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4738 No. 4738 [Edit]
Oh hey, uh.. I have a question to ask.

Would you guys dislike me if I said I was interested in real life girls?

Im not trolling, honest.

Im a fairly honest guy, I don't hate other people on the board or try to rub others the wrong way. Im simply tired of hiding my real preferences and I want to put it in the open at last. I fap to 2D but I still have an interest in real girls. Whats the verdict? Is this aspect of me so horrible that I should leave or never mention it again?
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>> No. 4739 [Edit]
I'd say a preference for 2D is one of the main things that makes you "one of us".
>> No. 4740 [Edit]
I realise the date is April he 1st, but this isn't a joke, im serious.
>> No. 4741 [Edit]
Well, if you're serious, bringing up an interest in 3D has caused problems in the past and does not appear to be tolerated well. Just don't mention it, might even be a good idea to delete the topic.
>> No. 4742 [Edit]
Depends on how much of an interest. If you prefer them over 2D girls then yeah, get out.
>> No. 4743 [Edit]
To be honest, I don't think it really matters as long as you don't create threads like "help plz, this girl I like is blah blah blah" since you should realize how jarring and out of place it would be around here.
>> No. 4745 [Edit]
I think most people here dislike their attraction to 2D being viewed as an invalid sexual/emotional desire, so it would be hypocritical of them to hate someone for liking a different dimension than them.
>> No. 4748 [Edit]
  We're not the best people to ask about advice regarding 3D
We're not the best people to talk about 3D with
We're not experienced with the workings of 3D
Most of us have completely abandoned hope or interest in 3D

In all, you shouldn't feel like you're hiding it. However, you should avoid talking about it. Consider talking about world politics with someone in Compton, or talking about 2D with a redneck in Alabama. You don't do it.

I wouldn't call you rejected. We're all human.

Also OP, you never said you had a preference. Keep it that way unless your answer would be well received here. If you have girl problems, just go to /r9-OH WAIT. Well, somewhere else.

I think the video is certainly related. It's my reaction to talking about this kind of thing.
>> No. 4752 [Edit]
I haven't given up on real girls, I've just never met one I'd want as a gir|friend. It would be kind of stupid if people here ostracized you for having different tastes.

But remember that fapping to 2D =/= loving a 2D character.
>> No. 4760 [Edit]
why does it need to be hidden? is there ever a point on tohno-chan where you think "damn I wish I could admit my attraction to 3d girls"? Not bringing something up isn't the same as hiding it
>> No. 4761 [Edit]
It doesn't matter. Ignore the "NEET is legion" crowd.
>> No. 4762 [Edit]
A-fucking-greed. I love this board and its' posters, but sometimes we act like we're better than other people because we're freeloaders/outcasts/shut-ins. That's about as bad as feeling superior for being a Ford driver.
>> No. 4763 [Edit]
This is a board for NEETs and/or those with NEET tendencies. If you can't accept that then go back to 4chan.
>> No. 4764 [Edit]
>or those with NEET tendencies
What does that even mean? You're either a NEET or not.

Plus, this may be mindblowing, but NEETs can be normalfags. I've known NEETs who are much bigger normalfags than me.
>> No. 4769 [Edit]

>What does that even mean? You're either a NEET or not.

People who live the take it easy lifestyle despite being having a job or going to college (which by definition means they aren't a neet).
>> No. 4773 [Edit]
Or maybe you should stop being an elitist cunt yourself and go back to /jp/.
>> No. 4774 [Edit]
but that's exactly the point of tohno-chan, being elitist dicks.
>> No. 4778 [Edit]
Being a gathering place for hikkis and neets is the whole point of the site. If not wanting other kind of people to post here makes us elitist then I'm sorry
>> No. 4779 [Edit]
not when this site here was made with the intention of getting away from 3d lovers.
Just like trespassing on someones property is still trespassing, regardless of their views on anything.
hypocrites or not, We still have the right to have our secret little club house and welcome or kick out who we please.
>> No. 4781 [Edit]
Yeah but I don't hate people who like 3D. I do think they should keep it to themselves though, because like you said this isn't the place for that.
>> No. 4782 [Edit]
>site here was made with the intention of getting away from 3d lovers.

