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4856 No. 4856 [Edit]
To the brohnos who are employed

What is your job?
How much do you get paid?
How do you deal with social interaction?
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>> No. 4866 [Edit]
Me and 3 other people have to basically give people new laptops, though most of it is automated that just must means we have to do like 8 at a time, sometimes we have to do it manually because the migration tool is a piece of shit and occasionally doesn't work, as well as listen to dumbasses bitch about how every goddamned program, file, and setting wasn't migrated over to the new computers. Luckily, that don't happen too often.

$15.50 an hour, 40 hours a week

If it's a topic I'm interested in, I'll talk (which surprisingly happens more often than not with everybody there being computer nerds). If it's not, "hold on a sec, workin on this guy's computer"
>> No. 4867 [Edit]
the scientologists pay me £13.72 an hour to post in boring threads on imageboards. its their subtle way of fighting back.
>> No. 4868 [Edit]
funny, I'm (still) employed as a security guard, or, a stay-at-home security guard.
As it stands, getting paid nothing, and there's no social interaction, not since I got sent home after some nasty bitch at work complained about me to my boss.
I haven't showed up to my job in a month, yet still haven't gotten fired, wtf?

while I was still working, I dealt with social interaction by trying as much as I could to avoid it, as much as I could get away with anyway, the social interaction alone at work was making me want to end myself, I couldn't take it anymore, it was just far to stress full.
>> No. 4869 [Edit]
I'm in the army. it's very tiring and difficult. I used to love spending entire nights lying in my bed browsing imageboards and playing games while eating or listening to music, so I don't feel very comfortable but I can't go back because being a NEET made me feel terrible. I just wish I got paid a little bit more (about 500 USD)
>> No. 4870 [Edit]
>some nasty bitch at work complained about me to my boss

What's the story there, if you don't mind saying?
>> No. 4871 [Edit]
I work in a government office, basically looking up information (laws, reports, statistics, etc.) and summarizing it, interpreting it, or converting it into another format, etc. They also expect me to come up with ideas sometimes but I'm terrible at that and it makes them mad but the only consequence of doing the bare minimum is no promotions. And all a promotion would mean is more stress/more work, really, so I don't even want one.

$50,000 per year.

People used to try to talk to me and draw me out, complain that I didn't talk enough, etc. So I did try to force myself to talk more. But I have no common ground with anybody who works there (even the people who play games, since they're more Call of Duty types than Recettear types), and I have no interesting stories to tell since I'm an internet dweller. So now I guess people write me off as weird and uninteresting, because nobody ever tries to talk to me or complains that I don't talk enough anymore, and on most days the only thing I ever talk about is what I need to for work. Sorry for getting into /so/ territory, but basically I guess my point is that in a lot of jobs you only have to worry about the social aspect if you want to be "part of the gang" with your co-workers, or if you want to be promoted. My last job was as a retail cashier and even then I just routinely said hello to each customer and barely talked otherwise.
>> No. 4872 [Edit]
How did you get a job like that? It doesn't sound too hard, and 50,000 a year sounds good for me.
>> No. 4873 [Edit]
I told some teenagers acting like idiots to stop acting like idiots, and she blew a top about it becuase her kid was with them, as if I was calling her mentally challenged kid a retard and making fun of him or something.
"you don't the right to talk to kids that way blah blah my son is super special and has freedom of speech, we can call you what ever we want! blah blah"
Just a crazy and irrational typical loud mouthed American mom that thinks they're the center of the universe and has no clue how to raise a kid, and tries to blame everyone else for them Turning into shitty people, just like themselves.
she actually threatened at one point to call the "real cops, not stupid mall cops" as she said, for calling her kid an idiot.
There were a lot of people like that in the area I had to work, tons of people, young and old, that thought they could do whatever they want and can be dicks because they have money.
after hearing her bitch at me for 10 minutes about stupid crap from her oversize suv, well, I was pissed and hate those kinds of people, so I was a bit annoyed to say the least, I don't remember what I said, but I did yell at points, and called her a stupid bitch with a annoying voice or something.
Smart thing to do would have been to tell her if she didin't stop herrasing me, I'd call the cops, then do so if she continued.
but I was just so damn sick of that job, I was working practically for free at a job I hated, and getting shit like this on top of it?
I gave her my name and boss's phone number and told her to call them and get me fired, she called and complained and they sent me home over a speakerphone (becuase she didn't want me using her phone) without hearing what I had to say.
that was about a month ago, and I heard back from my boss yesterday, asking me if I was still interested in staying with the company and working somewhere else for them someday (probably never) or quitting.
This is after working a job that I showed up at least 30 minutes late for everyday, and left on average an hour early almost everyday, and I think they knew that.
God damn I swear, I bet I could defecate onto my boss's head before setting the office on fire and stealing his car, and I still wouldn't get fired.
>> No. 4874 [Edit]
Look for civil service departments' websites in your region (city, county, state, etc.). It probably varies by region, but in mine they hold exams and they literally have to interview the top scorers first, even if other people have better qualifications.

