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File 130151632430.jpg - (599.44KB , 1920x2560 , CocaCola_C2.jpg )
4680 No. 4680 [Edit]
I just found an unopened can of this stuff at the bottom of my pantry. When I was fourteen I drank this stuff constantly. Not even sure what to do with it.

Any discontinued drink, food or other perishable or temporary items you miss?
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>> No. 4681 [Edit]
3D Doritos.
>> No. 4682 [Edit]
I remember having Crystal Pepsi when I was a kid. The idea was it was Pepsi, but it was clear. That was just the stupidest gimmick for marketing a whole new drink, even the public rejected it.

I did like cherry 7up though, so I really don't have much right to talk.
>> No. 4684 [Edit]
File 130151761767.jpg - (20.03KB , 399x267 , 27836820006_large.jpg )
surge, I was seriously addicted to this stuff back in the day, and would run through 1-2 2.5 liter bottles a day.
stuff was like crack for me, going to long without it drove me nuts.

I wonder what ever happened to it..
some say it was replaced by vault, which just isn't the same at all, some say sales plummeted and it failed, some say it was banned and some say the alien queen producing it from her urine simply stopped and couldn't make more.. who knows...
>> No. 4685 [Edit]
File 130151789484.jpg - (42.96KB , 800x235 , Wormulon_Queen.jpg )
>some say it was banned and some say the alien queen producing it from her urine simply stopped and couldn't make more
>> No. 4686 [Edit]
You could still buy it, you'd just have to order it from Norway.
>> No. 4687 [Edit]
Do they still make Pepsi Blue and Twist? If not, I kind of miss those two, but I don't really care too much either way because unlike in my younger years, I find most carbonated drinks to hurt my mouth and throat because they're so fizzy.

On a slightly unrelated topic, I really hate the terrible lack of variety (and the taste) of soft drinks sold at most stores here in Canada/U.S. If there's one reason I wanted to live in Japan for, it's gotta be for their soft drinks.
>> No. 4688 [Edit]
Cinnamon french fries. Nobody seems to remember them though.

I remember trying that stuff when my dad drank it. Jesus it was like syrup.
>> No. 4689 [Edit]
They don't sell crispy M&Ms anymore, or at least not in the US. It's been so long since I've had a bag that it's hard to remember them.
>> No. 4697 [Edit]
I strongly dislike fizzy drinks too because it hurts my nose. I just let it stand and air out, or shake it to remove all the carbonation.
>> No. 4710 [Edit]
Lunchables Chicken Wrapz. I had them almost every single day for lunch in middle school, and then they were discontinued without warning.

This like 500 times

My friend says the pretzel M&Ms are almost exactly the same, but I haven't tried them yet.
>> No. 4714 [Edit]
There was an eucalyptus-kiwi juice I loved. Goddamn I'd like to drink it now.

Also, Oetker's instant apple-cinnamon rice. I'm too lazy to do it myself frequently. It was nice to just have it in that form.
>> No. 5201 [Edit]
File 130242700150.jpg - (207.52KB , 1600x1200 , DSC00001.jpg )
I fucking hate you, pretzel M&Ms.

I saw the blue package again and thought these may be like the crispy ones from years ago.

>> No. 5202 [Edit]
Oh, and sorry about the hand. It didn't occur to me to set it down and take the picture until later. I was just so excited to see the blue bag again.

Mother fuckers.

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