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5904 No. 5904 [Edit]
anyone manage to sit though more than three minutes of this without wishing that they were hellen keller?
>> No. 5905 [Edit]
No. I didn't even try, and I can't see why I should.
>> No. 5910 [Edit]
Whoa, what the hell is this?

Judging just by the title it's not hard to guess what it's all about but how does the formula look like?

Because a game show where they'd ask some anime/manga related questions would be pretty awesome. Nobody would watch it, tho.
>> No. 5922 [Edit]
I'm watching it right now. I'll let you know what I think of it.
>> No. 5923 [Edit]
I've heard about it, and everything I've heard has told me to stay fucking far away from it
>> No. 5925 [Edit]
I rather take the seat off a bike and ride it for a mile without paints on, then watch this.
It would be a lot less painful.
>> No. 5926 [Edit]
>then watch this

man, what a masochist
>> No. 5927 [Edit]

>> No. 5928 [Edit]
Anyone willing to shed light on what this all about?
>> No. 5932 [Edit]
They go around America searching for the country's most annoying shameless and stupid cosplaying narutard wapanese/weeboo mother fucker they can, call him Americans greatest otaku, and make the world hate people like us all the more, thinking we're all the same.
the title could not be more misleading.
they have no interest at all in the kids of people that come to this site, they're only interested in those happy idiots with friends and 3DPDs who buy dubbed anime dvds (from the guys that sponsor this show) people like us are bad for business, they don't want their products to be associated with suicidal and depressed social outcasts that are lonely and pathetic to the point of loving animated characters, no, they want people to think the anime thread is hip and cool and everyone into anime is having tons of fun, is popular and live good happy life's.
"otaku" ha, give me a freaking brake.
>> No. 5935 [Edit]
Why would I ever want to troll myself?
>> No. 5953 [Edit]
Had nothing to do, so I decided to check some of these out. My favorite, if I had to pick one, would have to be Chris. Reminiscent of the one who's trap-card you activated/a mildly autistic black kid I used to know. I love how he adds the J- suffix to everything as well. It's really quite hilarious. And the dude who interviewed him reminded me of a guy I knew in my high-school 'philosophy' class.

I was about to turn the other cheek and go away satisfied with no rage whatsoever, merely contempt. Until I saw the family. An entire fucking family of these things. That's more horrifying than any Texas Chainsaw Massacre shit I've seen.

Honestly, shit like this makes me re-evaluate how I've been living my life. This is why I keep shit like this to myself. I just really appreciate that none of my favorite series/franchises came up, though. Oh, except for the ones that everyone and their mothers know about.

And the girls on this just make me feel more contempt for their sex than I ever did.

I think I just trolled the shit out of of myself...
>> No. 5968 [Edit]
That is absolutely disgusting. Just reading some of the descriptions for this show made me get an uneasy feeling in my gut.
>> No. 5976 [Edit]
I haven't watched this, but the irony is that no matter how shameful I find their behavior, they are probably happier than I am.
>> No. 6122 [Edit]
watch this? hell i'd be a contestant. Powerlevels arent suppressed but i dont give no fuck. Haha my city (Chicago) is on here.
>> No. 6124 [Edit]
you know some of those people probably post on here and on places like /cgl/ and whatnot. And that some of them were depressed like us then became normalfaggish then back into obscurity.

And no this show will not make normalfags "hate us" - there's a lot "worse" subcultures out there like the furries and they dont get normalfag hate
>> No. 6125 [Edit]
>furries and they dont get normalfag hate

What? Furries are pretty much hated by everyone on the internet,
>> No. 6129 [Edit]
I said 'normalfag hate' and refer to how the most I think a lot of furries IRL will get into is people poking jokes at them and that being about it.
>> No. 6130 [Edit]
That is because most normalfags have no idea what a furry is. The small percentage that do usually are slightly more open minded.
>> No. 6139 [Edit]
a noticeable percentage knows of furries actually.
>> No. 6151 [Edit]
Thank you, CSI.

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