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4981 No. 4981 [Edit]
Lets talk about cons. I've never been to one, but am considering going to my local one this summer. I'd save $10 if I preregister in the next two weeks. Should I?
Sorry about posting 3D, pic was taken at my local con last year.
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>> No. 4982 [Edit]
Depends what you're going for

I go for dealer room since you'll find a lot of older/really common figs for cheaper then online. Plus a lot of obscure stuff, I picked up a couple visual novels for 5 bucks

If you go for other reasons, your results may very, I find going alone its pretty much dealers den only
>> No. 4983 [Edit]
My only reason for even considering visiting a con, is the deals one might get that I've heard time and time again, but is it really worth it with price of admission, travel costs and dealing with long lines and the crowds of retards?
>> No. 4984 [Edit]
I went to one when I was 13. It was awful.
>> No. 4986 [Edit]
It's really loud and uncomfortable OP. A lot of people will try to initiate conversation with you, the lines will be cramped, etc.

I went to the Anime Expo back in '09, and it was one of the biggest mistakes I've made. I only wanted to watch the Guilty Gear and Blazblue panel, but I was so nervous I spent most of the days in the bathrooms.
>> No. 4987 [Edit]
>A lot of people will try to initiate conversation with you, the lines will be cramped, etc.

I never really had this problem myself

Although I remember after having my bags full of stuff and I finally got to sit down in the lobby. Every group of people looked at me like I had 3 heads

I didn't really take offence to it, but it kind of weirded me out. Maybe it was the "I just spent 600 on cute things. Fuck yeah"
>> No. 4988 [Edit]
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Same here.

I've went to a few ones, just for the opportunities on figures (or another mechandising) one can catch there. But as time passed by, probabilities of them selling what I wanted had been reduced; last time I just left empty-handed, althought I could verify with a local seller that an item he listed online was still avilable (but just to be bought online, and I wanted to save on shipping)...

Apart from that, the entire experience for me had been mostly exhausting and unpleasent. Needless to say, there's no fun at all in watching narutards et al. weeaboos being idiot in groups, along with shitty bands, karaoke suckers, average gamers and piggy sluts attempting to dance. In principle, althought it's attention whoring I'm not entirely against cosplay when it's done beautifully or at least comically (like some crossdresing), but that's really not the case where I live; only once I felt like taking a picture of one (pic related) and I didn't need to talk to her at all, so it didn't bother me to do so...
I'm not sure if I'll go to the next one coming up in summer. Likely not but we'll see (depends on my pocket, too)
>> No. 4989 [Edit]
I've never been able to go to a con (no license, no job, etc)and would like to go to one, but for some reason I get the feeling that by the time I do get everything I need, it just won't be worth it anymore.

Maybe I'm just afraid of there being too many normals or something.
>> No. 4992 [Edit]
I go to my local con just for the video game tournaments.
>> No. 4993 [Edit]
I go to one local one in the autumn and a big regional con in Boston every spring. I look forward to both events in earnest.

Once-in-a-lifetime deals can be found on rare items, craftsmanship on some costumes is amazing, and I talk to people I actually WANT to talk to.

I'm on an eBay blitz currently, selling a lot of my stock just for the con. I hope to have $200-$500 by then. I may spend all of it. I'm pretty pathetic.
>> No. 4995 [Edit]
>I hope to have $200-$500 by then. I may spend all of it. I'm pretty pathetic.

Well I've spent $300 on a SINGLE figure myself... how pathetic is that? worth every cent; I was happy.
>> No. 5000 [Edit]
I believe all of it.
>> No. 5003 [Edit]
I get anxious around large crowds of people so I'll never go to one. The only way I would is if I went with a friend, but none of my friends like weeaboo stuff.
>> No. 5016 [Edit]
I have been to ACEN (Anime Central) since 2008, so this will be my fourth year (May 2011). You should go there.

You haven't been to the panels? I am not a fan of the shit like cosplay attentionwhoring masquerades, but some of the Skits in some cons as well as the panels are pretty damn good.

re. going to cons you might be able to get a cheaper price on the last day close to when the places are closing. Of course dont do that with high demand shit as they'll be gone quickly.

