 300x300 , P6573_0_0039687_med_v1_m56577569830762406.jpg )
I think he knows that, he just wants some cheap speakers to plug the white and red cables into.

if you really dont have any kind of stereo system I suppose you could try an adapter like this and just use headphones.
>> No. 1772 [Edit]
or if your computer is nearby and it has speakers you could even get an adapter and plug your 360 into the line-in on your PC
>> No. 1773 [Edit]
Yeah, I have my 360 and Wii hooked up to my second monitor with one of those. They work fine, but you can't adjust the volume unless your headphones have a volume control or there's an in-game option.
>> No. 1779 [Edit]
File 129320898210.jpg - (0.97MB , 1600x1200 , 1293174315385.jpg )
Not mine (found it on /jp/) and not exactly a battlestation station but it's too awesome not to post (sans the Mac).
>> No. 1780 [Edit]

Beautiful, except for the frogs.
>> No. 1781 [Edit]
>on /jp/

I think I remember... looks like the "so pink [for a dude]..." one
>> No. 1980 [Edit]
File 12938463997.jpg - (583.69KB , 1600x1200 , sureisnewtv.jpg )
"hey [anon] some relative is getting rid of their large tv, want it?"
I was not expecting it to be of this size, my room is not big enough for this.
>> No. 1981 [Edit]
I know how you feel. My room has juuuuust enough walking room for me to be able to access everything. The only thing I have trouble with is getting to my closet, but I never go out so I don't need anything out of it anyway
>> No. 1982 [Edit]
File 129384927342.jpg - (398.80KB , 700x2515 , ruumu.jpg )
Sorry about the bad camera phone.

>> No. 1984 [Edit]
soy milk, fuck yeah!

I want that Planetes manga so bad. its impossible to find for a decent price now.
>> No. 1985 [Edit]
Yeah, it's weird. It was readily available when I bought it, but it's out of print now. So is BLAME!.
>> No. 1987 [Edit]
File 129385943174.jpg - (273.13KB , 800x1176 , Planetes v02 202.jpg )
Damn, no wonder I haven't been able to find it anywhere.
>> No. 1998 [Edit]
File 129389555015.jpg - (342.91KB , 1024x768 , 2ch-otaku-rooms-011.jpg )
Oh wow, I couldn't live in most of these rooms otherwise the whole mess would drive me crazy. I can't stand dirt on the floor or anything that doesn't belong on the floor for that matter.

Pic not mine, obviously.
>> No. 2753 [Edit]
File 129633947788.jpg - (203.13KB , 1024x768 , S5000035.jpg )
I put this other piece back on my desk. I used to not like it, but I think it looks ok now.
>> No. 2758 [Edit]
My battle station is just my laptop on my bed.

What's the figurine the right of Komachi?
>> No. 2759 [Edit]
that's nono you silly~
>> No. 2760 [Edit]
Nono has bat wings?
>> No. 2762 [Edit]
Seems as though I derped. I thought you linked Natsume's new pic for some reason. Disregard what I said.
>> No. 2772 [Edit]
File 129647074941.jpg - (372.94KB , 1179x1152 , P1010034.jpg )
>> No. 2814 [Edit]
File 129651972851.jpg - (214.98KB , 640x2083 , battlestation.jpg )
I may have found a pic of the best battle station ever.
>> No. 2816 [Edit]
I really wish I had something like this. It feels cozy and nice just looking at it.
>> No. 2821 [Edit]
I remember that in a battlestations thread on 4chan. It would seem cozy, but what about airflow? Wouldn't it get hot in there? Also, what about room for a second monitor? Or how about moving the chair closer/further away?
>> No. 2843 [Edit]
My favorite part is the little rug for a mousepad
>> No. 2844 [Edit]
I would love to have something like that, but I can imagine it getting stupidly hot during the summer. Maybe if it was a little bigger with some fans installed, it'd be comfortable.
>> No. 2851 [Edit]
File 129656577195.jpg - (33.51KB , 285x281 , Things like that make me sick.jpg )
Let's just hope those stains on the floor aren't what I think they are.
>> No. 2921 [Edit]
If I had a carpet I would probably have a patch of it to cum onto.

I ran out of tissues ages ago and since then have been using an old t-shirt that is now stuck together and crusty, largely because I can't be arsed walking to the bathroom to get toilet paper.
>> No. 2924 [Edit]
thats why you gotta keep a stockpile of extra toilet paper for emergencies
>> No. 2925 [Edit]
Personally I just finish straight into the garbage or the toilet. It would wind up in those places either way.
>> No. 2944 [Edit]
Am I the only one that just lets it go wherever it lands and whipes it up with their pantleg?
>> No. 2946 [Edit]
When my parents aren't home I do it in a cup the wash the cup out, otherwise I only do it in the shower. Wait...why are we talking about this!?
>> No. 2954 [Edit]
>In a cup and then wash it out
Oh god why would you do that?

Some of the habits you guys have drive me nuts. When I finish it has to be right into a paper towel or into a tissue and that gets thrown right into the trash before anything else.
>> No. 2955 [Edit]
File 12967465605.jpg - (31.13KB , 251x251 , 1293945796260.jpg )

Don't you feel weird when drinking from that cup?


I'm the same way. Straight into the trash, or toilet.
>> No. 2956 [Edit]
File 129675541451.jpg - (41.50KB , 644x486 , 1268028197167.jpg )
What the fuck guys?
>> No. 2957 [Edit]
File 129675588935.jpg - (35.89KB , 280x289 , derailedThread.jpg )
Nice work derailing the thread.

Same here. Don't have time to think about grabbing a tissue, just let it go and clean myself up.

But seriously, if we're gonna talk about this, can we move it to another thread?
>> No. 2958 [Edit]
Oh I don't drink out of that cup, nobody does. It's hidden in my room in such a way that if it's found whoever finds it will just assume it's junk and probably throw it away since it's a cheap plastic cup.
>> No. 2969 [Edit]
File 12969770707.jpg - (558.59KB , 1200x1600 , okifigure2.jpg )
oki from sumaga
>> No. 2970 [Edit]
>> No. 3254 [Edit]
File 129794608049.jpg - (2.49MB , 1600x2400 , Battlestation.jpg )
I finally managed to clean my room.
>> No. 3263 [Edit]

What's up with the big yellow thing covering the window?

Anyway, I may upload mine, but I'm still trying to get things in order. I also need a new desk to put my other two monitors, and my bed takes too much space.
>> No. 3264 [Edit]
I'm guessing so that nobody can see him at his computer from the outside.
>> No. 3267 [Edit]
It's foam. I need to keep the afternoon sun out. The glare is awful.

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