Is it? I thought this was just a place where people could avoid being made fun of. If someone likes 3D, but is kind and isn't an asshole, the're welcome here.
>> No. 4784 [Edit]
>Is it? I thought this was just a place where people could avoid being made fun of

Among other things, it's a place for 2D lovers to come without being made fun of by normals. A 3D lover can stay as long as they aren't a jerk about it and don't make it a point to always mention it, but they aren't the site's primary demographic.
>> No. 4785 [Edit]
In fact some things, like posting 3D porn or talking about relationships, are explicitly against site rules.
>> No. 4787 [Edit]
Remember when Tohno-chan was a tripfag circlejerk, and we agreed that we didn't need the sort of elitist posters who cared about trivial things like that, because we weren't 4chan? I guess everyone forgot or left. It looks like we became /jp/, and quality of posting has really improved.
>> No. 4788 [Edit]
you cant avoid shit like that when a community becomes bigger
>> No. 4789 [Edit]
pretty much, the site is primarily for 2D, but it's not like everything that's 3D always gets deleted.
>> No. 4790 [Edit]
I wasn't aware that you could trespass on a public site.

Also if no one here cares about 3D it's interesting that we have /so/.
>> No. 4791 [Edit]
Why? /so/ is for when you feel depressed about life, not about 3D girls.
>> No. 4792 [Edit]
>> No. 4793 [Edit]
Most of us are past the "why don't girls like me forever arone ;_;" stage, there are more people depressed over general life situations and other shit. Women aren't the only thing to be depressed about. I do see how the board title could be confusing to someone new to /tc/, though.
>> No. 4794 [Edit]
I like anime, manga, visual novels, video games, and general 2D stuff. I also go outside frequently, attend classes, and have a couple close friends. Does that mean I'm not allowed here?
>> No. 4795 [Edit]
Yeah sure, so long as you're not a jerk. That means not offending the sensitivities of people here. Which in turn means you don't talk about 3D love and relationships.
>> No. 4796 [Edit]
I've never been all that interested in real girls, was only a few years ago that I started to detest them, after seeing for myself how filthy they can be, before ever hearing the term "3d pig disgusting" or "bitches and whores" and I prefer to be alone.

...Forever alone :D
>> No. 4797 [Edit]
Interestingly enough, most of the threads on /so/ are about depression, not loneliness.
>> No. 4798 [Edit]
I hate meta threads
>> No. 4799 [Edit]
If I were the OP, I wouldn't of mentioned it at all.
>> No. 4800 [Edit]
Yeah it's like hamish said, there's not even a point in bringing it up. Especially since he's an anonymous user so it's impossible to "dislike" him since we have no way of even knowing who he is.
>> No. 4801 [Edit]
I wouldn't of disliked him so much if I knew there was just someone on TC who was into 3D but didn't post about it. But creating a post about it just gives off a whiff of attention whoring, even if that isn't the OP's intentions.

I would approve deleting this thread, it seems unnecessary.
>> No. 4802 [Edit]
Someone was going to mention it sooner or later. I decided I would spurn a discussion on this in a nice way, so we can figure out our.. 'policy'..

People hate each other under the guise of Anonymous all the time. I see this on 4chan a lot. They might not attack 'Anonymous' but they will find some aspect of the poster, attribute a stereotype based on that aspect, and then attack and hate that instead. Chan culture has even created a convenient terminology for this (*something*fag).
>> No. 4803 [Edit]
Yeah but that hatred is more of a blanket style hate for a whole group, not for a single person. If this thread was deleted and you posted something unrelated somewhere nobody would go "OH FUCK IT'S THE GUY WHO LIKES 3D AND MADE THAT BAD THREAD I HATE HIM" because they would have no idea it's you
>> No. 4804 [Edit]
I'm not new to tohno-chan, which is why I know girls do come up on /so/. But I said "3D" and not "3D girls" for a reason. For all the outrage over normalfags a lot of people over there apparently want a normal life, and presumably all the things that go with one. Actually that probably explains the outrage. As someone who doesn't want a normal life I don't care if someone else has one so long as they don't go around telling others how they should live their lives.
>> No. 4806 [Edit]
before we moved to the current hosting actually there were discussions on 3DPD. Some of them got violent and were locked or deleted.
>> No. 4807 [Edit]
some of us are former normalfags or arguably -are- ford drivers now when we say things like that. When you get off of reading african-american forums and blogs and relationshit advice on there as well as hearing other normalfag terms like "swagga" and "game", some of us go into a strong backlash mode or at least a slight backlash mode - even if we grew up in that culture IRL.

