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5351 No. 5351 [Edit]
So, what was your Internet life like before you first discovered imageboards? What sites did you go to, and how did you act?

I was a drifter for the most part, usually just reading old sites that looked like they were from the late 90s or such. I never knew about any large, popular communities, ones that most people with my interests would frequently browsed.

Sometimes I'll hear people talking about forums they went to/online games they played in the early 2000s, and all I can think is "I wish I had heard of that back then."
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>> No. 5353 [Edit]
I mostly posted on video game and anime forums, being a typical "I'm really mature for my age" type poster. Then in late 2006 (or early 2007, I can't remember) I heard about 4chan and started lurking the boards. It wasn't long until I abandoned all my other forums for the site and posted pretty hardcore until late 2009-ish when the site became too shitty to browse anymore. Now I just post on TC and the two or so forums I lurk.
>> No. 5355 [Edit]
I was on SheezyArt constantly. Until college, I had time to check SheezyArt, 4chan, and a couple other sites every day.

I started on /b/ when I was 16, and I liked it, but I eventually realized it was awful and it just kept getting worse. I left, and then found out about 711chan, which actually was a hell of a lot of fun for about a year, until it started running into server errors and would be down for weeks at a time. For some reason I later decided to check out /a/, and liked that, too, until again I realized it was awful.

I mostly lurked, but on the rare occasion I did post, people were usually fine with them. If anyone actually remembers, I once made a thread on /a/ comparing different anime studios to trains; people liked that one.
>> No. 5356 [Edit]
I mainly spent time back then playing video games, and one of those was Halo for the PC (yeah, I know). I spent a lot of my time online at various forums for Halo PC mods, and making them. On some forum I came across a post that talked about 4chan. Checked it out, got confused by the layout, and never bothered again until late 2006. It must of been pretty early in it's life too, since it still had the old front page and frames.
>> No. 5357 [Edit]
I mainly frequented tech forums and early video game sites, used to go to unofficial Nintendo sites and their forums and partake in console battles, spend time creating stupid websites on Lycos (which would end ad ridden) and whatnot. I spent my whole internet life on IRC and still do though. You learn a lot on IRC just by reading people or having conversations. Imageboards were a nice addition because of the masses it gathers and the fast information on different topics but in the end it's only a faster forum.
>> No. 5358 [Edit]
Strange to see another person who lurked 711chan. I hung out on their IRC a lot, but left after it turned into an ASCII flood-fest.
>> No. 5359 [Edit]
I didn't post on gaming forums and the like because I was afraid that the people would hate me there for being new. All I really posted on was some forum tailored for a 14-18 userbase, but I didn't associate with the rest of the people there because most of them were normals.

In 2005 I discovered YTMND through random browsing of Wikipedia, and from there I discovered 4chan. That was one of the best days of my life, finally finding a place online that I could call home.
>> No. 5360 [Edit]
I went from YTMND to 4chan too. Though for me it was because the YTMND admin guy told people "if you want to post anime go to fucking 4chan", so I did.
>> No. 5361 [Edit]
That is a damn good question. I had to think a good ten minutes before posting the rest.

Before I had internet, me and my friend would go to the local library to play runescape. I guess that's what I did before finding forums and imageboards. I've never had more than a dozen posts on an imageboard though. It just felt embarrassing posting. I liked being anonymous. I can be honest and I'd not need to carry anything with me.
>> No. 5362 [Edit]
>more than a few dozen posts on an imageboard
Meant forum there.
>> No. 5363 [Edit]
My time on the internet started back in 2001 when I started browsing various video game related message boards. Eventually I found my way to YTMND around late '06/early'07 and like >>5359 and >>5360 I went to 4chan from there. Initially, I only made occasional visits to the porn boards during my first visits at the end of '07, but I never bothered to check out the rest of the site at the time. Fast forward to April '08 where I was stuck at home for a few weeks after I had some emergency surgery done (take good care of your gall bladder, kids) I made a few visits to /v/ and got hooked. I was fed up with /v/ by the end of summer 2009 and I started branching out into boards like /a/, /c/, /jp/ and /toy/ in search of Miku related things. At the very beginning of 2010, almost literally, I found my way to Tohno-chan after deciding to finally search for a waifu-dedicated IRC channel mentioned on /a/ months before, and I finally felt at home on the internet.
>> No. 5364 [Edit]
Damn man, your progression through 4chan is pretty much me. /b/ through 07 or so for a few months, then into /v/ until that babby thing was just the last straw. On /jp/ until about three months ago. I had to choose between here and bun. TC is just so perfectly organized, along with the recent post block on the front page, just made this site perfect. It's great that the atmosphere and users here are so friendly as well.
>> No. 5365 [Edit]
The last straw for me on /v/ was when they did that unicorn shit AGAIN in the middle of E3, which was basically the mods saying "we care more about being lolrandum than video game discussion"

