No. 4574
Asian pears? Oh right, in Australia we call them 'nashis'.
They're delicious.
Actually Im happy there is another person here who likes these pears. I in fact am a great pear fan. I love to keep pears a little old, so they become deligtfully squishy, sweet and juicy. Plunging my teeth face-first into a soft pear is almost like eating delicious candy.
I envy the fact that you live near an orchard. I live in the suburbs and always wanted a pear tree. But I dont understand the whole dosh about cross pollination, nor do I have the space to plant several trees or the patience to wait several years for it to mature.
Asian and European pears have the same lineage but have evolved different tastes and textures due to their relative conditions. I like this fact. Its sort of comforting, a metaphor for the dipole between the two cultures. Europeans have a pear, asians have a corresponding kind of pear. Its cute.
The Chinese say that those asian pears are god for colds. They tend to soothe the throat. My mother always peeled some for me when I got sick when I was a kid.