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546 No. 546 [Edit]
So, I'm sitting here drinking lemonade and browsing Tohno-chan, when a question pops into my head.

What kind of drinks do you guys like? Do you have a favorite? Least favorite?

Kiri always related here.
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>> No. 547 [Edit]
Milk or water depending on how you define drink.
>> No. 548 [Edit]
I drink coffee in the morning, a mountain dew with my lunch, a sunny delight or apple juice in the evening, tea with dinner, and water for the rest of the day
>> No. 549 [Edit]
Anything with a metric butt ton of sugar and caffine and other teeth destroying chemicals. My favorite soda is root beer, but I'll drink anything with a flavor that isn't diet.
>> No. 551 [Edit]
Milk, Juice, tea, cider are all standard drinks for me that I like since that's what my college caf has a lot of. I despise coffee (though I force myself to drink it when I really need to stay up) and I rarely drink soda (maybe once a month).

I actually used to drink a ton of soda back in the day but then I stopped for a long time and now the fizzyness just hurts my throat. Not sure how I ever managed to ever drink it.

As for alcholic kinds, nothing really. I don't know shit about alcohol and the few wine, beer, vodka, scotch drinks I've had all tasted like shit to me and I'm not exactly about to force myself to get used to the taste.
>> No. 552 [Edit]
>Depending on how you define drink

I hadn't thought about it before I posted this, but anything safe to drink is included. I was meaning things like what you said, though.

Oh, and Lemonade, Cocoa, and soda are my primary drinks of choice. Water too, of course, but not nearly as much as the others.
>> No. 553 [Edit]
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these keep me going.

(i used to like red tea, when i was... well: young. i still enjoy whiskey, but havn't had a worthy ocassion to taste it in years)
>> No. 559 [Edit]
I usually drink water, or tea. Sometimes I have a coke. As for alchoholic beverages I've never drank alchohol besides once and it tasted so bad I didn't bother getting drunk (yeah I know its not the taste its the buzz etc etc) though I did try wine once and liked it, forget what kind it was however. Sometimes I get frappachino's from starbucks if I decide to go outside for once, leave my shitty hipster coffee alone.
>> No. 560 [Edit]
actually, i like taste too (don't hate me. i don't hate you).
>> No. 561 [Edit]
I'm kind of afraid to drink alcohol (or smoke weed) since I'm afraid it will take away whatever reservation I have that's stopping me from killing myself
>> No. 562 [Edit]
My personal favorite drink is coke mixed with pepsi. One of the only reasons I go out is to get cheap soda from a gas station/convenience store hybrid down the street. It sells 44 oz. of soda for a dollar and six cents and sells two two liters for three dollars. Diabetes, fuck yeah.
>> No. 563 [Edit]
I worship coffee. I also like tea, water and milk. Beer and gin & tonic is good too. Haven't had it in years, but I love Dr Pepper.
>> No. 564 [Edit]
Dr. pepper.
lemonade as a second choice.
>> No. 565 [Edit]
Glad to see all the tea, coffee, and water drinking Brohnos. Those are always my drink of choice.
>> No. 566 [Edit]
soymilk probably, don't really like soda but I dont mind a dr. pepper sometimes.

tea when its cold out.
>> No. 567 [Edit]
I also like a tall glass of cold milk
>> No. 568 [Edit]
Coffee and water mainly. I also drink beer sometimes, occasionally wine and spirits depending on the situation. Sometimes I just have to drink to take the edge off or forget about things for a while. I know it's supposed to be unhealthy, but I don't drink too much, and I'm going to die one day anyway.
>> No. 689 [Edit]
Mostly black tea with milk. Do enjoy oolong and green if it's good quality.

Enjoy coffee plenty too, although drinking less of it now, it's so expensive and I hate the instant shit.

Love beer. Good beer that is. Dark malty ales and nice crisp hoppy lagers. Usually only have one a day, while doing some light exercise on the driveway.

Red wine. Don't have as often, maybe once a week, two glasses from the bottle. Good for drinking while browsing.

