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File 130205244172.gif - (687.22KB , 256x256 , 4dPD.gif )
4996 No. 4996 [Edit]
If 3D is PD, what is 4D?
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>> No. 4997 [Edit]
Don't you mean, when is 4D?
>> No. 4999 [Edit]
File 130205313068.jpg - (64.84KB , 400x400 , Philosoraptor.jpg )
I dunno, go ask the 5D otakus who jerk off to them.
>> No. 5002 [Edit]
The Touhou character Sakuya can operate a fourth dimension, so she is 4D, we just interpret her as a 2D character.

With every dimension, more flaws appear, so she must be fairly horrid to look at.
>> No. 5004 [Edit]
Isn't the fourth dimension time? It probably means moving objects then.

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