>I had to choose between here and bun

Why do you have to choose?
>> No. 5366 [Edit]
TC is just the right speed, and everything is organized neatly across boards. Bun is just too much of a mess. I almost had a panic attack when looking at all those pages, and I'd feel terrible if I bumped a 3 year old thread.
>> No. 5367 [Edit]
I miss the good old days, back when everyone hated Ebaumsworld
>> No. 5368 [Edit]
Who stopped hating Ebaumsworld?
>> No. 5369 [Edit]
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Does that place still exist?
>> No. 5370 [Edit]
>Bun is just too much of a mess.
How so? You just keep things in one thread and use the subject field more. I kind of wish TC was like that because it's a real pain going to each board to find new posts. A lot of the boards are dead too.
>> No. 5371 [Edit]
Same here. In late 2005 I went from YTMND to 4chan.
>> No. 5372 [Edit]
Nobody, but people have forgotten it exists.
>> No. 5373 [Edit]
YTMND still exists too. I'm kind of surprised because you would think it and ebaums would have been phased out after youtube came into the world
>> No. 5374 [Edit]
I've on the net since the late 90's. I didn't find these places until much too late.
Finding new sites to visit has always been a problem for me. I still visit some sites I found all the way back then. Sites about RPGs, anime, and other video games.
I didn't find 4chan until the end of 2009. I felt like maybe after all those years I found a home on /a/. I had to flee not too long later to /jp/. That place died even before the quake, but that probably put it past saving. I like /c/ though.

I don't remember how I found this place, but I love it here.
>> No. 5375 [Edit]
I know how you feel when it comes to 4chan. I really wish I could have posted on /a/ and /jp/ back when they were good but /b/'s shittiness drove me away from 4chan for a long while, and when I came back it was too late
>> No. 5376 [Edit]
Can't say I really had much of an internet life (nor a real one for that matter). Used to browse the forums of a certain pro-sports team site for the longest time and then just moved to /a/ and later to here.

Life was really boring for me before I found anonymous imageboards.
>> No. 5377 [Edit]
I never really had major constant internet access until 07 and i pretty much only posted on the (halo) forums since i was still heavily into it at the time.
Saw /b/ linked on there, checked it, wanted nothing to do with it, few months later checked out /a/ and started lurking.
>> No. 5382 [Edit]
It was mostly the same, except I browsed fora instead of imageboards.

As for 4chan I went from /b/ (gave up during the scientology thing) to /a/ (gave up midway through the Bakemonogatari trolling) to /v/ (gave up ... well, I can't recall it that well, I think it was late 2009), to /jp/ (summer 2010).
>> No. 5383 [Edit]
Got internet access in 2001. I mostly used it to find cheat codes and the like for games I was playing at the time. I registered on several gaming forums but I didn't stay for very long on any of them. I really started using fora after buying Diablo II. One of these had an 'anime' section and they were often using slang from 4chan. That was in the end of 2004, iirc. I started reading /b/ then and, after I got the hang of anonymous imageboards (there were no convenient encyclopedias or sites explaining memes at the time), I started posting regularly in 2005. I got bored of the 'Anonymous is legion blablabla' mentality about a year later, more or less when the habbo raids started. Posted on 7chan for a month or two but it was the exact same stupid shit I was fleeing from. I more or less stopped using imageboards then, and instead came back to posting on fora (for abandonwares, graphics discussion, and other interests). In the end of 2007 I decided to check out 4chan again because it was gaining popularity and I needed a place to discuss anime. I haven't looked back. I mostly posted on /a/, both pre- and post-split, /mu/ until January 2009 when it became one of the shittiest places I know, and /jp/ until about the same time.
Nowadays I only have 4 or 5 boards bookmarked, mostly small, cozy places like tohno-chan. And I still can't go back to using fora, even if I force myself, the posting style is just too different.
Not a very interesting story.
>> No. 5387 [Edit]
"Fora", you mean forums right? I can see what you're saying about not going back to forums because the posting style is different.
>> No. 5388 [Edit] chat for Diablo 1 was my first foray into internet socializing. This was. . .god, must have been in the mid-90s. I remember my mother came in to see what I was doing and some guy kept calling me a fag ;_;

