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File 130329337043.jpg - (135.89KB , 1024x768 , c3c906f8a5653d2b7569075b214eec0a969fd164.jpg )
5539 No. 5539 [Edit]
Otaku,NEET hiki etc are often stereotyped as having extremely cluttered/dirty living spaces. To what extent does this apply to you? I'm kind of the opposite. Mess makes me feel extremely anxious and I find cleaning therapeutic.
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>> No. 5540 [Edit]
>T-shirt hanging in the top center with 'anal' on it

My room is a mess. Its a maze of cans, dirty clothes and plates. I remove all of that every week or so, but I don't properly get out a brush and get rid of all the accumulated crumbs, hairs and dust everywhere.
>> No. 5541 [Edit]
this is one of my all-time favourite images by far. The one most commonly seen, however is one in which the girl's left leg is amputated above the knee.

Also, spot the cats!
>> No. 5542 [Edit]

Look at her shorts, too.
>> No. 5543 [Edit]
How lewd
>> No. 5544 [Edit]
My room is a bit dirty, bit I keep it dirty in an organized way.
>> No. 5545 [Edit]
Only a fool tidies up. True geniuses rule over chaos.
>> No. 5546 [Edit]
File 130329936417.jpg - (557.91KB , 850x1177 , sample_d008c191e15efd5ef5b17761fdae5e10bc96b0a3.jpg )

to each their own i suppose
>> No. 5547 [Edit]
dirty as fuck.. I just don't care

Although when I wake up today I might actually clean it. Got a couple figs coming in and I should at least put them up nicely
>> No. 5548 [Edit]
I hate a fairly tidy room and house. I got all this time available to clean anyway, so why not?
>> No. 5549 [Edit]
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I'm stingy as fuck about keeping my room clean. It's a good thing.
>> No. 5550 [Edit]
My room is moderately messy but not too bad.
>> No. 5551 [Edit]
I don't have anything in my room that'd make it messy.
>> No. 5552 [Edit]
Its neat but thats only because there isn't anything in it.
>> No. 5554 [Edit]
File 130330642219.jpg - (38.20KB , 395x400 , izumi-konata-buying-anime.jpg )
op here. I wish this was me. I always feel like I have too many things. I tend to hoard items even if they have no real value. I've started selling a lot of old clothes on ebay so that should help...
>> No. 5556 [Edit]
My room is neat because I only spend my time at my desk.
>> No. 5557 [Edit]
My room is cluttered with shit from years ago, and there's a big layer of dust on everthing except my desk, bed, and place where I sit to eat.
>> No. 5559 [Edit]
I'll clean mine up and leave it that way for months till it gets extremely messy and repeat.
>> No. 5561 [Edit]
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I fit the stereotype pretty well, though being poor has left me with little to clutter my room with other than empty cans and clothes.

As a side note, I love images of girls in cluttered rooms.
>> No. 5562 [Edit]
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>> No. 5563 [Edit]
My room is pretty clean, but that's only because I just cleaned it.

I have a lot of useless crap lying around, and some clothes, but that's about it.
>> No. 5564 [Edit]
Yeah, my place is pretty messy. Clean laundry almost never gets put away, and dirty laundry is basically just a pile of clothes. Clutter clutter everywhere, but there's plenty of space to walk around and everything so it's not a big deal.

That being said I do feel a little proud of myself when I bother to clean up.
>> No. 5567 [Edit]
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>> No. 5568 [Edit]
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My room is spick and span, apart from the desk and a few dirt spots on top of the shelves. Messiness demotivates me from doing anything, thus I often just lie in bed all day. However it's been remarked by my family, and I also notice that myself, that my room has a weird smell, probably because I never let any sunlight through the windows to cleanse the germs.
>> No. 5574 [Edit]
File 130335608995.jpg - (247.74KB , 528x396 , 2.jpg )
In short: no.
>> No. 5584 [Edit]
File 130336946065.jpg - (156.89KB , 500x574 , tumblr_lj5jqzwhC11qfy8iwo1_500.jpg )
>> No. 5589 [Edit]
File 130339000036.jpg - (192.76KB , 744x876 , a850b974b32e137804c74bf048b3f32a.jpg )
>> No. 5642 [Edit]
I see it like this: I spend all of my time in my room so I might as well make it as nice as possible...

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