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File 130194817622.jpg - (36.92KB , 450x280 , tifa3.jpg )
4940 No. 4940 [Edit]
Most of us aren't really attracted to real girls very much, but how do you feel about CG girls, like in video games? How real is too real before they stop being attractive?
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>> No. 4941 [Edit]
I don't give a rats ass about video game girls.
>> No. 4942 [Edit]

How are they different from anime characters?
>> No. 4943 [Edit]
Well the thread's more about CG as an art style than video game girls specifically, that was just an example.
>> No. 4944 [Edit]
CG as an art style can be pleasant, but it's definitely not the same as anime style.
>> No. 4945 [Edit]
The problem with most CG is it tries to be UBERREALISTIC. For some reason the second someone sits down with with maya all conceptions of idealization go out the window. There's nothing inherently wrong with CG, I just think this is a problem. People stop looking at CG as art and start looking at it as a technical field.
>> No. 4947 [Edit]
They're designed to look like 3DPD for one.
>> No. 4948 [Edit]
3DPD is never that clean. Although the closer they get to realism, they worse it will be. All they really need to work on is the hair, but 2D will always be inherently better. Missing a third dimension also rids you of its flaws. 1D girls would be damn hard to conjure up in my mind, so they're not really an available option. I guess that would be more of a mathematics equation anyways. Feels like I'm rambling.
>> No. 4949 [Edit]
File 130196399222.jpg - (63.95KB , 621x357 , talim1.jpg )
A lot of games try to strike a balance. Soul Caliber games, for example, have the girls looking sort of 3DPDish but still 2D enough to be attractive. To me, anyway
>> No. 4950 [Edit]
I wouldn't mind video game girls if they weren't all milkbeasts with skanky outfits. Trying to please the horny 13 year olds, after all.
>> No. 4951 [Edit]
maybe you guys should play more western games, then see if you think cg isn't as ugly as real 3d.
>> No. 4952 [Edit]
Yeah. There's a thread in /vg/ about how it's as if game devs are required to give all girls C-cups at minimum. I hate it
>> No. 4955 [Edit]
File 130196576859.gif - (1.72KB , 600x450 , delisious 1D waifug.gif )
delicious 1D waifu
>> No. 4959 [Edit]
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mai waifu, no stealing.
>> No. 4960 [Edit]
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>> No. 4961 [Edit]
File 13019705914.jpg - (229.72KB , 1024x768 , Rikku.jpg )
My first waifu actually came from Final Fantasy X. I was about ten at the time and she just really blew me away. It was the first CG game I ever owned, and I loved it so much just for her. I still have the game saves with 100+ hours logged, with her sphere grid maxed out and her Celestial weapon and HP limit break. I can honestly say that she was my first love.

I obsessed about this girl for so long, and was criticized for it, and didn't have any sort of social group where this kind of love was accepted.

Eventually I covered it and hid it, and was sort of accepted by middle school. When I discovered Final Fantasy X-2, I was really excited, but it took a while for me to realise that they had destroyed her character, and she was... just not the same anymore. I reluctantly lost total interest in her.

I learned of the term waifu long after I lost interest in her. If I had learned before, I may have kept with her.
>> No. 4962 [Edit]
video game girls are fine.
>> No. 4967 [Edit]
Oh, shit, bro. I somewhat shared that affection towards Rikku as well. I remember, I remember...
I was just replaying it the other day, actually. I prefer Lulu now. Was disappointed by the sequel as well.

FFX, along with Legend of Dragoon were two childhood defining games for me. Both had CG (the former had much higher quality than the latter), both were my first experience with the whole "loving girls who aren't real" thing, and I played both religiously on an almost daily basis.

Legend of Dragoon (which I played before Final Fantasy X) had Meru. It wouldn't be completely absurd to call Meru my first waifu. However, as with FFX, I prefer the brooding type in that game, Rose. But whatever, I've went way off topic. Sentimentality blows.

I feel like, when it comes to CG, it all depends on how it's done. I always thought that Squaresoft/Square-Enix do it the best, if only because they have the most funds to make it all glitzy and shit. For some reason, I hate that I think that way. Still, can't change that.

CG is the boundary between 3D and 2D. It's the fringe. That's how I've always viewed it. I figure, as long as they keep that 'idealism' that anime characters thrive on, CG is acceptable. Otherwise, it's too real, and that's no good.

In a nutshell,
>> No. 4968 [Edit]
They're alright. I prefer 2D.

By that logic I could find some realistic 2D drawings and claim that they prove 2D is as ugly as 3D.
>> No. 4969 [Edit]
I think the principle to follow is, if it looks like a 3D person its 3DPG, if it looks like a 2D person then its not. The principle should be followed regardless of the actual dimension of the image e.g a realistic sketch of a woman is 3DPG, while CG of a character who is obviously in anime style is not 3DPG. Also what should be noted is that theres not a solid distinction between the two categories, but rather a spectrum, and that certain things are a grey area where you need to make your own discrete judegment (e.g final fantasy CGs, kigurumi, big titted women usually seen in western comics, etc)
>> No. 4970 [Edit]
3dcg characters generally look dull, lifeless and doll-like
>> No. 4971 [Edit]
very well put, bravo.
>> No. 4973 [Edit]

>I learned of the term waifu long after I lost interest in her. If I had learned before, I may have kept with her.

Same story here. Had my first waifu in ~2000 (it was an anime character, though) but since the term waifu didn't even exist at that point in time (well, not with it's current meaning at least) we sort of grew apart. I used to wonder if I'd stick to her if I knew it's not that strange to have feelings for fictional character back then. I still like her a lot, though.

As for 3DCG I share feelings of a lot of fellow Brohnos. They are ok but I think 2D is the way to go.

Now I'm waiting for someone to tell us that Saria was his first love. Because there's gotta be someone like that here.
>> No. 4975 [Edit]
I really dislike that word 'first waifu' because that implies you've had more than one wife and that there was a divorce at some point, I also doubt the validity of 'marriage' to a character when someones like 14 years old. A more appropriate word would be 'first 2D crush'
>> No. 4991 [Edit]
File 13020445095.png - (3.37KB , 80x160 , nagato.png )
3D is shit in all forms. Even 2D is a bit much for me.
Pic related, its my waifu.

also, this board need better support for narrow images. pig disgusting fat clear background is pissing me off
>> No. 4994 [Edit]
File 130205211148.jpg - (17.70KB , 300x183 , POLICE.jpg )
>> No. 5006 [Edit]
Eh? Uh what did I say wrong this time?
>> No. 5023 [Edit]
I find the CGI as potentially attractive as the drawn 2D it really depends on the girl, her design and the art style used.
Like FF or DOA girls, I find them attractive.
>> No. 5070 [Edit]

Western games have realistic features while most Eastern games have impossibly cute or beautiful features. There will never be anyone looking like Lightning or Yuna, but it is fully possible to have a girl looking like Alyx Vance. So in concept, those girls are still 2D.
>> No. 5071 [Edit]
The worst is games that let you customize your character but it's impossible to make them cute without mods (like Oblivion and FO3/NV).
>> No. 5073 [Edit]
File 13022027794.jpg - (0.99MB , 850x1950 , 130143986496.jpg )
I feel that.
>> No. 5084 [Edit]
Ahahaha, oh wow.
>> No. 5101 [Edit]
Lord, please grant me the serenity to forget this completely forevers.

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