No. 5388
Battle.net chat for Diablo 1 was my first foray into internet socializing. This was. . .god, must have been in the mid-90s. I remember my mother came in to see what I was doing and some guy kept calling me a fag ;_;
Then video game forums. I spent basically all of one summer playing Fallout 2 and posting on the official interplay Fallout boards. I remember some guy who was about as into the game as I was, he had that "intelligent but pleasant misanthrope" persona and was at least in his 20s.
Eventually I went to a bigger general "video games" forum that had multiple off-topic/social boards, and when they got big and filled with 13 year olds and turned to shit, they got their own spinoffs (the same way TC spun off of 4chan).
I still go to a couple forums but have mostly grown apart from the userbases. One of them has a 4chan-style pervasive feel of hate, negativity, bickering, trolling, etc. which I am sick of, so I only go to the anime subforum, which is basically just me and one other guy.
On the other one, all the long-time users I liked are moving on with their lives and don't have much time for forums since they have to spend time with their careers and kids and other stuff. Plus my interests have moved on and I am much more anime-focused, which they're mostly not.
I initially browsed 4chan only for the porn boards and didn't go to /a/ or anything. I didn't even get into anime until 2007 I think. At some point during its initial good period (I think) I popped in to /jp/, misled by the "Japan/Culture" label. I stuck around for a little while, discovered touhou and VNs, but I didn't make it permanent, it was very on-and-off and depended on how bored I was at the time.
At some point someone made a greentext thread about tohno-chan being so great compared to /jp/ so I popped in and I guess it stuck.