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No. 5951 [Edit]
  I admit my opinion of him has kind of dropped these last few years, but good lord this is hilarious.
>> No. 5963 [Edit]
This whole video. Holy shit.

The 'Oh well, back to square one' comment was hilarious but I think most people there didn't get it.
Matt Damon got FUCKING TOLD. And so did Donald Trump, I laughed all the way through.
Also, the teleprompter thing was so absurd I was in tears.

Well, at least he's got a sense of humor I guess.
>> No. 5964 [Edit]
Seth Meyer was ridiculous too.
>> No. 5974 [Edit]
It's not Obamas fault he can't get things done, it's dat partisan politics and an extremely delusional and fragmented Republican voter base. Not to say the right-wing is anything bad, but it's been tainted by extremes like The Tea Party and racists like Donald Trump.

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