And yes I am black that is why I go there. The comments are as shitty as yahoo, hooray for an argument against racist thinking: everyone is stupid on the internet only in different ways.
>> No. 4808 [Edit]
my point was some of us end up inadvertently stumbling onto a pile of shit, decide to flee to tohnochan to cleanse ourselves of that faggotry, and we see something that reminds us of that on here. Some of us have bad reactions. Unlike some of the people here who never liked 3D, some of us has shitty experiences with 3D and got away due to that. Or some other factor. I remember those posts by other people.
>> No. 4812 [Edit]
Alright, so before a mod closes this thread.

Do we agree that it is acceptable for someone who likes 3D to post on this board, on condition that he never talks about it?
>> No. 4815 [Edit]
There's nothing wrong as long as they don't brag about their social lives and whatnot constantly. If they keep it to themselves then I can't see how it would be a problem because it wouldn't affect anybody.

It's not like we're going to get invaded by alphas or anything. If you've stumbled upon this board somehow, you're a loser in at least some way.
>> No. 4816 [Edit]
They shouldn't be forced to hide it, nor should they bring it up for no reason.
>> No. 4817 [Edit]
No. Hidden enemies are even worse than plainly visible ones.
>> No. 4818 [Edit]

I think it's fine as long they never-ever say a word about it.
>> No. 4826 [Edit]
Hiding it just means not talking about it. There's no reason for anyone to talk about real girls or having a social life here anyway.
>> No. 4828 [Edit]
Its not that I hate normal people but
there is a time and place for everything
this isn't it.
for example take politics
I don't hate politics, I definitely think that people should engage in political dialogs, but trying to bring it up in like an anime board or a board where people aren't interested in it is just silly.
same thing.
>> No. 4837 [Edit]
Thread's gone volcanic.
>> No. 4838 [Edit]
I had a teacher once who walked up to the front of the class on the first day. He said he had something very important to say: "Class, I need to tell you something just so we don't have anyone uncomfortable with me teaching them: I am a heterosexual."

Some of the class was shocked for about six seconds. They then realised that he was saying he was straight, and one student asked why he had to tell them. It didn't apply to us after all.

His response was: "Why do gay teachers have to tell their students?"

It is not apropos to our relations on tc to speak of your outside relations, real or imagined, with the 3D. Therefore, it is not nessecary to bring it up. However, it is apropos to speak of your 2D relations. There is a board for it after all.
>> No. 4840 [Edit]
Thats just completely awkward. Was your teacher autistic or something?
>> No. 4841 [Edit]
No. Just politically outspoken in a school with a nice face but a turbulent staff situation(been that way ever since the 1976 teacher's strike that's still technically going on).

The previous year, a teacher was hired by the school who was gay. He was open about it, but another gay teacher (who had been there for six years) had advised him not to come out to his students unless they were in AP classes and were mature enough to understand. He decided to wait a couple months and then reveal casually that he had a boyfriend (He was very flamey. I had him for psych. When the rest of the class was shocked that he was gay I let out a loud and sarcastic "NOOOOO! I HAD NOOO IDEA.") He enjoyed the liberty but then the crap started to flow. A student interrupted our class to call him a "purple faggot" trying to press his "gay adgenda" (I later found out he had knocked up a freshman and had found out the pregnancy test was positive the period before). Parents were upset, saying he may "hit on male students." The teacher who professed his heterosexuality I talked about used the argument that he was straight and therefore could target female students under that logic. Mind you my gay psych teacher moved to a project school in San Fransisco after quitting at my school and the following year my new teacher gave that speech I quoted.
>> No. 4845 [Edit]
That's fucked up. I don't know how many of my teachers talked about their spouses and therefore revealed their heterosexuality to their students. Yet obviously nothing bad happened to them.
>> No. 4852 [Edit]
>He was very flamey
then why exactly was everyone shocked?
>> No. 4855 [Edit]
I'm attracted to some 3D women. I watch some 3D porn.

