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File 130246685976.jpg - (118.46KB , 640x480 , d04e9c330b51dcee2f50370c6cb2a466.jpg )
5211 No. 5211 [Edit]
I remember when in high school I was the closest to hikki/NEETness when summer break was in place. I would spend a week at the most in the house minus going out to mow my lawn or something else. There would be times I'd go to a game store or local bookstore for some things, and I would do that too. I'd do stuff also like wander around my city with public transportation and go to places alone. I'd also watch anime and play J-Pop and play video games with all my windows open or leave the doors open.

I posted this thread as it has been warm this weekend here where I live (Chicago), it was ~70*F yesterday and ~80*F now
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>> No. 5213 [Edit]
I take classes these summers. During my first two highschool years, I spent them all inside. Junior and Senior year, I worked so I could buy video games, electronics, imports, etc.
>> No. 5214 [Edit]
same as i spend my winters
locked in the basement
>> No. 5216 [Edit]
I vaguely remember the summers in the middle of high school. I was much more close to being a hikki than before or after. Get up after everyone else had left the house, use the computer and play video games all day. (Though thinking about it I also now remember getting yelled at a lot for doing 'nothing' all day eventually.)

Now, my summers are not different from my springs or winters or autumns, except for my responses to the temperature.
>> No. 5217 [Edit]
For the last 3 years my summers have been just like any other season, since I don't leave the house. Well, actually I don't like summer very much because that's when kids are out of school and that makes the internet a slightly shittier place
>> No. 5222 [Edit]
since I live in Australia and have no air conditioning I basically spend Summer in a heat induced stupor
>> No. 5223 [Edit]
File 130248372173.jpg - (215.80KB , 1280x720 , [KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes .jpg )
At the beach with my friends!
>> No. 5224 [Edit]
My family always goes on elaborate vacations over the summer, but they want me to get an internship this year, so I don't know what we'll be doing.
>> No. 5225 [Edit]
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I prefer the pool myself
>> No. 5226 [Edit]
I never knew Australia was on the level of third world countries.
>> No. 5229 [Edit]
So flat.

We used to spend a week or two near the beach and go sightseeing all over Europe but now that my parents are divorced I probably will do nothing, or try to get some kind of summer jerb.
>> No. 5233 [Edit]
Being a loser at home, usually. Last summer I worked with my dad, though. Made some money to support my hobbies for the year.
>> No. 5237 [Edit]
Usually I'll just do summers the same I do every year - Inside most of the time, listening to music, watching Japanese cartoons, playing crappy video games.

Summers are unique, though, if only because of two or three reasons. The first being that I'll get dragged to the beach on any given day by my family/friend. Like they're so concerned about me... The second being that I get more depressed and attached to escapism - I figure it's the free time that makes me so bummed, but I don't know, really. I also like the series that tend to be released in the summertime, as well. The producers seem to do a really good job at making them fun and 'refreshing', so to speak.

Summers suck, man.

I fucking hate not having an air conditioner. I've made that my goal this summer - Get an air conditioner. Also the first time my summer had a goal.
>> No. 5246 [Edit]
The same way I spend my winters, but with the windows open.
>> No. 5247 [Edit]
This summer I'll be taking classes. It's not so bad, though. The college campus is a lot emptier during the summer, so I'll be able to go outside and enjoy it without having a bunch of shitheads walking and eating and yelling all around me.
>> No. 5265 [Edit]
the same way I spend my summers, but usually naked.
>> No. 5270 [Edit]
Its extremely hot and not everyone has an air conditioner (e.g me)
>> No. 5279 [Edit]
its not a matter of being a third world country. I just choose to spend what little money I have on high speed internet and anime figures instead of an air conditioner.
also its a waste of electricity.

anyway Summer is over now.
>> No. 5280 [Edit]
IIRC, hot temperatures are horribly taking on PVC figures. Same with sunlight or humidity. They were made for hikki's.
>> No. 5283 [Edit]
My room is literally in a cold basement, so luckily that isn't an issue for me.
>> No. 5303 [Edit]
I used to do all the same things as you OP, but the past couple years I've just sat inside. At most, I sit outside with a laptop on my balcony, away from people.

I guess I realized there is no point to going outside, at least for me.
>> No. 5336 [Edit]
I usually just sat around all day and used my free time to practice programming and other things I liked, but this summer I'm going to try and get a driver's license as well as a job. Hopefully said job would keep me "busy" enough so that this time, I won't be dragged out-of-state to see family.
>> No. 5337 [Edit]
I always just spent my summers inside. I never had any friends (and don't now either), so there was no reason to go outside. Living in a shithole doesn't help either.

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