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File 13036193023.jpg - (111.98KB , 718x1000 , a77d48ffa6a419156ab6a3783adc551f.jpg )
5730 No. 5730 [Edit]
So you don't like 3DPG.
But consider for a moment: if ghosts, monsters, demons, aliens or other paranormal creatures were real, would you consider having romantic relationships with them?

They wouldn't act like normal 3D pigs and they would be outside of society. Since they are outcasts they could understand you. Of course you would have to deal with the unknown.
So, how about it?
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>> No. 5731 [Edit]
File 130361980846.jpg - (818.63KB , 950x1300 , favfavver2 Tenshi space.jpg )
Do celestial beings count?
>> No. 5732 [Edit]
File 130362021720.jpg - (96.33KB , 1280x720 , 1296963079908.jpg )
>> No. 5733 [Edit]
Trans-dimensional pig disgusting
>> No. 5734 [Edit]
I'm barely sexually attracted to 3D so that might be a problem
>> No. 5736 [Edit]
>ghosts, monsters, demons
Definitely not. It just seems like it would be too much...weirdness all day, every day. Ghosts, maybe. I mean, they're like 2D women - "We do not love but ghosts" (I like that).

That all depends. Greys fucking creep me out like nothing on this planet can. But, if it were just a human seeming alien (i.e. looks like a human, with one or two changes), then we're looking at a possibility. I think it would actually be weird if it didn't appeal to me, as my waifu counts as an extraterrestrial, of sorts.
>> No. 5737 [Edit]
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>> No. 5738 [Edit]
Depends on how she looked like.
>> No. 5739 [Edit]
There's no reason to suppose it would be any easier with them than with ordinary humans.
>> No. 5792 [Edit]
I'd be fine with a regenerating monster of some sort. I could cut her open and cross section during intercourse and she'd still be workable the next day, Mai Chan style.
>> No. 5794 [Edit]
Not really, I'm perfectly comfortable with knowing the thing I love doesn't exist.
>> No. 5831 [Edit]
yes, god yes!
>> No. 5832 [Edit]
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I wouldn't even put a demon through having to be in a relationship with me.

Yuki-onna are often drawn with appealing colour schemes and cute looks and would be nice to have around during summer, though. Or maybe if I went around with something like Saya people wouldn't notice how creepy I am because they'd be too distracted by the flesh beast stood next to me.
>> No. 5833 [Edit]
The irony being that they're flesh-beasts themselves.
>> No. 5965 [Edit]
This reminds me of an anime/manga where an Otaku got haunted by a water spirit. However he did not care in the slightest, and inversely the wraith was creeped out by him. Hilarity ensued, and they fell for each other.

To answer the question, sure I wouldn't mind, as long as they took on human forms. Except for aliens. My impression of them being gooey creatures is deeply ingrained.

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