Now, am I interested in pursuing a relationship with a 3D pig? Hell no, and I couldn't even if I wanted to.
>> No. 4879 [Edit]
You don't meet the criteria to conform to our reverse-elitist clique. Get out.
>> No. 4883 [Edit]
Naive eleventh-grade Christian boys and girls are pretty unobservant.
>> No. 4887 [Edit]
Sounds to me that you guys are the once from /jp/. You can't even be bothered to read the rules.
>Tohno-chan is an anime-themed image board for NEETs, hikikomori, otaku, and other social outcasts. Please take this into consideration when posting.

>Is it?
Again, it's all in the rules.
>is prohibited on either the site or IRC channel:
>3D Porn.

>The following is also discouraged.
>3DPD / boyfriend discussion. Sexual relationship discussion.

>knocked up a freshman
Doesn't sound so naive to me.
I went to a Catholic school and we had several gay teachers and nobody gave a fuck and we never had a single pregnant student.
Odd how that works.
>> No. 4888 [Edit]
Uh, nothing those people said contradicted the rules, you know.
>> No. 4890 [Edit]
Clearly if someone is attracted to 3D it means they must be a stereotypical normalfag who goes out and bangs sluts every night and is then going to come and post pictures and stories about it on tohno-chan. Also the same applies to anyone who isn't a NEET.

I really hope you guys realize how ridiculous you sound.
>> No. 4891 [Edit]
They are complaining about NEETs and anti-3D sentiment on a site based on these principles.
I'm just pointing out how retarded this is.
>> No. 4892 [Edit]
they're not complaining about NEETs, they're complaining about elitism
>> No. 4894 [Edit]
And I'm just saying that complaining about how a site for NEETs, hikkis and so forth discriminates against normals is retarded.
It's like going to Stormfront and complaining that they don't talk about how great multiculturalism is.
>> No. 4896 [Edit]
I'm guessing the OP isn't normal. If he was he wouldn't be on this site in the first place. He just happens to be attracted to 3D, just like many other perfectly abnormal social rejects.

The problem isn't discriminating against normals (or at least that's not the debate here), it's the extremist, alarmist elitism that leads to instant outrage over someone having any aspect of their life that could be construed as normal. If anyone isn't exactly like you they face discrimination and ostracization. Isn't that supposed to be one of the things we hate about normalfags?
>> No. 4898 [Edit]
I believe the problem is most of us came from 4chan, a place that got utterly destroyed by normals and other assorted idiots. So any time we encounter someone we even THINK is slightly like that in some way we freak out.
>> No. 4899 [Edit]
Catholics are different from the American brand of prescribed "Christianity". In my school, everyone was that kind of person who was "Christian" but didn't know their sect from their ass. None went to church. Most lived sinful lifestyles as if it was nothing.

It was really a meaningless thing. Kids were Christian, but it was about as important in their lives as a nightly chore or what brand of toothpaste they bought. Their parents just used it as a fence to keep them following the mores of the culture. It wasn't okay to talk to their kids about sex. As long as they were in a heterosexual relationship and were not open to their parents about having sex, they were not having sex in their eyes, and therefore sexual discussion was not permitted. The sex ed classes were banned at my school by naive parents whose kids really were the most sexually active ones in school.

I found that the people I got along with were either agnostic, atheist, or practicing catholics. Or apathetic.
>> No. 4908 [Edit]
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>The following is also discouraged.

>- 3DPD / boyfriend discussion. Sexual relationship discussion.

Locking this thread.
>> No. 4909 [Edit]
Or not it seems.
>> No. 4910 [Edit]
The OP didn't say anything about 3DPDs or sexual relationships.
>> No. 4911 [Edit]
I dont think this thread needs to be locked, the discussion is civil enough
>> No. 4914 [Edit]
This is what I'm feeling. I hid the thread a few days ago, but reset my browser and it came up again. Can't take it easy.
>> No. 4930 [Edit]
Yeah its not exactly what people usually call a shitstorm, right?
>> No. 4933 [Edit]
I pretty much agree with Hamish on this, If you like 3D, I don't care. I also don't want to hear about it.
>> No. 4946 [Edit]
MMk. Shit thread will stay open on user request.

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