You wouldn't start at $50K though (I didn't). Once you're in, though, you get eligible to take exams that aren't open to the general public. One guy I used to work with even had a degree in mathematics, but still had to start in data entry, then move up to secretary, then finally get a job doing math stuff.
>> No. 4876 [Edit]
Why don't you just quit, geez.
>> No. 4877 [Edit]
I'm not good with confrontation or even turning people down, I tried once, submitted a resume, but my boss talked me out of it and ripped it up, was gonna give it another try before that stuff with the crazy bitch happened.
>> No. 4906 [Edit]
>What is your job?
I am a cashier at a grocery store.

>How much do you get paid?
$10.50 an hour, however I have a mandatory raise due, now that I've worked at this company for more than three months and am of employee probation.

>How do you deal with social interaction?
I smoke large quantities of cannabis before my shift and during my breaks. Then I just kind of function on autopilot for the shift.
>> No. 4915 [Edit]
>What is your job?
i Arby's
>How much do you get paid?
minimum wage aka 7.25/hr aka shit
>How do you deal with social interaction?
high amounts of patience and strange acting skills.

planning on quitting soon if possible, i'd either be finding a job at this pharmacy whatever place opening up nearby or going back to the grocery store i worked at when i was 16 (more people, but more opportunities to avoid dealing with them)
Though i wish my plan to move actually worked out, cause i hate this damn mountain i live on.
>> No. 4924 [Edit]
I work as a courtesy clerk (aka one of those guys out in the parking lot pushing carts) at Safeway. I make a whole $7.70 an hour, which is about .40 cents above minimum wage in the state of Maryland if I remember correctly. Dealing with social interaction is easy enough, since most of the time it's just simple "What aisle can I find _____ in?" questions from the customers and some brief conversations with the few co workers I talk to.

Call me a normal, but social interaction definitely isn't the worst part of this job. It's corporate's bullshit that makes this job terrible. Long story short: There's plenty of merit behind the reasons why so many people have nicknamed the company Slaveway, and anyone who says it's a great place to work hasn't worked at the retail level in over ten years or they're the spouse of the president of the company's Eastern division. I'm fucking serious.
>> No. 4935 [Edit]
oh god this is so damn true it's not even funny, cause where i used to work is safeway.

The employees and the managers are worse to deal with then the damn customers, because all you have to do for customers half the time is tell where something is and maybe lead them to it.
oh, and helping bring carts out, but that's easy because it's usually elderly people who aren't a problem.

slaveway describes it well, because i was stuck as a CC from start til just before i turned 18 and quit.
literally, the manager broke so many rules and showed so much damn favoritism it's not funny. new guy becoming a cashier after 2 months when i was there a year (he then went to meat...he wasn't even 18 yet, let alone 19).
idiot high schoolers that hid off jacking around and when i'd alert someone I'D be the one told off.
>> No. 4939 [Edit]

Oh man the real worlds a bitch isn't it?

I worked mutiple double shifts at my old workplace for years and the amount of shit I had to deal with was so bad I ended up quitting out of no where and hiding myself away from my family and co workers.

Now I've been 7 months without work and I'll suck dick for money if I could find a constant supply

I need a job so bad its not even funny.
>> No. 4958 [Edit]
I'm applying for Dunkin Donuts, a chain that sells doughnuts and coffee, like Tim Horton's but more south.

I have friends from high school that work there and like it, so I figure it can't be all bad.

My mom came home today with an application for a CIT position a couple towns over. Not sure if I should fill it out. Too much social interaction with children. God I hate some brats, and I can't really whiteknight for the kids I feel bad for, because parents would bitch and I'd be labelled some sort of pervert or something.
>> No. 4963 [Edit]
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But on the bright side you'd get to work with children
>> No. 4964 [Edit]
Much like with adult/teen 3D girls, 3D children are an utter annoyance that should be avoided whenever possible.

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