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5405 No. 5405 [Edit]
Imagine that you find one day a strange book.

This book changes the world around you into ANY universe from manga/anime/video games you want.And it's the real deal.You also fit in if it is weird world.

However Marche appears and starts wrecking havoc because "escapism is bad".

Why is escapism regarded bad?
Would you let him drag you back?
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>> No. 5407 [Edit]

Escapism is regarded bad because someday you'll have to face reality you want it or not.

Of course, if you don't have to face reality ever again it's not really escapism, it's just changing your life for good.

And no.
>> No. 5409 [Edit]
>Why is escapism regarded bad?
Escapism is only bad if you have something good to return to.
>Would you let him drag you back?
Hell no.
>> No. 5418 [Edit]
Most people find it bad I'm guessing because they think it makes people lazy and unwilling to work or interact with the real world, that it messes with your heard and turns you into a shell of a person.
they also take offence to it, because they live in this world, and they might like it, and view your actions as saying this world, their world, is not good enough for you, kind of like telling a person their home looks like crap.

because I've grown to be disgusted and detest the world around me, I wouldn't think twice about escaping for real, and would fight hard to stay there.
>> No. 5428 [Edit]
It's only escapism when you are escaping from something. Can we call it hedonism instead?

Nonetheless I'd stay where I ended up, if I would fit in like you said.
>> No. 5504 [Edit]
>Escapism is regarded bad because someday you'll have to face reality you want it or not.
People like to say that because it sounds deep, but it isn't true.
>> No. 5533 [Edit]
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Escapism being a bad thing is subjective. I don't know why anyone would care what you do with your time, I'm sure they themselves have some equally inane hobbies as I do.

I would not let him drag me back, he could go back himself. In the case of this game, he needed to destroy the world in order to go back. I'd honestly just find some way to kill him. The lives him and his friends used to live were absolutely horrible. He can't tell the difference if he's dead.
>> No. 5553 [Edit]
I for one would join your clan.

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