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File 130148468673.jpg - (53.22KB , 772x392 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
4663 No. 4663 [Edit]
I have long seen certain images spammed on /jp/, often involving a so-called 'Japanese' bird often in circumstances such as cooking pasta or playing a piano. I regret to inform the community that these are not Japanese birds at all. The bird depicted are budgies, which are native to Australia. Hence they are Aboriginal birds. A suitable bird of similar behavioural and learning disposition for replacement would be the Japanese quail. Whoever is the creator of the pictures, can you please rectify this error and use the term 'Aboriginal bird' or otherwise change the kind of bird or stop creating now photos entirely.
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>> No. 4664 [Edit]
File 130148909875.gif - (1.11MB , 302x201 , 1278955643_11555707.gif )
>> No. 4670 [Edit]
Dude I'm so sorry

I just

I didn't know
>> No. 4673 [Edit]
そうなんですか? ごめんなさい OP-さん。
>> No. 4676 [Edit]
File 130150839960.jpg - (233.30KB , 1279x1080 , azu wah.jpg )
My world is over!
>> No. 4677 [Edit]
OP is a racist. That bird migrated to Japan to build a better life for him and his family and to become a true Japanese citizen, not to be reduced to his racial background by the likes of OP.
>> No. 4722 [Edit]
>> No. 5061 [Edit]
sounan desu ka? gomenasai OP-san。

Yay, I can read hiragana and katakana.

I'm awesome.
>> No. 5063 [Edit]
Well, if the bird was born in Japan he is japanese but of australian-japanese heritage.
>> No. 5077 [Edit]
if that is the case, then the bird should be cooking udon or soba rather than mostacolli, however the truth about these images is that the bird in question is deceased and preserved if he hadn't been to the taxidermist he'd be pushing up the daisies. his metabolic processes are now history, he is "off the twig" so to speak or "kicked the bucket". he has shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and (if you're religious) joined the choir invisible.
>> No. 5082 [Edit]
I can read the alphabet.

I'm awesome.
>> No. 5099 [Edit]
>sounan desu ka? gomenasai OP-san。
You can't romanise a CJK full stop, baka.

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