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File 130420975677.jpg - (356.41KB , 768x1280 , IMAG0354.jpg )
5940 No. 5940 [Edit]
What do you guys usually have for breakfast? Pic related for me. Coffee in a manly beer mug.
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>> No. 5941 [Edit]
Other than coffee I don't really have breakfast, since I usually wake up around noon.
>> No. 5942 [Edit]
I don't eat anything.
>> No. 5943 [Edit]
If I wake up early I usually have an apple, orange, avocado, banana, and coffee. If I wake up late, I don't eat until nighttime.
>> No. 5945 [Edit]
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Oatmeal usually, but if that's unavailable I'll go for a bagel.
>> No. 5946 [Edit]
Toast with cheese and Nutella.

But since I don't own a toaster, I put them in the oven instead.

I eat them with a cup of Earl Grey.

Post edited on 30th Apr 2011, 5:48pm
>> No. 5947 [Edit]
I have yet to find a place that sells bagels in my area. Frozen or fresh. I crave them so badly.
I want to try that, but my sister eats all the nutella. She ate a kilogram tub in two days.
>> No. 5949 [Edit]
Just coffee.
>> No. 5954 [Edit]
OP, you have the exact same mug as me.

I drink vodka in mine, though.
>> No. 5956 [Edit]
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This or chocolate milk/fruit juice with a toast.
>> No. 5957 [Edit]
In order of most often to least often

raisin bran cereal (some times apple jacks)
blueberry muffin.
scrambled or hard eggs (usually hard)
Glass of orange juice
bagel with cream cheese

I don't care if I wake up at noon, I'll eat breakfast if a I darn well feel like it.
>> No. 5958 [Edit]
I had a ham and cheese omelette nearly every day at school, but now that I'm done with the school year, I'm probably going to go back to sleeping through breakfast and lunch.
>> No. 5961 [Edit]
Cereal. At least 340 times a year for the last ~13 years.
>> No. 5962 [Edit]
Most mornings I wake up six or seven, make coffee and get bread or a croissant from the bakery across the street. It's all straight out of the oven that early, plus it's the only time of day nobody else is outside, so it's worth waking up for.
>> No. 5966 [Edit]
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If I'm running late for work I'll just get a doughnut when I get there. On the weekends, whatever my dad makes. I also have a cup of tea every morning.
>> No. 5967 [Edit]
porridge with some apples in the microwave and Cinnamon with some milk, honey topping.
>> No. 5971 [Edit]
I usually don't eat breakfast.
>> No. 5978 [Edit]
If I wake up early enough, I usually eat some cereal. If I wake up in the afternoon, then I just grab something to snack on.
>> No. 5981 [Edit]
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Whenever I am up early enough to bother making breakfast, this is it.
>> No. 5986 [Edit]
Pancakes, scrambled eggs and cheese sandwiches, orange juice, coffee, cereal, muffins. That said, I usually don't eat breakfast because I'm nervous in the mornings (unless I don't have anything planned for that day).
>> No. 6013 [Edit]
Why did you post one of the few foods you didn't name?
>> No. 6016 [Edit]
First coffee, then two soft-boiled eggs with toast or meat or whatever I find to throw in a pan of butter over a flame.

If I don't have eggs I just eat whatever. If I'm hungry.

It kinda counts as breakfast, since I wake up at ~11.
>> No. 6095 [Edit]
I eat some fish oil and a pill of propolis.

After that i make some orange juice to drink with my sandwich.
>> No. 6195 [Edit]
Usually cereal if there's any left. Sometimes I'm out of milk so I have to make a cheese sandwich.
>> No. 6202 [Edit]
Non-American here, I very rarely eat cereal, but I have to ask. Why is milk so important in cereal? I've eaten cereal both with and without milk and frankly I don't see what the big deal is.
>> No. 6203 [Edit]
It's really dry. I guess I could just eat oats dry as well if I needed to, but I don't see why I would.
>> No. 6232 [Edit]
I hate milk in my cereal. It just makes it soggy; I don't know why people like such a stupid idea.
>> No. 6233 [Edit]
That's funny, I thought they killed Osama Bin Laden, but apparently he's alive and well and posting on TC
>> No. 6239 [Edit]
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this morning I had cereal with vanilla soymilk. they were out of normal soymilk at the shop. but everything went better than expected.
>> No. 6241 [Edit]
I don't often have breakfast because I usually sleep in late. But when I do it's typically just a bagel with cream cheese.
>> No. 6242 [Edit]
I used to vomit almost once a week by riding the bus after eating breakfast in middle school. The bus driver was an old Greek man who would speed at turns but go nauseatingly slow on straight runs of road.

One week I decided to not eat any breakfast. Haven't had a problem with vomiting since.
>> No. 6246 [Edit]
I sleep from 3am to 11am usually.

So no, I neve have breackfast. But, I love drinking chocolate all day long. 3 per day, until the chocolate is out.
>> No. 6256 [Edit]
File 130449539745.jpg - (36.84KB , 400x400 , rei ayanami eat banana.jpg )
*an update on this post*
After breakfast I rode my bike to work. I arrived exhausted, when I sat down at my desk my vision blurred and I blacked out, totally forgot where I was. Then I threw up my vanilla milk breakfast.
>> No. 6258 [Edit]
thats what happens when your soy-milk routine is interrupted. I love soy milk...

where do you work?

was it embarrassing?
>> No. 6262 [Edit]
I work in a small office. It wasnt that embarrassing because I threw up into a bin, it couldve been worse. I kept telling my co-worker that I was okay and she was cool with it.
>> No. 6267 [Edit]
File 130453098449.jpg - (99.72KB , 480x360 , egg nog 1309.jpg )
Oatmeal with an egg in it. You won't have to eat for four to six hours.
>> No. 6268 [Edit]
A glass of milk.
>> No. 6798 [Edit]
  New breakfast.
>> No. 6840 [Edit]
I always try to have a good breakfast these days. Usually a good omelette with some tomatoes or hot oatmeal with fruits. I never skip breakfast, otherwise I'll feel like shit for the rest of the day; how other people just skip theirs is beyond me.
>> No. 8145 [Edit]
I did this today, and while the egg has helped keep me full, I mixed the egg in with the oatmeal and that ruined the texture of it all. Next time I do this, I'm cooking the egg separately.

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