If you prereg the lines are not long. Depending on the con you might be able to go there the thursday before the con begins and get the tickets then (thursday night before a 3-day con)

I am guessing the people were just surprised at how much you bought. Did you get daikiumras and figurines? Or Strike Witches-esque models? I mean, if you brought a shitload of hentai or whatnot it would be understandable if they had a WTF reaction. Im not sure what you mean you will have to give us more details/data
>> No. 5017 [Edit]
Weeaboos are fun, you should try talking to them and see they're pretty good people.

I loved fucking with the hetaliafags in the hetalia panel. I did shit like tell Prussia cosplayers "Prussia is dead, you know right?" and asking some of the country cosplayers obscure info on their countries histories/world politics. It was dickish but all in jest.

It was REALLY fun seeing how they all went "I learned history from this, and you all probably did too" and going about how they didnt get into it for the Germany x Italy buttfucking either.

dayyyyiiim. I wish I had enough money to go splurge like you did. the most ive gotten was a gurren lagann sweater that was ~$60
>> No. 5020 [Edit]
I'm going to work at a con soon. The only reason why I'm going there is for the cheap drafts for mtg compared to other places. (to fill up my trade binder)

I can't stand seeing cosplayers and annoying faggots who keep ruining everything by overreacting to simple stuff.
>> No. 5027 [Edit]
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I've been going to anime conventions since 2007, starting with Katsucon 17. I usually go to anime conventions for the cosplay, as a cosplay photographer. Everytime I go a convention it's always something new and unexpected with the cosplayers.

Most of the conventions I usually stay at a hotel room alone and go to the events myself.
>> No. 5028 [Edit]
Isn't it a yaoi con? I knew that an acquaintance of mine got hit on multiple times while he was there.
>> No. 5030 [Edit]
No, it's not a yaoi con. It's a Japanese culture convention. Although famous for it's disorganization, it has a lively community of congers, even though it's a bit rowdy.
>> No. 5031 [Edit]
I met Stephanie Nadolny at a con when I was a kid. She thought I was a girl and I didn't correct her.
>> No. 5035 [Edit]
I cosplay Prussia. A Luftwaffe dress uniform, and I started a WW I version for this year as well. Not afraid to admit it. I do it because I've been looking for a reason to wear military uniforms in public for almost as long as I have been into anime.

I enjoy the concept of Hetalia, and some of the designs. I do not, however, enjoy the execution, and I pretty much will die before seeking to be with Hetaliafags for a long amount of time. They are really not into other anime usually, and feel they are better than other otaku and the like because they like an anime that lightly parodies history, and claim they learn from it. They may learn something happened, per se, but not the actual details or why it happened.

I actually join in sometimes with the people who are mocking the Hetalia fans, or are really critical of it. I don't, however, take this to an extreme.

Last con, a girl I knew from school had lost a Union Jack. She found it later, tattered, burned, and maybe with a shitstain on it, in front of her hotel room, with a note saying "Dear Hetalia: You done goofed. Signed, One Piece fans."

This shit was stupid, unlawful and unwarranted, but I have to admit, the Hetalia fans overreacted. They saw it as a death threat, and spent the rest of the day laying on each other in a pile of depression and angst in the lobby's loungechair area. Someone actually saw me and asked "So why aren't you with the other Hetalia fans sulking in the lobby?" to which I politely replied "Because I'm at a con, not my room."

The person who did it turned himself in later. The shit they said about him afterwards, though... Wow. He wasn't even serious about it.
>> No. 5038 [Edit]
lol nerd fights
>> No. 5042 [Edit]
>Weeaboos are fun, you should try talking to them and see they're pretty good people.
>talking to them

That doesn't really work for me.
>> No. 5045 [Edit]
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>Weeaboos are fun, you should try talking to them and see they're pretty good people.
Wait wait wait, WHAT? Say WHAT?

