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5859 No. 5859 [Edit]

>> No. 5860 [Edit]
Put down the drugs, son. They're bad for you.
>> No. 5862 [Edit]

Really? From his post it seems it all works out fairly well.

everything went better than expected.jpg
>> No. 5863 [Edit]
Yeah, Miya gives me that feeling too.
>> No. 5865 [Edit]
But then it would level out so everyone involved becomes apathetic, which would eventually slip into depression, leading to not being alive. Sounds like a poor plan to me.
>> No. 5866 [Edit]
I don't know. Personally, I see those clothes she's wearing and I think, "Damn, no matter what, there's no way I could possibly wear that and look cute."

Sucks being male sometimes.
>> No. 5867 [Edit]
I feel the same way. I'd say 80% of the reason I follow various MMOs is so I can be a cute girl in a cool world. I have yet to find a good MMO though ;_;
>> No. 5868 [Edit]
Is the torrent for the Miya Amagami OVA out yet?
>> No. 5870 [Edit]
I will never be a cute girl having fun and laying happly on her unmade bed. ;_;
>> No. 5872 [Edit]
>>5866 >>5867 >>5870
I always feel a terrible envy when someone seems smarter, more talented, more beautiful or just happier than me. This happens quite often.
>> No. 5873 [Edit]
I experience the same thing.
>> No. 5874 [Edit]

>Sucks being male sometimes.

Well I don't think it matters, IRL girls aren't exactly cute, either.
>> No. 5876 [Edit]
>Sucks being male sometimes.
Most women are actually uncomfortable with themselves.
>> No. 5877 [Edit]

I love being a male just because I don't have a menstruation.
>> No. 5880 [Edit]
I'd be willing to put with with menstruation if it meant I'd have better orgasms and finally be able to wear cute clothes
>> No. 5881 [Edit]

Seconded. 3D is 3D, but some 3D meat-prisons are more tolerable than others.

That said, I'm more than happy to take a third option and just upload myself into a computer, if that ever becomes a reality.
>> No. 5882 [Edit]
>I'm more than happy to take a third option and just upload myself into a computer, if that ever becomes a reality.

Same, because then I can actually be a cute 2D girl
>> No. 5883 [Edit]
We could finally be cute little girls in huge persistent MMORPG worlds.
>> No. 5885 [Edit]
By the time tech gets to the point where we could be cute little girls in virtual reality worlds, it will be illegal because it will be considered child pornography or something. We'll have to settle on being full-grown women with giant breasts
>> No. 5887 [Edit]

I don't care if it's illegal, they won't take away my dream.
>> No. 5889 [Edit]
Why would it be illegal?

Thats just discrimination man, what if I had a daughter in the virtual world?
>> No. 5890 [Edit]

Since when did governments give a shit about such things?
>> No. 5891 [Edit]
Hey, thats just like, uh, your opinion, man
>> No. 5893 [Edit]
>Why would it be illegal?

Because western society has overblown "THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN" mentality so much that any videogame company takes a huge risk of soccer moms flipping out if they involve children or child-like characters in games featuring sexual or violent themes. It's why you never see children in GTA games, or why maxis got rid of the cheat that got rid of censor blur in the sims even though they have the anatomy of barbie dolls.

It's only a matter of time before these things are set in stone as being illegal
>> No. 5894 [Edit]
I recall hearing about a boy and girl (both around 15) who are now registered sex offenders because the girl sent the boy nude photos of herself, which was considered child pornography. Basically, the world is fucked.
>> No. 5895 [Edit]
U.S. v. Handley
>> No. 5896 [Edit]
Yeah we get it, the world is becoming a more and more toxic place and suicide is the only way to escape it. I wish I could be happy again
>> No. 5899 [Edit]
I'm not even care if illegal, if it's cute I love it.
>> No. 5902 [Edit]
Not pleading guilty if some jerk postmaster turns you in is another way to cope.

He would have had a case. He never hurt anybody.
>> No. 5903 [Edit]
He could have made a great case, with the help the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund was offering him. The presiding judge even ruled that the relevant part of the PROTECT Act that the government was using to prosecute Handley was unconstitutional, though he didn't strike the obscenity charge. Considering the deal Handley ended up taking (six months in prison with three years of "supervised release" and five of probation) it seems like the obvious choice to fight.

But maybe he just didn't want any more attention than he was already getting as "that pedo comic guy", which you know is what 99 percent of Americans who read the story thought about him. I can understand that. And the government almost definitely threatened him with sex offender status if he didn't play along and take the deal. Not that it likely helped him at all in prison.

What a great fucking world we live in, huh?

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