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File 130134764063.jpg - (12.11KB , 233x336 , faggot.jpg )
4586 No. 4586 [Edit]
Forced work? Sounds a little fascist to me.
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>> No. 4587 [Edit]
Wow, what the fuck.
>> No. 4592 [Edit]

The UK has always looked like a borderline fascist state to me anyways.
>> No. 4603 [Edit]
I understand everyone's going through a hard time and the working taxpayers probably aren't too hot about having to pay to support lazy fucks. But ‘Mandatory Work Activity’ has a bad ring to it. The British need to get better at not making their government programs sound like something a modern PR-conscious Nazi would have thought up.
>> No. 4604 [Edit]
I wish my government did this like it used to in Soviet era. Maybe then I would actually do something good in life instead of being a liability.
>> No. 4605 [Edit]
I kind of agree...

I wish my government would force me to work because i know I'll never do it on my own. As long as they didn't tell me what to do for the other 16-18 hours of my day I'd be fine with it. Although I certainly understand why most people think this is an awful idea.
>> No. 4606 [Edit]
I bet after doing your compulsory community service for a few days you'd be saying something different
>> No. 4607 [Edit]
Doubtful. It's not like cleaning streets is back-breaking labour of gulag. Plus, the hours are not really long.
>> No. 4608 [Edit]
get a job as a garbageman then, you don't need the government to do it for you
>> No. 4616 [Edit]
I would appreciate it if my government offered jobs to the public like the CCC program in the '30s. However, forcing NEETs to work is an entirely different animal altogether. If they aren't taking advantage of the system, just leave them alone.
>> No. 4617 [Edit]
The real question we should be asking is this: How many NEETs are on benefits? If they're on benefits, and try to get work but are just unsuccessful but keep making an effort, we should not worry. The real worry are the NEETs who are just doing nothing at all.
>> No. 4618 [Edit]
30 minimum hours a week seems rather long to me.
>> No. 4619 [Edit]
I think that's the point here, they're not forcing everyone to work, mostly people they believe to be lazy and taking advantage of the system, although it does also say that people might get forced to work if it's believe that it's in their best interest.
I imagine jerkass government workers are gonna have a lot of fun forcing people they don't like to work, I bet some will even try using it as a threat for extortion or cut deals with people so they don't have to work.
>> No. 4632 [Edit]
File 130144798912.png - (376.91KB , 721x598 , 1296653249937.png )
I welcome this news. Too many countries are far too lenient. Better for you to be forced to work rather than end up on the street. Suck it up, brohnos.
>> No. 4634 [Edit]
I would love this

Please give me a fucking job oh god. I'm going to start writing novels on amazon about 2d love if I can't find any god damn income
>> No. 4635 [Edit]
Would they be driving them to the worksites and driving them back?

I would fully accept this.
>> No. 4636 [Edit]
You will not like it. It may be hard, but because it is hard you will learn.
>> No. 4646 [Edit]
I have ambivalent feelings about this.

But it proves how retarded the politicians are. It's okay to force normal people to work but making prisoners do anything? We can't, that's slave labour, a breach of human rights! You woulnd't believe how much it costs to keep a single person in prison for a year. I sure didn't until I saw the numbers. And yet they won't jack's shit about it. The taxpayers shouldn't worry about their money being given to lazy people. Well, maybe they should but first of all I'd rather have the politicians finally do something about those people who get 3 meals daily for commiting crimes while there are people out there who work their asses off and are (in rather extreme cases, I admit) worse off then those prisoners.
>> No. 4649 [Edit]
>But it proves how retarded the politicians are

I extremely dislike it when people make the assumption that politicians are retards or idiots or the like. Okay, some might be. Most aren't. Only intelligent people get the job. Lots of ordinary people call politicians retards and believe they could make a better decision. If so, why aren't you or someone similar in the politician's position? This is, and forgive my use of the word, retarded.

Politics is ultimately an application of leadership on a very wide level, and the aim of the (not corrupt) politician is to balance the pros and cons of different decisions and arrive at the best possible compromise between difficult decisions. And ultimately, politicians make TONS of difficult decisions and face being ripped to shreds by both sides which believe that the politician is a 'retard' and who believe they are more worthy of the treatment than the other. A politician can scarce expect an ounce of glory or satisfaction for his hard work.
>> No. 4706 [Edit]
File 130155328544.png - (4.51KB , 450x300 , Anarchist.png )
Bullshit. The state is inherently corrupt.
>> No. 4707 [Edit]
Im not sure whether you're trolling me or you consider what you just said to be so blindingly, obviously, idiotically self-evident that its unneccesary to explain it.
>> No. 4708 [Edit]
File 13015554967.jpg - (10.89KB , 280x203 , yuki.jpg )
>what you just said to be so blindingly, obviously, idiotically self-evident that its unneccesary to explain it.

You failed to address the merits of my position and instead attacked my character. This is a logical fallacy called argumentum ad hominem.
>> No. 4709 [Edit]
I know I attacked your character.
>> No. 4712 [Edit]
File 130156021564.jpg - (28.51KB , 476x318 , 1300060423924.jpg )
Oh, ok.
>> No. 4715 [Edit]
>Only intelligent people get the job.

maybe, but they still act like retards even if theyre lying through their teeth.
e.g. 3/4 of republicans in the senate dont accept that man made global warming is real.
>> No. 4726 [Edit]
Well I didn't intend to troll, more like I severely dislike people who just say 'No.' and then walk away, oh well I guess I was being trollish eh.
>> No. 4759 [Edit]
>Only intelligent people get the job.
In your state, maybe.

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