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File 130224202210.jpg - (66.78KB , 500x500 , sleepwalking.jpg )
5117 No. 5117 [Edit]
Has anyone else ever experienced sleepwalking? It happened to me recently, brought on by medication, and it was rather frightening, not to mention embarrassing. Frightening because I ended up falling down on the tile floor at one point, the sound of which woke up my dad. I have no recollection of any of it, though I was sporting a purple elbow and knee the next day.
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>> No. 5119 [Edit]
File 130224236061.png - (65.64KB , 512x512 , flan fell.png )
My room is so cluttered that if I started sleepwalking I would kill myself. I can barely navigate it while I'm awake
>> No. 5120 [Edit]
I walked in my sleep for a few years. Interesting that these years were ones I was taking psychostimulants during. What medication were you taking?
>> No. 5121 [Edit]
No, but I have sleeptalked and sleepcried before. Have no recollection what the hell I was dreaming about however, which is odd since I'm the type to remember quite well about what I dream.
>> No. 5122 [Edit]
I was told it was probably the remeron I was taking at the time, combined with sleep deprivation.
>> No. 5123 [Edit]
I used to sleeptalk to my roommate and say completely unintelligable gibberish, i think it creeped him out
>> No. 5124 [Edit]
Yes. Posted about it in the lucid dream thread not too long ago. I haven't noticed myself sleepwalking since that one time but it could still be going on without me realizing it. For the record I'm not on any medication.
>> No. 5125 [Edit]
>I ended up falling down on the tile floor at one point, the sound of which woke up my dad.

Wait, are you saying that you didn't wake up even after falling on the floor and it was your dad who ended up waking you or no?
>> No. 5127 [Edit]
Sleepwalking is definately not a documented side-effect of taking remeron. Remeron in itself is quite harmless, and as you probably already know - it's not anti-depressive medication or anything like that. It's usually a complementary medication in psychiatry; if sleeping disorder is your only issue then I'd rather go for a pure sleeping hormone agent - like melatonin. Though if part of the reason in prescribing remeron was to enhance, say, apetite, then remeron really is brilliant. On the other hand, if you're experiencing issues with said medication, then you either have to deal with it, stop taking it and/or find an alternative. It could be purely coincidental, but that's up to you to decide.

As for the topic on personal behalf - nope. Don't even know anyone who have experienced it.
>> No. 5129 [Edit]
I've sleepwalked, but no notable occurrences happened.

I have, however, done other, more fine-motor skill things in my sleep. Once, I actually put on a three piece suit, and tied a tie, and got back into bed, all in my sleep. Unless someone put it on me, there's no other explanation for falling asleep in shorts and waking up dressed formally.

Last night I dreamt I swallowed a bite of pudding with broken glass in it. A piece was lodged in my throat so I tried spitting it out. I woke up with a large wad of mucus in my mouth.
>> No. 5130 [Edit]
I didn't wake up even after falling. My dad told me helped me get back to bed, and asked me a bunch of questions, but I don't remember any of that either.

>Remeron in itself is quite harmless, and as you probably already know - it's not anti-depressive medication or anything like that.

Mirtazapine is an antidepressant and was prescribed to me as such, specifically to help with sleep anxiety. It didn't work either. It's not like the causes of sleepwalking are exactly well understood anyway, I'm just going by what my practitioner told me.

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