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File 130127416761.jpg - (20.65KB , 309x401 , the-room.jpg )
4566 No. 4566 [Edit]
I'm sure a lot of you have heard about the movie The Room, a movie so hilariously stupid and terrible deep and thought-provoking that it became a cult classic. Anyway, Thursday night at 12:30 est Adult Swim will be airing it as they've done for the past few years, and I was thinking we could watch it together in IRC or something. Yay or nay?
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>> No. 4567 [Edit]
I say yay.
>> No. 4568 [Edit]
Incidentally The Room is the only funny thing other than the Venture Bros that adult swim has aired in years. Also knowing them they might be lying and not air it at all
>> No. 4569 [Edit]
Maybe, but probably not. I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule, and that won't help.
>> No. 4648 [Edit]
Due to lack of responses I'm assuming the overall answer is "nay" ;_;
>> No. 4650 [Edit]
I might, if I still had cable.
kind of pointless when you've got internet, I mean, we could just download the same movie.
>> No. 4652 [Edit]
I don't even know what it is, and judging from the doped up lazy-eyed ugly man's face you posted, I don't think I want to find out.
>> No. 4669 [Edit]
It's a great movie.
>> No. 4675 [Edit]
You should watch it at least once in your life. It's hilarious
>> No. 4679 [Edit]
Here's a pretty well done game based on the movie:

Unless you've seen the movie it probably won't be very good to you
>> No. 4698 [Edit]
Tommy Wiseau is the greatest actor of this generation.
>> No. 4700 [Edit]
My favorite thing is how literally nothing is known about him or his past. It's like he just teleported into existence with 6 million dollars and made the greatest movie of all time.
>> No. 4711 [Edit]
File 130155941437.jpg - (32.16KB , 194x476 , Speedwagon.jpg )
That suppors my theory that Tommy Wiseau isn't a human being but rather a robot built by aliens to try and mimic human emotions. And it seems that even aliens haven't been able to go beyond uncanny valley.
>> No. 4718 [Edit]
Even his confusing accent makes it impossible to place his origins. Anyway, movie's on tonight (unless adult swim decides to be wacky)!
>> No. 4750 [Edit]
Are we doing this?

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