No. 4873
I told some teenagers acting like idiots to stop acting like idiots, and she blew a top about it becuase her kid was with them, as if I was calling her mentally challenged kid a retard and making fun of him or something.
"you don't the right to talk to kids that way blah blah my son is super special and has freedom of speech, we can call you what ever we want! blah blah"
Just a crazy and irrational typical loud mouthed American mom that thinks they're the center of the universe and has no clue how to raise a kid, and tries to blame everyone else for them Turning into shitty people, just like themselves.
she actually threatened at one point to call the "real cops, not stupid mall cops" as she said, for calling her kid an idiot.
There were a lot of people like that in the area I had to work, tons of people, young and old, that thought they could do whatever they want and can be dicks because they have money.
after hearing her bitch at me for 10 minutes about stupid crap from her oversize suv, well, I was pissed and hate those kinds of people, so I was a bit annoyed to say the least, I don't remember what I said, but I did yell at points, and called her a stupid bitch with a annoying voice or something.
Smart thing to do would have been to tell her if she didin't stop herrasing me, I'd call the cops, then do so if she continued.
but I was just so damn sick of that job, I was working practically for free at a job I hated, and getting shit like this on top of it?
I gave her my name and boss's phone number and told her to call them and get me fired, she called and complained and they sent me home over a speakerphone (becuase she didn't want me using her phone) without hearing what I had to say.
that was about a month ago, and I heard back from my boss yesterday, asking me if I was still interested in staying with the company and working somewhere else for them someday (probably never) or quitting.
This is after working a job that I showed up at least 30 minutes late for everyday, and left on average an hour early almost everyday, and I think they knew that.
God damn I swear, I bet I could defecate onto my boss's head before setting the office on fire and stealing his car, and I still wouldn't get fired.