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4884 No. 4884 [Edit]
so i was in the market to buying a new internal drive and I notice some of them list their spin speeds as "intellispin" which I later learn was just marketing babble for 5400 rpm.
so has anyone here who have used 5400 rpm drives noticed any drop in performance when playing animu?

also guess tech thread
>> No. 4885 [Edit]
how slow does your harddrive have to be to have a noticable effect on video playback
>> No. 4886 [Edit]
Nah, I can play 1080p from a 5400 rpm drive.
>> No. 4893 [Edit]
SSD here fuck yeah
>> No. 4895 [Edit]
I do not recommend getting a 5400rpm for a desktop PC, for a portable or netbook it might be okay though.

>> No. 4897 [Edit]
5400rpm drives will not make a difference unless you install an OS, Games or any program that has a load time. If you just use them for music or videos then they are great, as they tend to be cheaper, quieter and use less power than 7200rpm drives.

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