If you think a bunch of yaoi fangirls along with annoying narutards and bleachtards are 'really good people' then there must be something wrong with you. Enjoying otaku culture (VNs, anime, manga, LNs) is one thing, but claiming to be an 'otaku' and going on gaia or some other shitty mainstream anime site such as crunchyshit is entirely different.

Hetalia fans deserved it for being a retarded fanbase along the lines of Bleach and Naruto. I wish I was there to smell the angsty rage of fat yaoi fangirls.

The same thing could be said for other anime-based conventions.

I usually avoid going to anime conventions, because of the immense faggotry and constant third-rate VA bootlicking along with ass rape on the part of Funimation. I said that I am working as a staff member at a local convention that has pretty much everything, but a large part of their income comes from weeaboo fags who frequent gaia and deviantart. I'm just here for the MtG drafts and tourneys.
>> No. 5046 [Edit]
I have never, ever had any desire to go to a con.
>> No. 5047 [Edit]
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I don't know if I could ever stand going to any kind of con. I'd probably find some cool stuff and people, sure. But judging from videos and photos they all seem to have lethal amounts of "internet in the real life u guyz XD" faggotry.
My body would never be ready.
>> No. 5049 [Edit]

>If you think a bunch of yaoi fangirls along with annoying narutards and bleachtards are 'really good people' then there must be something wrong with you. Enjoying otaku culture (VNs, anime, manga, LNs) is one thing, but claiming to be an 'otaku' and going on gaia or some other shitty mainstream anime site such as crunchyshit is entirely different.

Damn, I wish someone posted something like this earlier. I was beginning to question /tc/'s standards.

Actually, when I saw the thread I wanted to advise OP to go to one so that he won't ever even consider going to a con again (lifetime trauma guaranteed). But I thought someone else will say smething like that so I didn't send it.
>> No. 5050 [Edit]
cons are for attention whoring and buying merchandise
i wouldnt go if i got paid to
>> No. 5051 [Edit]
I went to one once, it was awful and full of the people I loathe online. Bad cosplay (what is it with guys cosplaying 2D girls?), smelly long hair 'nerds', fat yaois, events where people disgrace themselves further in public by dancing to stupid kiddy choreographies/karaoke, overall lots of smelly greasy teens. I'm pretty confident half the merchandise I saw was bootleg as well. Never again.
>> No. 5053 [Edit]
I've thought about going to one before, but every time I get a chance to I remember I like anime/manga/LN/VNs, so I don't go.

I'm 75% sure if I ever went to one that this would be over and I would get a new hobby.
>> No. 5054 [Edit]
> cons are for attention whoring
>> No. 5055 [Edit]
you know, cosplay
or shenanigans like this
>> No. 5056 [Edit]

Everything involving social gatherings is attention-whoring or negative in your eyes. Are you ever satisfied with your life, Hamish?
>> No. 5057 [Edit]
considering I dont attend social gatherings, yes
>> No. 5058 [Edit]
I always felt that cons are for semi-normals (as in normals who just happen to have interest in anime/games).
>> No. 5059 [Edit]
I assume the same for the most part.
Like there are some other reasons one would attend to them but they're really few and specific, like you want a certain item or you enjoy taking pictures of strangers in strange outfits but don't actually give a fuck about them or meeting them. So aside from those few exceptions the main reason most people would go is to meet people.
>> No. 5064 [Edit]
>Everything involving social gatherings is attention-whoring or negative

That sounds about right.
>> No. 5065 [Edit]
If you think so, explain why conventions are like that to you?
>> No. 5066 [Edit]
Probably because cons tend to be full of "LOOK AT ME" cosplayers
>> No. 5067 [Edit]
Conventions dude.
There's like a super clear connection there.
>> No. 5103 [Edit]
Everything's full of LOOK AT ME everything.
>> No. 5126 [Edit]
> social gatherings
> negative
This seems about right.
>> No. 5185 [Edit]
>> No. 5474 [Edit]
I've talked to people like that before IRL. It takes a lot to piss me off apparently - someone said they could stab me and i;d be their friend in the past.

