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File 130344306543.jpg - (404.93KB , 1350x1125 , 1286799679659.jpg )
5622 No. 5622 [Edit]
How do you feel about headphones?

I recently bought a headset for some games I play. I bought a cheap ($20) pair of headphones that have a mic attached, didn't get a really expensive one as I didn't think I'd like them but needed them to play better on team missions. At first wearing them annoyed me but after a few hours of "seeing if I get used to it" I did and now prefer them to my speakers for various reasons.

I still live with my (obnoxious) parents and I find wearing them helps to cut off on the background noise that annoys me so much--before I'd rarley listen to music and now I do all the time to kill the background noise. It also gives me a reason to ignore them when they bitch about something without starting a argument on whether or not I'm ignoring them. It also helps with my anxiety over what I listen to and fear of getting strange looks for listening to things out of the norm by family or friends my family drag over. For games I feel they help me to better concentrate again due to the reduction in background noise, and has helped to a extent with my procrastination, but not the sole reason I've gotten better at cutting down on it.

I'm not much of a audio-file-esque person though so I can't tell any sort of quality difference. Sorry if this is more /mp3/ but I looked there for a thread and this is more about discussing headphones' use to avoid social interaction than specific discussion about headphones so I thought it would be better to post here.

Pic unrelated.
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>> No. 5623 [Edit]
I have my headphones on for all waking hours that don't involve getting food or going to the bathroom. Can't live without 'em.
>> No. 5629 [Edit]
I wear them when my parents are home so they can't hear what I'm watching/playing.
>> No. 5631 [Edit]
I always wear my headphones. Music gives me something more than the boredom and unfulfilled dreams that my life is abundant with. Plus, I like to have a soundtrack while I'm not doing anything.

I bought them at the local pawnshop for $5. They sound really good, and the dudes have a steady supply of that specific kind, so I can keep getting them long after my pair breaks. It really irks me when I spend $20 dollars on headphones and they don't even come close to the quality of the shady, presumably stolen, $5 ones. I want my money's worth, dammit. But I digress, it doesn't really matter.
>> No. 5632 [Edit]
same here. except I wear them in the bathroom as well. and while getting food, if you mean cooking. if I go to buy food I wear earbuds on the way there and back (even though its only a 3 minute walk).

but I never use headphones or a mic for video games.
>> No. 5633 [Edit]
My computer's speakers are awful. I have a strong preference for listening to music through conventional speaker systems but frequently use the headphones due to the drastic difference in sound quality.

The pair I own is fairly large and my neck becomes strained if I wear them for extended periods of time. I usually listen to music just before and while I nap - the bulky nature of the headphones means I'm restricted to resting on my back, which bothers me as I'm more of a side sleeper. The quality of sound they generate is absolutely delicious and I feel this makes up for any aesthetic shortcomings.
>> No. 5634 [Edit]
I always use them because I'm embarrassed of my hobbies. I'd probably feel like shit for weeks if my parents ever heard my moe.
>> No. 5635 [Edit]
I have pretty good speakers and I live alone so I prefer using them. I bought Grado sr 125s to listen to music, but I rarely use them. I don't really like the feel of headphones.
>> No. 5638 [Edit]
I have a pair of Grado SR60s, which sound fantastic, and I love them, but they get really painful after a few hours. I often prefer listening through speakers, but my laptop obviously sounds horrible, and my studio monitors are at home. I don't care about privacy because I rarely listen to anything embarrassing.
Hi, me.
>> No. 5640 [Edit]
My speakers are really shitty, so when I play games/listen to the music/watch anime I use headphones. The thing is, I don't really like headphones. On top of that, my current ones begin to malfunction which annoys me to no end.

>the bulky nature of the headphones means I'm restricted to resting on my back, which bothers me as I'm more of a side sleeper

I bought supra-aural 'phones for the first time in my life and I sort of regret it. I'll stick to earbuds from now on.
>> No. 5643 [Edit]
File 130347481139.jpg - (56.10KB , 800x707 , twisted800.jpg )
I had that side sleeping problem with my main headphones (Grado) as well. also I always seem to have problems with the cord twisting.

I use these (pic related) and lying sideways is actually kind of possible. My brother gave these headphones to me many years ago. he used to always steal them from the listening stations set up at a dance music shop.
>> No. 5646 [Edit]
I have wireless headphones, which are great because I can get up and go to the kitchen to get something to drink or go brush my teeth or something without having distance/walls/other sounds blur what I'm trying to listen to.

Plus, I feel like with wired headphones, I would constantly be pulling the jack out just by shifting position.

