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5475 No. 5475 [Edit]
I find it funny how my mother in arguments uses shit like "you won't get married like this" or "If I was a young woman and attracted to you and I saw you like this I wouldn't ask you out" and some shit that a 3DPD would make me change my ways to become normalfags. I find it funny how she still assumes I will be like my father with all the women he married and kids he has. As in random quotes like "don't have a bunch of kids with different women your genetics will be there forever".

Yeah, like I'll get shitloads of 3DPD like my father will....

Funny as my grandmother has used similar phrasings during my spats/shitfests with my mother when she tries to "intervene" but in a more tactful manner. If these hypothetical 3DPDs didnt defend beating children and other oppressive black family "traditions" I would not get so fucking pissed. why I liked white 3DPDs exclusively for a period of time, backlash against my family.

pic unrelated, Does anyone here here the same shit like that?
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>> No. 5476 [Edit]
>If I was a young woman and attracted to you and I saw you like this
sounds like she's coming onto you
>> No. 5478 [Edit]
>> No. 5479 [Edit]
Kinda. I keep being told to not have sex with women unless I intend to marry, and that it has to be a Jehovha's witness, etc. A bunch of bullshit.

I've gone with my family to some ritual thing they do every year. I went just last night actually. I have no idea what it's about, something about wine and bread, it just seems silly. I just felt so uncomfortable. It was cramped, everyone was wearing suits and came off snobbish. I had to shake hands with so many people and had to leave to the bathroom to wash my hands every five minutes or so. they kept trying to initiate conversation, even though I think I made it pretty obvious that I did not want to talk to them. I started getting really nevervous and my knees felt weak the whole night.

My mother kept introducing random 3DP to me and they kept talking about inane bullshit, I just wanted to leave. It was so stressful but I'm glad it's over. Next year I just won't answer phone calls and not go.
>> No. 5484 [Edit]
>>no idea what it's about, something about wine and bread, it just seems silly. I just felt so uncomfortable. It was cramped, everyone was wearing suits and came off snobbish.

Ahh.....I remember that. Being dragged to some scholarship ball bullshit. I didnt like the suit and my family made my sit with them and deal with their bullshit.

sage due to my self-rage
>> No. 5485 [Edit]
Anytime I do something she does not approve she says something along the lines of “this is why you don’t have a 3DPD”
“you spend all your free time on the computer, this is why you don’t have a 3DPD”
“Still watching cartoons at your age? This is why you don’t have a 3DPD?”
“You’re at home on a weekend night, this is why you don’t have a 3DPD?”
>> No. 5487 [Edit]
Just in case you're curious what that ritual was. The wine represents Jesus' blood, and the bread his flesh. You were symbolically eating Jesus.
>> No. 5488 [Edit]
I was thinking it was that, but from the context of his post I think he was Jehovas's witnesses, not Lutheran (Catholics believe it LITERALLY turns into Jesus' flesh and blood). so i held off from poastin.
>> No. 5510 [Edit]
My parents annoy me occasionally about the whole "will you ever get a 3DPD" "do you like that girl" "do you secretly have a 3DPD" they won't tell it to me but I've overheard them thinking I'm gay before, I find it fucking pitiful anytime someone isn't attracted to a woman that makes them "gay". There are people that don't like either, but then you'll probably be regarded just as--if not lower than how gays are held in most peoples eyes.

My little brother annoys me a lot about it, part of the reason why I don't give a shit about him at all. He shut the fuck up about it after the last time he was going on about how cool he was for having a 3DPD and was all "hurr will you ever get a 3DPD" and I punched him in the face. In the little society people have its despicable your worth is whether or not you have a 3DPD, otherwise you're the scum of the earth or what they'll say "not right".
>> No. 5522 [Edit]
Closest thing I got it was:
> What happens when you get a 3DPD and she wants to go out? You're just going to stay home?
>> No. 5527 [Edit]
My mum has literally never mentioned anything about 3DPD to me. I'd like to think she's realized I don't want anything to do with real women, but a part of me seems to think that she's disappointed in me.
>> No. 5528 [Edit]
hamish is right, OP. Your mom is just a little tsun.


Yep, happens to me, too.
Also, I occasionally hear 'you won't find a 3DPD if you'll...' but it's rather rare.

Actually, I think my mom might be thinking I'm going out with somebody. ~Once a month I'm visiting a 'friend' of mine. What's more, she's actually female. The thing is, she's in her late 40s (mother of one of my classmates back from highschool). She had to deal with me a lot in HS as I caused some trouble (or rather didn't cause any, as I plain didn't show up in school all that much) and we grew to like each other. She's an English teacher so we meet to talk about books, philosophy, the decay of society and other silly topics.
A few weeks ago my mom asked me when I'm going to introduce her to her (as a matter of fact they do know each other). But it's not like I'm hiding where I'm going or anything, she just never asked.
>> No. 5529 [Edit]
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>we meet to talk about books, philosophy, the decay of society and other silly topics.

>> No. 5531 [Edit]
Never heard it. My mother tricks herself into thinking I'll be all right and have a 3DPD and a family and all that, and I've lived away from my father most of my life, so he has no idea about how I live. I'm sure it's going to start coming up soon, though.
>> No. 5534 [Edit]
I think during my highschool years I told them once I don't like women and they can expect to not have children from me when I was inebriated. They probably didn't believe me.
Small virtues for small people.
She makes it sound like she would think it would be ok to not have a girl if you were wasting your time on something more productive. That's a strange one.
>> No. 5576 [Edit]
OP here.
Haha @ hamish and whatnot thinking she's coming onto me. Nah I doubt it
I've gotten into arguments on the morality of incest with her she went all moralfag

Also next time that comes up I'm tempted to say. 'I don't care about that I am a pedophile/gay/something' just to see her reaction
>> No. 5656 [Edit]
My parents have been surprisingly understanding when it comes to this. They just realized that I will never get one and never bothered me with it.

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