Then video game forums. I spent basically all of one summer playing Fallout 2 and posting on the official interplay Fallout boards. I remember some guy who was about as into the game as I was, he had that "intelligent but pleasant misanthrope" persona and was at least in his 20s.

Eventually I went to a bigger general "video games" forum that had multiple off-topic/social boards, and when they got big and filled with 13 year olds and turned to shit, they got their own spinoffs (the same way TC spun off of 4chan).

I still go to a couple forums but have mostly grown apart from the userbases. One of them has a 4chan-style pervasive feel of hate, negativity, bickering, trolling, etc. which I am sick of, so I only go to the anime subforum, which is basically just me and one other guy.

On the other one, all the long-time users I liked are moving on with their lives and don't have much time for forums since they have to spend time with their careers and kids and other stuff. Plus my interests have moved on and I am much more anime-focused, which they're mostly not.

I initially browsed 4chan only for the porn boards and didn't go to /a/ or anything. I didn't even get into anime until 2007 I think. At some point during its initial good period (I think) I popped in to /jp/, misled by the "Japan/Culture" label. I stuck around for a little while, discovered touhou and VNs, but I didn't make it permanent, it was very on-and-off and depended on how bored I was at the time.

At some point someone made a greentext thread about tohno-chan being so great compared to /jp/ so I popped in and I guess it stuck.
>> No. 5389 [Edit]

It's 'fora' not 'forums', just like it's 'stadia' (not 'stadiums') and 'aquaria' (not 'aquariums'). You need to revise your Latin my friend.

Use whichever form you like and I'll use whichever one I like. As long as you won't bother me I will never feel the need to correct you.I hope you enjoy using the wrong form, though.
>> No. 5390 [Edit]
bunbunmaru suffers from the same problem pooshlmer does (not quite as badly, though.) It's one board with a huge backlog of old pages. It's a goddamn mess.
>> No. 5393 [Edit]
Oh god, every time I contemplated posting there I gave up.
>> No. 5394 [Edit]
Front page, learn to use it.
>> No. 5403 [Edit]
Eh, stop shit talking good old Boon. I sorta like thinking about our two sites as schoolmates or twins or something. We are somewhat similar in purpose, meant to be a place for better quality posting. Its just they have a less neat organising system and we have a culture thats kind of described by our two boards /mai/ and /so/. I don't think we're rivals, and theres no reason someone couldn't browse both. I actually browse both.
>> No. 5404 [Edit]
It only shows the past 15 posts, and there's plenty more than that each day.
Maybe, but it's easier to find stuff since it's all on top of one or two boards. All I need to do each day is scroll down the first page of the two boards on /bun/. On TC, I have to click on 20 different boards to see what I missed.
>> No. 5433 [Edit]
Neopets -> Gaia-> /y/(4chan) -> /jp/&/m/(4chan) -> TC & 420chan
>> No. 5434 [Edit]
I don't see how checking six or seven organized boards is worse than looking through thirty or so threads on a single page, but I guess we've just got different styles.

Yeah, I don't bear any ill will towards them. They're pretty much all right, personal complaints about their system aside.
>> No. 5444 [Edit]
In my first online years, I wasn't very well-informed of all the cool websites out there. I had no friends, so discovering these sites through word-of-mouth wasn't a possibility. Plus, we had dial-up then, and since my mom always happened to be waiting for a phone call, I could almost never get online. I usually spent what little online time I had looking up cheat codes.