>>events where people disgrace themselves further in public by dancing to stupid kiddy choreographies/karaoke

They're just having fun dude. Chill.

Stay the hell away from the con things. I dont go to the cosplayer balls at all, sometimes I go to the meetups etc
>> No. 5477 [Edit]
The man on OP's picture looks more attractive to me than he should.
>> No. 5490 [Edit]
I've been to one con (gaming, not anime) several years running as part of an "offline meetup" thing. When you already have a rapport with people who are there it's a decent way to blow off some steam and have fun without being too anxious or hateful about the social aspect.

Although I do mostly hole myself up in the video rooms or do the "walking around" thing mentioned earlier, since the whole thing has been morphing from "hang out with buddies" atmosphere to "crowded smelly loud party" atmosphere over the years as the numbers grew and began to include more "UGH WHY IS THIS VIDEO GAME CONVENTION SO FULL OF NERDS?" types.
>> No. 5569 [Edit]
Cons? No thanks.

What happened to TC? This place used to be full of social outcasts afraid of the world, not losers going to cons, playing dress up and making friends.
>> No. 5585 [Edit]
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Cons are an excellent place to find rare shit. A couple years back I picked up a NES that had all the electronic components in it replaced with news ones, along with Battletoads, Mario, and Duckhunt.
>> No. 5587 [Edit]
You can find that sort of stuff on eBay too easily.
>> No. 5588 [Edit]
All you'll see at cons are hipsters and land whales, both of which will irritate you to the point of wanting to slaughter them all and sacrifice their blood to an obscure tribal deity.
>> No. 5595 [Edit]
Nothing happened to TC and I wish people would stop asking that question.
>> No. 5597 [Edit]
not too many hipsters @ cons but there has been a disturbing infiltration of them into cons. as in people straight out of the hipster areas being invited to do those things.
>> No. 5599 [Edit]
Don't mix us all in with new comers please.
>> No. 5601 [Edit]
The con people are a vocal minority, I'd think.
>> No. 5606 [Edit]
Everything was overpriced at the local con. I've seen figmas go for over $55-60, a cheap fig from FuRyu or Sega, for example, that can be bought at Hobby Search, Otacute or AmiAmi for just $9-14 is now $20-30. Prize fig bundles in which individual figs can be sold for $6 are now $12 at the convention. (Shipping is not a valid argument because once you buy in bulk and ship it through SAL, the costs are negligible) Buying MTG boosters was not worth it because of the $8 MBS-SOM-SOM draft (which gave out shitty prizes). Only the girl scout cookies were the only things that were within a reasonable price, though they are still well $4 for a box of cookies. I have no idea why Tagalongs and Thin Mints are selling too well, they don't taste that great. I tend to like Trefoils and Samoas. Lemon Chalet was okay. I happened to be eavesdropping on a dub loving cosplaying buyfag's conversation while drafting and I was intensely pissed off at what the faggot said. God I fucking hate weeaboos. The only reason why I was there was to get my meal vouchers, to draft and get girl scout cookies. The amount of scrubs at those drafts were HUGE, ranging from people who haven't played magic in years to obnoxious cosplaying weeaboo hipsters and landwhales. I've seen plenty of booths and plenty of weeaboo fags getting ripped off by the dealers. Some of the panels were okay.
>> No. 5607 [Edit]
Wish me luck at the big regional con this weekend.
>> No. 5608 [Edit]
I hope you have a terrible time
>> No. 5609 [Edit]
>I happened to be eavesdropping on a dub loving cosplaying buyfag's conversation while drafting and I was intensely pissed off at what the faggot said.

Well, don't just leave us hanging.
>> No. 5610 [Edit]
I've seen the fag at least two or three times.

The first time I was waiting for a draft to happen, brought some of my stuff over, and I just overheard him going crazy because one of the guests at the con was some shitty english dub no-name voice actress. He was droning on and on about being all moralfaggy about how we should not pirate or some shit. He then went on to say that he enjoys playing casual Magic but he can't afford cards (and could only afford to play jank) because he probably spent all his money on buying DVDs or crap at iTunes. I felt like punching his face for being retarded, yet at the same time, I was laughing on the inside so badly that I had to go out of the room to get fresh air.

