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5194 No. 5194 [Edit]
Any one here drink? If so what? Also avoid this shit. At least upgrade to the Beast. Shit is still bad, but not quite as much. Also, people won't think you are an alcoholic when buying it, just poor.

Anyone want some entry level booze advice, I will try my best.
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>> No. 5197 [Edit]
I went to my friend's apartment today, we walked through the woods nearby.

Found damn piles of these cans littered in two spots. One area was near the water, had three logs around a flat stone with a pentagram on it, looked like a satanic ritual sacrifice stone.

Didn't know this shit existed before I saw it in the woods.
>> No. 5203 [Edit]
Finishing off a bottle of cheap sake right now. I don't drink a whole lot though. When I do it's usually craft beer.
>> No. 5204 [Edit]
Gut drunk this Thursday, made an ass of myself.
Another thing that will be on my mind for years to come although most my friends and the people we were hanging out with have already forgotten it.
Serves me right for going outside and leaving you guys to hang out with normalfags.
>> No. 5205 [Edit]
I guess I enjoy a glass of cider here and there
>> No. 5206 [Edit]
I used to drink alot when i had friends but i havent for 5 years and can't say I miss it
>> No. 5305 [Edit]
I'm probably the biggest alcohol and drug user on these forums, more so than SSRI used to be.

I love booze. Tonight I'm drinking Innis & Gunn Rum Cask Oak Aged beer from Scotland. It's easily one of the best beers there is going around the world right now.

If anyone has questions regarding booze (or drugs) I'd also gladly answer. I'm quite the connoisseur.
>> No. 5308 [Edit]
Now that I'm working again, I pretty much drink every night

I honestly just go with the shit I can get down the easiest, so mass produced beer like bud light lime and vodka + OJ are my main thing.

I would be a bit more picky, but honestly I'm drinking just to get a buzz. So theirs no point in putting up the money for it.
>> No. 5309 [Edit]
>the shit I can get down the easiest
>mass produced beer
What the hell? I can barely drink that stuff.
>> No. 5310 [Edit]

I guess because it's mass produced, it usually tastes like nothing/shit/water, so it's easy to drink (as awful as it tastes).
>> No. 5313 [Edit]
What drugs have you tried?
>> No. 5314 [Edit]

Ah...I can't list them because there is way too many. I've probably done most things at least once except crack and meth. I've done everything form LSD to obscure research tryptamines you can buy online.
>> No. 5318 [Edit]

Stuff like Bud lite, Keith, Moosehead, Blue, etc have very little taste to them. As long as you drank at least a bit in your life you can down them without much effort. But then I enjoy tequila shots so I'm a pretty strange case
>> No. 5319 [Edit]
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Hey I love Blue Moon. Don't be disrespecting that. It is easy to find and not too expensive.

This stuff on the other hand is so damn good. I used to be able to get it from my local grocery store. I have to go to a liquor store for it now. What a shame.

Don't get all beer snob in here. No one likes them. They are total douchebags. No one here has much if any money anyway.
>> No. 5322 [Edit]
I'm far from a beer snob. I was just expressing an opinion that I find cheap beer much harder to stomach than better stuff because it tastes like rancid mud water.
>> No. 5323 [Edit]
I never understood the appeal of alcohol.
I don't see how burning your throat can calm your thirst. I could never like it since I was a kid.
>> No. 5324 [Edit]
For me, the enjoyable part is a few seconds after drinking, after that "hot feeling" in your stomach goes away. But I only drink high proof drinks.

Would it be feasible to get some DMT?
>> No. 5325 [Edit]
you should look into making your own beer. its quite simple and you'll produce something better than any "beer snob" can buy in a bottle. all at a cost of about half what you pay for the cheapest beer. also, i contest the unnecessarily insulting term "beer snob" it smacks of an immature "stop liking what i dont like" attitude. if other people's tastes differing from your own bother you so much, why not just hide the thread?
>> No. 5327 [Edit]
I'm not >>5319, but in my experience beer snobs are exactly the people who go around telling others that they are wrong for liking something which they consider inferior, often based on price alone or on how (not) obscure it is.
>> No. 5329 [Edit]
It's a pleasant feeling when it's sitting in your body and a nice buzz every now and then is always nice. I'm not a fan of getting drunk though.
>> No. 5339 [Edit]

Well, people don't drink to quench thirst, they drink for the subtle flavours of a drink. Not all alcohol burns, anyway, just stuff like liquor.
>> No. 5378 [Edit]
I actually did make my own beer for a little while. It turned out to be too big a pain in the ass to do, and didn't save much if any money so I quit doing it.

I do enjoy good a beer, but I will go buy a 30 pack of ewww nasties a lot. You get used to them. I just want a buzz, and they will do the job.

I could switch to liquor, but have had too many bad experiences with that shit.
>> No. 5380 [Edit]
I don't drink often at all. When I do, a pint of Cider does the trick nicely.
>> No. 5436 [Edit]
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there is the possibility that i might be making nashi cider this fall. i've never had it or even seen it for sale anywhere and i know a guy who works at an orchard that grows about a dozen different varieties of japples.
>> No. 5462 [Edit]
Sounds great. If you want a nice apple cider though, get Bulmers Cider. It's on tap at the bar I meet clients at and it tastes fantastic.
>> No. 5464 [Edit]
>I never understood the appeal of alcohol.
I drink so I can tolerate the people I'm with more, and to have artificial fun. I don't drink that often, because I don't have money, but it's pretty addicting. I guess I'm an alcoholic. I pretty much like anything that'll get me fucked up. 'Give a fuck if it tastes good.

It's funny because when I was a teenager I saw some of my friends start drinking a lot and doing drugs, and they all turned into massive brain-dead faggots. I swore that I'd avoid that shit, but now I just don't care. It's like masturbating, except a lot less healthy.
>> No. 5679 [Edit]
>I drink so I can tolerate the people I'm with more
Pretty much this. Secretly, I am almost always half drunk before I meet a client, since I NEED to look sociable in my industry, no matter how true that actually is. It works, but I feel dirty afterwards.
>> No. 5753 [Edit]
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