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File 13014379502.png - (253.05KB , 1024x742 , seccachan.png )
4624 No. 4624 [Edit]
Apparently Mexicans are developing something like OS-tans for their cities.
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>> No. 4626 [Edit]
File 130143840552.jpg - (63.02KB , 600x182 , mexicos_flag_creation.jpg )
"you gotta have some sort of mascot, else it almost doesn't count as a city!"

"yeah you're right, go take some random anime characters and slap some Mexican hats and mustaches on them"
>> No. 4628 [Edit]
yeah but OS-tans are original.
..I guess Mexicans can't draw?
>> No. 4629 [Edit]
Now i sorta wanna make an Arizona-tan.
Ari-tan for short.
>> No. 4630 [Edit]
File 130144472473.jpg - (64.70KB , 524x358 , mexican saber.jpg )
>> No. 4719 [Edit]
File 130159848915.jpg - (369.13KB , 1014x1377 , chiicago.jpg )
it isn't exactly as you described it seems to be more about finding a character with a name similar to the region or city and then dressing her in the endemic male folk costume of the locality.
this is chiicago-chan
>> No. 4720 [Edit]
This is the shittiest meme ever.
>> No. 4721 [Edit]
It seriously is, and that's really saying something
>> No. 4724 [Edit]
the chinese did that for shanghai expo last year (2010). they had a mascot like bloo from foster's home for imaginary friends.
>> No. 4725 [Edit]
Sacreblu, me rindo!
>> No. 4744 [Edit]
>angry at jokes
lol, clinical depression
>> No. 4805 [Edit]
im sorry but that is shitty. And I live in Chicago. Make a more kawaii Chi-city-tan! Preferably brown-colored. And hipster-esque or 'quirky'.

(of course, I hate sports and dont own any sports jerseys like that).
>> No. 4847 [Edit]
Isn't there a Mexican city that has the Iron Maiden mascot on their flag?
>> No. 4889 [Edit]
Im sorry, but the mental image of that is hilarious.

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