Never really drank spirits for the taste, but don't like getting really drunk much these days.
>> No. 690 [Edit]
The only thing for thirst for me is water,
anything else doesn't really quench it
stuff like juice, soda or tea is only meant to compliment a meal for me.
>> No. 691 [Edit]
All water. I'll drink other things but I prefer water. The only thing that I might choose over it is lemonade or fruit juice made by hand with low amounts of sugar, or a little bit of tea.
>> No. 693 [Edit]
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The dude abides.
>> No. 694 [Edit]
I drink water almost exclusively, the only other drink being green tea. I've never drank alcohol, or even coffee, and never will.
>> No. 703 [Edit]
I drink water, tea, lemonade, soda, coffee and alcohol.
>> No. 807 [Edit]
What do I drink?

I usually drink water, coffee and tea.

But I do enjoy liquor or wine. Don't usually like beer unless if it's some type of beer that I'm fond of.

Milk and Juice are fine as well. Don't usually like soda. Not that fond of drinks with carbonate or high fructose corn syrup.
>> No. 808 [Edit]
Cept for wine, just like this man.
>> No. 924 [Edit]
Water and milk are what I usually drink. Although, on the odd occasion, a 'Lemon, Lime and Bitters' is nice. I rarely, if ever, drink alcohol, since I just don't like the taste of it. I get a lot of shit for that from my sister's friends (The only people who come to my house), but I don't care much.
>> No. 931 [Edit]
I try to drink water because its healthy.
I rarely drink any kind of juice because they make me feel bad. Chocolate milk, sometimes.
Coke and Dr Pepper are my favorite drinks but Dr Pepper is almost impossible to get here, so I stick to Coke.
I'll also drink any kind of alcohol I can get, it all tastes the same and I'd only drink to get drunk anyway.
>> No. 1069 [Edit]
Water is my life force personally. When I'm at the computer, watching anime, reading a VN or manga, or playing the vidya I almost always have a bottle of ice cold water with me.

I'll have to come out and admit I fucking hate coffee, I could never stand the taste. I do love tea though. My favorite soda is probably vault or ginger ale, it depends on the situation.
>> No. 1077 [Edit]
I like drinking sparkling water. Here, you can buy a bottle of it at Walmart for $0.69. It's the perfect summer/fall drink for me. In the winter, I like green tea. Brisk tea is nice in the summer.

Sometimes I'll pick up what I call 'grimy' soda - Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, etc.

And of course, I love me some водка, but as a general rule, I try to stay away from alcohol.
>> No. 1079 [Edit]
Coca cola is all I drink.

Yeah yeah, I know, I'm gonna die young.
>> No. 1148 [Edit]
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I like energy drinks on ice mixed with a fruity spatlese.
>> No. 1149 [Edit]
Apple juice..
>> No. 1152 [Edit]
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>> No. 1161 [Edit]
Water and lemonade for the most part. Though every once in a while I help myself to some coffee, and if I'm feeling depressed/more stressed out than usual I'll have some alcohol. Coffee and Alcohol are definitely acquired tastes, I disliked both of them when I first tried them, but I came to like it.

I used to drink tons of Mountain Dew a few years back, I stopped doing that.
>> No. 1162 [Edit]
>Coffee and Alcohol are definitely acquired tastes

Good. I'll try my best to avoid them at all costs. I don't need another addiction on top of my debilitating computer addict.
>> No. 1227 [Edit]
with cream and sugar (or creamer).
>> No. 1241 [Edit]
Tonight I'm drinking Sapporo beer and Grand River Brewing Co. Russian Imperial Stout.

My favourite drinks are tea and water, maybe a coffee every once in a while.
>> No. 2428 [Edit]
File 129530861333.jpg - (159.38KB , 608x375 , foar_chinese_Japanese_Tea608.jpg )
I don't know why I can say so much about beverages, but here goes.

Tea is my main drink. I like all kinds, but my favourites are green, oolong, and ginger-based herbal teas. I sorta "collect" teas the way some people collect figs, I overspend on them and buy more when I feel like it even when I have plenty. I have about 5 pounds of loose-leaf tea sitting in the kitchen cupboards right now. (Probably dumb since it'll go bad eventually, even sealed up like it tends to be.)

I can tolerate some beers and wines, but it's bad for me to keep any palatable alcohol around because I find that I just keep drinking it if it's there. So I just keep brandy around and I only drink it if I mix it with tea to overpower the awful alcohol taste. (Supposedly, it's actually recommended that to "enjoy" a hard liquor you dilute it with water anyway so the alcohol burn doesn't overpower the flavour.)

I also drink coffee on rare occasions, but I don't keep any around to brew myself.