It wasn't until around '04 that we finally got broadband. The first community I joined was Gamewinners, since that's where I went to look up most of my cheats, but I made an ass of myself there and people hated me. Later on I started going to Newgrounds, and from there, I discovered YTMND. I started seeing "4chan" in a whole bunch of image sources, but I thought it was just some anime forum (I wasn't much into anime at the time). It wasn't until '06 that I decided to go there out of curiosity. I immediately fell in love with /b/, and later on I checked out the other boards.

Call this weird, but I had actually never heard of Gaia and the like until I saw people on 4chan talking about it.
>> No. 5446 [Edit]
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>Gaia-> /y/(4chan) -> /jp/&/m/(4chan) -> TC & 420chan
It is all as I have predicted.
>> No. 5447 [Edit]
Me neither.
>> No. 5449 [Edit]
Same here. I also didn't know anything about twitter, tumblr, and what-have-you before hearing about it on /a/.
>> No. 5453 [Edit]
The first forum I got into was the Beastie Boys message board. This was around '99-2000. I guess I acted like a total noob.
I used to lurk and post a little on Gamingforce. Then I got interested in anime and 4chan around 2005. I posted on /b/ for a while then switched to /v/. I did a lot of trolling. Then I gave it up because its just the same bullshit every day and I dont give a shit about video games outside of a select few.
>> No. 5454 [Edit]
>I dont give a shit about video games outside of a select few.
Just like everyone on /v/! のヮの
>> No. 5460 [Edit]
I spent A LOT of time on the old Nintendo Nsider forum, Runescape, and various games websites.
>> No. 9596 [Edit]
Damn this thread reminded me about a lot of old places. Come to think of it... 4chan reminds me a lot of Walmart. See, before I found it I used to go to a lot of different places for my discussions about various topics and had a lot of good friends. Kind of like how you would go to mom and pop stores and know who ran the places. Once I found 4chan I started only going there and gradually lost all my friends. Overtime I just stopped going to the other places and when I go back to visit them they're ghost towns. Pretty sad stuff.
>> No. 9611 [Edit]
I... don't remember (or don't want to remember. fuck)
>> No. 9625 [Edit]
Wonder why I didn't post in this thread the first time I saw it. Well thanks for bumping it anyway.

The first ever internet experience I had I can remember was posting a horribly typed question about why my pansies were dying on a gardening website and wondering why it never got published.

I played neopets and got addicted to it.

As a young teen I liked ninjas and swords and other violent asian stuff. I browsed some asian RTS game forum and somehow became a mod there even though I was a complete piece of shit.

At the same time I was a regular on another forum called customwars where there was a group of people trying to make an expansion of a gameboy game called Advance Wars. Some guy there named Kosheh who had sister incest visual novels on his shelf dropped memes often and I thought he was funny as fuck. I thought he was the bomb. He told me about 4chan and I made my way to /b/ in the middle of a week long over nine-thousand spamfest. And then began the downward spiral of doom.
>> No. 9627 [Edit]
Totse, I lurked there from an age when the only reason I was online was becuase fire was just so damn nifty to my prepubescent mind up until early 2007 when I was spending more and more time on 4chan instead.

There wasn't much middle ground, and back in the day the goings of /b/ were rather well noted. I guess I just headed for the source instead of waiting for it secondhand, and never really came back. After watching legendary shitfits tear what was probably a very unstable board to begin with apart, I quickly found out the the site had other boards that weren't quite so insane.

Went to /a/, my stay there was pretty short, went over to /jp/ at the split, and basically set up camp there. Left in the aftermath of summer 2010 and now stay the fuck away from 4chan altogether.

Now the only two sites I frequent are TC and another chan that has gone through a few incarnations. (anything else is for grabbing backlog fodder).
>> No. 9637 [Edit]
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I'll just tell you this: the first time I ever shared something truly mine, was on a Zelda fanart page... and it was this.

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