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File 13016100431.jpg - (57.56KB , 500x400 , 102.jpg )
4727 No. 4727 [Edit]
Post 2011 April Fools web stuff here. Canned Dogs has a list of what some Japanese sites and companies are doing this year.

Expand all images
>> No. 4728 [Edit]
File 130161073425.jpg - (132.75KB , 896x547 , Madoka x koihime.jpg )
This one gave me a nice chuckle.
>> No. 4729 [Edit]
Minecraft shop:

>> No. 4730 [Edit]
I already know that the guys at work have something up their sleeve. They said that we'd be closed tomorrow and I'd be helping them move shit around in the old service center. So if they tell me that, and then tell me it's some elaborate joke to fuck with me and get me in trouble, I'm gonna talk to my supervisor since I can turn the tables because you don't pull that shit in a work environment.

Also I ain't coming to tc tomorrow because I know the trolls will be on the prowl and you people know what pisses me off the most.
>> No. 4731 [Edit]
trolls on tc?
>> No. 4732 [Edit]
File 130161128985.jpg - (457.57KB , 1920x1200 , wp_w_1920.jpg )
Type-Moon's short story is pretty neat. The Kikokugai OreImo parody is awesome, too.
>> No. 4733 [Edit]
Be really careful about that.

A job is really important, and if your boss is that kind of guy, he can fire you for just the tiniest of mistakes.

Like I said, be on guard and don't get yourself into a situation where you'll lose your job. Maybe talk to your supervisor about it. Don't 'turn the tables' on your co-workers and betray them back. Thats just plain mean.
>> No. 4734 [Edit]
I'm hoping TC will be above that sort of thing. Besides one of the mods already put in a javascript that played music and made pictures fly around the other day, so let's just count that.
>> No. 4735 [Edit]
yeah I'm hoping he doesn't do that again on other boards, that crap messed up our mod page.
>> No. 4736 [Edit]
My boss is actually pretty cool, and if anything him finding out that my co-workers are fucking with me he'll tell them to stop, since we have a job to do, and it's unprofessional (because HP wants to match IBM's "professional" look)

Oh they're there, trust me. I know for a fact that it's gonna happen, so I'm just gonna avoid it.
>> No. 4737 [Edit]
Isn't this your site? Can't you tell them not to?
>> No. 4746 [Edit]
File 13016189596.gif - (213.12KB , 1024x768 , Spoiler Picture.gif )
Tokyo Toshokan's front page surprised me for, like, a second. Then I realized it's April 1st in some parts of the world. The effect was compounded by the fact that the site wasn't loading for me a couple hours ago. I'm not sure if that was intentional.
>> No. 4747 [Edit]
They really did seize websites like that a few months ago though. Not that that was the case here, of course (at least I hope not)
>> No. 4754 [Edit]
Take a look at Bakabt.
>> No. 4755 [Edit]
I assume if someone tries to access it with chrome it says to use anther browser?
>> No. 4756 [Edit]
yes I suppose..
>> No. 4757 [Edit]
Last year's TT was funnier. It got restyled to look like Crunchyroll. The year before that, it was in Chinese and called BeijingToshokan or whatever Toshokan is in Chinese.
>> No. 4758 [Edit]
yeah it seemed like much more effort went into it for the last few years, this isn't bad, but it is pretty simple.
>> No. 4770 [Edit]
YouTube's is up.
>> No. 4771 [Edit]
I assume it's supposed to make the videos sepia toned but it's not doing it for me.
>> No. 4772 [Edit]
RIP Jackie Chan
>> No. 4775 [Edit]
seems to work for me on the videos I've tested, mutes the videos audio and replaces it with a short looped piano melody and places the filter over it, rather, interesting..
>> No. 4780 [Edit]
File 130163368818.jpg - (445.17KB , 707x1000 , 4111.jpg )
Saw this on Mikuchan.
>> No. 4783 [Edit]
I'm gonna be scared to do stuff tomorrow (or today technically I guess). Last year I was browsing through ehentai and a shock thing came up instead of one of the pictures ;_;
>> No. 4786 [Edit]
Not working.
>> No. 4809 [Edit]
File 130164151499.jpg - (8.46KB , 320x320 , f10f8c63.jpg )
This is the worst April Fools joke.
>> No. 4810 [Edit]
˙ǝɹǝɥ uo ƃuıoƃ sı ʇɐɥʍ poƃ ɥO
>> No. 4811 [Edit]
Argh how do I make it stop I am not good with computer ;_;
>> No. 4813 [Edit]
File 130164264764.jpg - (37.71KB , 437x254 , backwards.jpg )
>> No. 4814 [Edit]
>> No. 4820 [Edit]
˙ǝʞoɾ s,ןooℲ ןıɹd∀ uɐ ʎןןɐǝɹ s,ʇɐɥʇ ʍoɥ ǝǝs ʇ,uop I ˙ǝuıɟ sʞɹoʍ ʇı 'ǝdoᴎ
>> No. 4821 [Edit]
>> No. 4822 [Edit]
lol syug ih hO
>> No. 4823 [Edit]
File 130165346757.jpg - (64.50KB , 350x321 , SuperStock_1525R-17272.jpg )
>> No. 4824 [Edit]
>> No. 4827 [Edit]
Dammit man, this mirror effect is hurting my head.

I guess that's a pretty effective prank then. Good job, Tohno.
>> No. 4830 [Edit]
>> No. 4831 [Edit]
? tceffe rorrim tahW ? tceffe rorriM
>> No. 4832 [Edit]

finally I can waggle the internet
>> No. 4833 [Edit]
Watching videos of tragedies with youtube's 1911 mode makes them hilarious
>> No. 4834 [Edit]
File 130168302889.jpg - (25.03KB , 335x400 , imgur.jpg )
imgur will ad cats to images you upload, with sometimes funny results
>> No. 4835 [Edit]
File 130168343115.jpg - (65.27KB , 1280x722 , SWQmq.jpg )
>> No. 4836 [Edit]
File 130168382499.jpg - (70.63KB , 629x735 , 8zkoO.jpg )
>> No. 4842 [Edit]
File 130171125312.png - (137.07KB , 1001x534 , tcflip 1 april.png )
Stay classy, TC.
>> No. 4848 [Edit]
So now that april fools is over, can we go back to normal? This is making it harder to go to new posts on the front page ;_;
>> No. 4851 [Edit]
No, get a mirror.
>> No. 4857 [Edit]
Did 4chan do anything?
>> No. 4859 [Edit]
They did some kind of "4chan Railroad" thing where each board had a sticky linking to the same sticky in the next board down the list. Sometime the image was related to the board, like the "multitrack drifting" page for /a/ and a train decorated with Pokemon for /vp/. It "broke down" at /x/, and managed to crash the site for a few hours.
>> No. 4860 [Edit]
That sounds pretty stupid. Par for the course I suppose
>> No. 4862 [Edit]

It also undoubtedly brought more shitposters into /jp/, so the staff was probably pretty proud of themselves
>> No. 4863 [Edit]
Every day is April Fools day on 4chan.

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