I guess it's also nice that my neighbors don't hear some of the moeshit or death metal I listen to, but I'm not too worried about it either way for some reason.
>> No. 5647 [Edit]
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I have a JVC HA-RX700 connected to an Asus Xonar DG sound card. I bought the headphones without the sound card first, and on onboard sound they still sounded infinitely better than some cheap sony headphones I had been using previously. When I got the sound card, they really started to shine. Both were really cheap too, the headphones were only £35 and are really sturdy, they don't feel that price at all. According to some reviews they're supposed to be really good value, and I can agree.
>> No. 5655 [Edit]
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I have a Plantronics 377.
I know they are not great, but I'm not any kind of audiophile, so even if I had better headphones I wouldn't notice the difference.
>> No. 5662 [Edit]
I also have JVC HARX700s. They're amazing for the $35 I paid for them. I love how strong they're built, I feel like they're going to last forever.
>> No. 5663 [Edit]
File 130350658228.jpg - (23.79KB , 500x500 , 41WE4T67BSL.jpg )
Do you remember the Sony headphones you had that sounded bad? I was considering getting these, but don't want to waste the money if they are bad
>> No. 5668 [Edit]
I use them all the time when walking to classes or taking the bus to work. I like IEMs because they're lightweight and you can get good sound quality for cheap (my $20 pair has about as good of sound quality as I would ever need). I've been thinking about getting a pair of over-ear headphones for use at home. I have an okay speaker system but it isn't that great and oftentimes I would rather just use headphones.
>> No. 5672 [Edit]
File 130353299064.jpg - (23.58KB , 333x500 , 41AO8oIX5wL.jpg )
I have a set of these (Audio Technica ATH AD-700) and they sound great, but they are bulky. I use them when I go to uni, but they are very hard to keep in my bag without me being paranoid that they would break. IEMs would be nice, but I don't know where to start in terms of buying. I want good quality, but I haven't got the money for good quality, I still don't want to settle for less, either.
On that note, I have a theory that the bigger your headphones, the less likely that people will talk to you. Has anyone found this to be the case?
>> No. 5673 [Edit]

I don't know, but I'd feel embarrassed using big headphones on the street, I think they catch too much attention...
>> No. 5674 [Edit]
I have no idea if that's true, but it makes sense.
>> No. 5675 [Edit]
I see people with them on all the time especially in subways/trains. It basically lets you be in your own zone & people usually don't interact with you if you have them on because it signals "hey, I'm in my own world right now, don't bother me".
>> No. 5678 [Edit]
That's pretty much my logic. You give off a vibe that says 'go away. I enjoy my music, I swear to god if you interrupt this'. If you wear earbuds, especially with all the teen girls with their shitty apple earbuds that came with their iPhone, you'd give off the vibe of 'Hey dudes. I'm sociable, fun and totally in my comfort zone. Come hit on me'. That type of thing.
>> No. 5683 [Edit]
During my many years of wearing earbuds I have yet to be hit on.
>> No. 5686 [Edit]
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yeah me neither, except for one time.

I wear earbuds instead of headphones in public because they leak less sound and theyre more portable; they fit in a pocket. I use the noise isolating kind with the silicone bits on the end. I usually get the low end Sennheiser ones. they always break after a year.
>> No. 5687 [Edit]
They weren't those in the pic. If you could imagine some really cheap, extremely plain, boring looking black headphones.
>> No. 5709 [Edit]
I'm actually thinking of getting these as well. They seem pretty decent.
>> No. 5710 [Edit]
I have those and they sound pretty good.
>> No. 5711 [Edit]
I used to like headphones, ended up with a pair of AKG K701 clocks + some head-amp before realizing I prefered having my music run freely in the room, and not straight into my ear drums. I'm too arrogant to care about privacy in this respect, and I live in peaceful surroundings, with space I can freely fill with music at will. Now, even when commuting - I prefer to keep off of headphones/IEMs. I respect the headphone lair, but their just not for me.
>> No. 5714 [Edit]
I love IEMs but they are expensive.. I'm not willing to pay $100 for something that will break down in a year.

So now I just buy cheap hong kong imported earbuds and live with the shit quality.
>> No. 5721 [Edit]
SR-404s are the ugliest headphones ever conceived.
>> No. 5757 [Edit]
File 130369131625.jpg - (109.25KB , 500x332 , 5196867433_c0414527fc.jpg )
I got these a couple years back for nothing. They're worth about 700 dollars if you can believe it. They sound amazing and even require a separate amp.
>> No. 5759 [Edit]
File 130369375354.jpg - (88.06KB , 600x1038 , audio355.jpg )
I actually could go either way, since wearing headphones can get uncomfortable over a period of time, but with speakers people can hear what I'm listening to/watching. I actually use speakers more often cause my headphones aren't comfortable to wear for extended periods, though they sound nicer than my computer speakers.

I bought an .Audio 355 from a best buy for... I think it was $60. I actually like them better than my dad's RH-120's, but that's probably because those are designed to sound flat, while mine are designed to sound rich. Or probably because they're from the 80's
>> No. 5760 [Edit]
I can't tell the difference between good sound quality and bad, so I just use shitty $60 headphones from k-mart or my laptop's inbult speaker when it gets too uncomfortable.
>> No. 5762 [Edit]
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$15, not the most comfortable but the sound is good, at least as far as I can tell.
>> No. 5764 [Edit]
I've been wanting a pair of RS-1's for a while now. What amp are you using?
>> No. 5765 [Edit]
File 130373785918.gif - (13.12KB , 100x100 , 1301562690214.gif )
>How do you feel about headphones?
I hate them.

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