Water is also a staple, of course. And sometimes skim milk. That's about it; I quit soda many years ago and can't go back, it tastes disgusting to me now. I do still like the feeling of chugging a fizzy drink though.
>> No. 2433 [Edit]
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saporro is what my little brother puked up on moots kitchen floor a while ago. i've never had Russian Imperial Stout, is it similar to british isles ale-stouts or is it a lagered stout, like the neighboring baltic porters are (they're lagers)?
i was just fucking around in gimp with this sweet-ass nenenene-chan banner and i think i may have accidentally made it a little less sweet.
>> No. 2440 [Edit]
I remember that pasta.
>> No. 2442 [Edit]
Black tea sometimes Earl Grey
Coffee sometimes
Estonian Vodka
Gin...I guess I like all alcohol really.
Orange Juice
>> No. 2447 [Edit]
Vodka... or aftershave.
>> No. 2466 [Edit]
>> No. 2468 [Edit]
Most favorite:
Green tea
other tea (earl gray when green runs out)
Regular lemonade
Arizona Ice Teas (cut back on those though, too much sugar)

Least favorite:
probably alcohol, never could get used to the taste, oh well
>> No. 2470 [Edit]
Water almost always.

Can't stand to drink milk usually, something gross about it, even though I eat other dairy products.

I've never liked tea, no matter how hard I try.

I used to have a sort of caffeine addiction. I was always drinking either coffee or caffeinated soda (Dr Pepper was and I guess is my favorite). Now I don't have these except on very rare occasions, since it's bad for my health and a waste of money.

I do like lemonade though, now that OP mentions it. But it's a pain to make, and most kinds you can buy are no better than soda.....
>> No. 2471 [Edit]
I started drinking slimfast to lose a little weight and it tastes really bad. I'm going to keep drinking it anyway though because I want a thinner, more feminine figure...
>> No. 2472 [Edit]
Random soda pop and wine

A lot of wine.
>> No. 2764 [Edit]
I've come to like black coffee with honey, but it isn't complete without a slight dab of either cacao and/or coffee liquor.
>> No. 2766 [Edit]
Black coffee when I feel I need it in the mornings. Sometimes milk coffee.

Coke, orange soda and various other HFC-filled drinks when I feel like something overly sweet.

Beer is nice. I'll have a few cheap cans or one good microbrew from time to time. Stouts are the best.

Vodka goes in any[every]thing.
>> No. 2786 [Edit]

I've tried to drink coffee to help regulate my sleep rhythm, but it almost makes me puke, I just can't do it.
>> No. 2963 [Edit]
Orange Crush (which I usually end up buying cause I could down a 24-pack in 2~3 days)
Diet Pepsi

Green tea in the mornings

And scotch If I had the money
>> No. 2964 [Edit]
Out of curiosity, did anyone here start drinking a beverage regularly because they were turned onto it by some type of /tc/ media? I don't think I would have ever tried brandy if it weren't for the "flaming wine" educational addendum to Spice and Wolf season 2.

I don't remember when I started drinking tea but I wouldn't be surprised if you could trace it back to anime characters drinking tea somehow.
>> No. 2965 [Edit]
No, all my regular beverages (tea, soda) were established when I was a kid, before I was ever into japanese stuff
>> No. 3081 [Edit]
Coffee and tea are the regulars.

I used to love those Arizona 99 cent cans. Southern Style Sweet Tea and Mango were my favorite flavors.
>> No. 3115 [Edit]
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I cant stop drinking energy drinks. I need one every single day otherwise I feel like shit. today I felt like I needed 2. I'd just drink coffee instead but it makes me feel sick.
>> No. 3116 [Edit]
And that, my friend, is the reason I don't want to get addicted to those things in the first place. At one point itll just become a placating of a desire, you'll just be drinking to feel normal.
>> No. 3117 [Edit]
I hate coffee and most energy drinks, but I drink water a lot.
>> No. 3119 [Edit]
Mostly sodas, sometimes water. I don't have much of a choice since I don't live alone yet.
>> No. 3148 [Edit]
No Soda
No alcohol
No Items
Final Destination
>> No. 3183 [Edit]
Coke. Going through around 6-8 cans a day nowadays.

Its always just been the thing that I drink, so i've stuck to it.
>> No. 3196 [Edit]
Mostly water, sometimes milk, rarely self pressed orange juice or tea.
Good stuff.

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