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File 130335935958.jpg - (17.66KB , 202x300 , How_to_Disappear_Completely.jpg )
5577 No. 5577 [Edit]
If you could, would you just vanish, and start a new life over somewhere?

I think I totally would. It's a bit of a fantasy of mine, I suppose - Starting over sounds so perfect at times. But of course, I don't have the means or overall motive to go through with it.

This all came to mind because I recently found out that a guy actually wrote a how-to guide about how to vanish and start over. Probably a load of tongue-in-cheek bull, but nonetheless interesting.
>> No. 5578 [Edit]
Well, everyday I fantasize non-stop about vanishing and appearing in a world where robots do all the work and we as humans just relax and do whatever the fuck we want or even better a world where our consciousnesses are transfered to the internet and people are fused as a perfect being. Does that count?
>> No. 5579 [Edit]
>and we as humans just relax and do whatever the fuck we want
your fantasy is my reality
>> No. 5580 [Edit]
There were guides written on sites like textfiles and the old totse archives and places like rorta that were guides on how to disappear and set up a new life
>> No. 5581 [Edit]
What do you mean by starting over?

Changing jobs, studies, places, relationships, family?
>> No. 5582 [Edit]
Everything, man. Just packing up your current life, relocating, and starting anew there.

I'm probably romanticizing the entire thing, but that just seems like it would be a really cool thing to do.

Every current opinion others have of you would be null and void. Except your own opinion of yourself, which I guess is where problems arise, you know?
>> No. 5583 [Edit]
DO you all remember this trance music video that dealt with this guy who wrote a latter saying "I'm tired of this life, I'm leaving forever" and then went out and wandered the world. In one possible ending he kills his 3DPD in a mutual nigga moment, in another the police stop them for stolen shit (they were riding in a stolen car) and in another I forgot what happens.

Also you might be interested in Evasion and other stuff written by voluntarily homeless, street kids, or people who wandered as vagrants for a period of time hitching trains et al
>> No. 5586 [Edit]
Most of us spend our lives on the internet so this is sort of related:
>> No. 5590 [Edit]
That's a great book, OP.
However, if I couldn't get my current life together (so far), there's no reason to suppose the next would be any different.
>> No. 5627 [Edit]
Thanks for that link. Really interesting reading.

Also found this in my bookmarks, but I think I got it from another /tc/ thread, so it's sort of redundant.
>> No. 5754 [Edit]
As of recently yes, though I'd probably just run into the same problems I'm in now because of who I am, and you can't really change your personality.

Still, would be interesting to try, might see if I can find that book and give it a read.
>> No. 5755 [Edit]
A guy I grew up with for a few years in school did this. He was from India, but didn't really enjoy western culture, so he went to Bangladesh and apparently just dropped out and lives off the land. I hear about him from time to time. These days he lives in a village in who knows where.

In reality though, it's hard to do. Unless you plan on living like a homeless person, you would have to have at least some contact in a new land. It would be hard to get a job, find an apartment etc.

I've heard of this How to Disappear book. It was written way back in the 1980s or 1990s I believe, around the time of the early internet. It was one of those kind of text files that passed around like the Anarchists Cookbook. I'm not sure how well the advice would work today in our extremely digital, inter-connected world.
>> No. 5846 [Edit]
>> No. 5878 [Edit]
>This all came to mind because I recently found out that a guy actually wrote a how-to guide about how to vanish and start over. Probably a load of tongue-in-cheek bull, but nonetheless interesting.

I think I read that book a few months ago, it's actually quite informative. Worth the read

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