The next day, while I was drafing again, he didn't do much, but he brought a dakimakura of Rei Ayanami(which I suspect was bootleg). And then he went on a preaching spree about how we should all buy music from iTunes or support dubbing companies or some shit. I flat out told that fag I actually support the Japanese industry by buying figures, character sleeves and character deck boxes and could probably care less if the American dubbing industry died out. He probably held back screaming at me but he was afraid to strike a staff member, since the con has a strict policy against physical violence. I walked out with a smug look on my face and laughing as he raged that he just met a 'pirate' in person.
>> No. 5612 [Edit]
So what does weeaboo mean now if not someone into /tc/ style stuff like anime and figs?
>> No. 5613 [Edit]
Having ever cosplayed, or enjoying cosplay, naruto, drawing anime for deviantart, singing anime ops, dancing to anime ops, remixing anime with linkin park songs, watching anime remixed with liken park songs, naruto, going to cons or any social gathering centered around anime, talking about anime offline, having friends or a 3DPD who may or may not be "anime fans" having ever eaten or bought pocky, thinking you are japanese, requiring a member of the opposite sex to be japanese in order to meat your standers, naruto, owning a kimono without being japanese, priding yourself on knowing people who are japanese, automatically considering anything none-japnese to be shit, and having ever said the word kawaii out loud.

These are the type of people you may find at cons.

The more you are gulty of, the more weeaboo you are.
>> No. 5614 [Edit]
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I sing and dance to the Heartcatch EDs and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
>> No. 5619 [Edit]
>So what does weeaboo mean now

apparently it has been co-opted by the "hardcore" anime community to ostracize fans who have IRL friends, buy DVDs, watch streaming anime and get laid.
>> No. 5620 [Edit]
Weeaboo was just a wordfilter for wapanese.
Wapanese is like the word wigger except referring to non-japanese trying to act japanese rather than black.
>> No. 5639 [Edit]

>He then went on to say that he enjoys playing casual Magic but he can't afford cards

Wait what? Isn't Magic the most affordable one of the big TCGs? For comparison in Yu-Gi-OH! one PoD (Pot of Duality) costs ~170$+ and (unless you're playing Six Samurai and they're pretty damn expensice, too) you pretty much need to run a playset (three of them) not to hinder your chances. It's not impossible to win without them, true (in fact just a week ago a guy without PoDs topped at YCS Paris and outright stated that he just couldn't afford them and Solemn Warnings - ~90$/copy, run in pairs) but again, it's like shooting yourself in the foot.


>>5620 provided a good, short explanation. A weeaboo is a person who preaches superiority of Japanese culture.
>> No. 5641 [Edit]
I have no interest in trying to stop you, you are perfectly free to be a weeaboo.
>> No. 5653 [Edit]
Currently on the train to the city. Someone boarded with a buster sword. Alpha as fuck.
>> No. 5664 [Edit]
>singing anime ops, dancing to anime ops
I do this in the privacy of my own room.

>having ever said the word kawaii out loud
Kind of hard to speak Japanese for two years and never use the word kawaii. I've never said it during an English conversation though.

I guess I'm a weeaboo. Not that I give a shit about your criteria.
>> No. 5669 [Edit]
My personalcritera for one to be a weeaboo:
1. Preaching the superiority of Japanese culture
2. Not being Japanese and wishing to be
3. Knowing nothing about Japan except cultural items.
4. Overtly showing all of the above in public
>> No. 5670 [Edit]
You already have your answer right here.
>> No. 5761 [Edit]
If theres a con in my city it makes it that much harder to go outside.
>> No. 5775 [Edit]
I had a great time at the regional con, got a lot of merch, am very happy.


Also ask a congoer anything.
>> No. 5835 [Edit]
weeaboo is different than wapanese. You do not have to be white to be a weeaboo, whereas wapanese by the sheer existence means you have to be white.

BTW I am a weeaboo
>> No. 7156 [Edit]
I'm going to a anime convention tomorrow so I am bumping this thread
>> No. 7157 [Edit]

take pics and tell up all about it when you get back
>> No. 7161 [Edit]
Use common sense, stay away from people like in OP's pic. Try not to be creepy if you take pics. If you see a female Touhou, take a pic since it's like having a solar and lunar eclipse in the same month.
>> No. 7166 [Edit]
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Uh, thanks for the advice but I've been going to this specific con for four years, if I count this year. I've also gone to another smaller con, as well as a few comic-cons. I'm not new to cons.

waited and got the badge and programming schedule now, returned from the other side of the city. is getting stuff like toothpaste, clothes from previous cons, etc together then eating and going to bed. And waking up at like 6-7am and going up there before rush hour and the restrictions of taking bikes on the 'el' lines during certain times of weekdays.

Im going to ACEN if anyone is also going there. Reading through the panels I found something you all might find interesting. There is a panel on the "dysfunctions" of the otaku subculture and the summary mentions the 2-D complex and Hikikiomori. I remember in /so/ someone who made up a hypothetical post to make to sociologists or w/e who were studying that, i'll make sure to remember to bring that or reference it for that panel. It's sunday.

There's also two panels on 3DPD - namely, one on cooking for a 3DPD and other 'self-improvement' stuff, and two others on dealing with dating in general. Make that THREE panels. Other than that an anime con is having panels on this shit (which is weird in its' own regard) the fact that there's THREE different panels to that shit is a bit unnerving - seems to be another symptom of normalfaggotry entering the anime culture. I'll probably go there just for the bile fascination.

pic related - my badge and the program.
>> No. 7338 [Edit]
How'd it go?
>> No. 7388 [Edit]
I like cons. Cons are fun.
>> No. 8244 [Edit]
Please don't dump your con pics here.
>> No. 8246 [Edit]
Shinden asked me to a while ago
>> No. 8247 [Edit]
This isn't the place to post them, sorry.
>> No. 8266 [Edit]
Then where >>8246 should post them then?

Name a few places, because your response seems hostile. I can understand that you hate 3DPG but still at least tell us a few places then we will be satisfied.
>> No. 8267 [Edit]
No hostility meant, it's just not a good idea a to post a lot of con pictures here, specifically of cosplay.
>> No. 8268 [Edit]
Still you haven't answered this question.

Then where >>8246 should post them then?
>> No. 8269 [Edit]
I honestly have no idea where. Somewhere other than tohno-chan.
>> No. 8272 [Edit]
Just let him post the pictures
>> No. 8274 [Edit]
If you know tohno-chan doesn't like stuff like con pics, why ask where to post them?

Well, if you have to upload them somewhere, I'd recommended a imageshack album, and linking to that.

I don't see how it's hostile to let people know we don't like 3DPD or cosplay here.
Would I sound hostile if I told you we don't allow gore to be posted here either?

You know, we've actually gotten a number of reports on this thread as is.
>> No. 8296 [Edit]
I'd like to see pics, but on an imageshare site. Post the link in a spoiler.

It's more convenient to browse, and won't upset anyone. If you don't see it it's not a problem.

If I have to see another 3D troughsucker who thinks she's Konata though I'll just close the tab and try my hardest to forget the ordeal.
>> No. 10345 [Edit]
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I ended up not going to the con. I was moved to a location thats like a 15 minute drive from my house and the old location was a ten minute walk, so fuck that.
Sorry about bumping an old thread and posting 3d
here is a directory of more con pics for anyone who feels like reaffirming their conviction to never go to a con.
>> No. 10346 [Edit]
Clicking through those actually made me feel a little better.

I still may end up going to Anime Weekend Atlanta, If only to give me something other to do than drink myself to death on my birthday.
>> No. 10347 [Edit]
You decided not to go becuase of five minutes in travel time?
>> No. 10348 [Edit]
>> No. 10349 [Edit]

Y'know we have a spoiler button for a reason...

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