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File 130106174019.jpg - (5.53KB , 240x176 , 1289270152258.jpg )
4517 No. 4517 [Edit]
I may be a NEET/hikki but that's no excuse to be unfit. I started doing some things from this book
and so far I've lost 20 lbs.

Do you do any diet or exercise tohno-chan?
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>> No. 4518 [Edit]
If you have enough money to spend it on food and getting fat instead of spending it on your waifu, you are not a NEET.

>> No. 4522 [Edit]
I don't have enough money to get fat. I live off bread, noodles and water.
>> No. 4523 [Edit]
This is stupid. Cheap food is the unhealthiest. If you were broke and had just three dollars to spend on food today, would you buy a head of broccoli or a Super Value Meal with French fries, a cheeseburger and a Coke?
>> No. 4524 [Edit]
I hate broccoli. I would have a sandwich and an espresso.
>> No. 4525 [Edit]
I diet and exercise, but not as much as I should be. If I wasn't so afraid to leave the house I'd probably jog
>> No. 4527 [Edit]
playing dance dance revolution and bikking during summer
>> No. 4528 [Edit]
I stay in decent shape by eating somewhat decently and doing some light exercise.

Maybe it's just where I live, but healthy food is cheaper than junk food (for example that head of broccoli would be maybe a dollar, not three). To some degree. If you're getting organic shit and whatnot then it'll be more.
>> No. 4531 [Edit]
File 130108280145.jpg - (167.58KB , 548x842 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
>diet or excercise

Not at all, no.

For over 5 years straight, I was on a daily exhausting and painful training. For over 2 years, I was also on a strict diet. When that was over and I started to reclude myself and give a fuck about everything and everyone out there, I stopped altogether any sort of exercise and began to eat unhealthy (delicious) food at my heart's content.

After 2 years living in this now extreme sedentarism, I've indeed gained on weight and lost a fair amount of muscle, strenght, stamina, etc. But compared to an average person of my age (late 20's), I'm not really unfit; I'm just not that athletic and skinny anymore (I'm finally on my ideal weight), but that was going to happen sooner or later anyway so who cares? I was fat when I was a kid and that made me suffer a lot... but now? I can't see a strong enough reason to really care.

Right now I'm just having some problems with my back, mostly, but I endure it with pills. If it gets really bad I'll reconsider doing some work-out but, otherwise, I pass
>> No. 4542 [Edit]
>If you have enough money to spend it on food and getting fat instead of spending it on your waifu, you are not a NEET.

Some loving parents still cram food down their adult neet children's mouth.
>everyone who is not exactly like me is a normal fag

This attitude is more annoying than someone who comes on /so/ and talk about his 3DPD.
>> No. 4543 [Edit]
I'm ~185cm/6'1'' and weight around 60kg/133 lbs. So no, I'm not exactly dieting.

I wanted to work out to look a little better as I'm so scrawny I'm ashamed of it but after few weeks I gave up. I'm just too damn lazy and don't give that much of a damn. I'll just stick to baggy clothes to conceal it, thank you very much.
>> No. 4544 [Edit]
I just learned Tohno-chan is weak to trolls. We have a weakness for them and can't stop replying to them.
>> No. 4545 [Edit]

That's because we assume there are no trolls around here. When you constantly get trolled you are on your guard all the time but since we stopped visiting 4chan are troll sensors got rusty.
>> No. 4546 [Edit]
Yeah I think so too.

Since I am aware of this, my troll force field is always active when I'm on the internet.
>> No. 4547 [Edit]
just because someone has a different opinion to you, doesn't make them a troll
not that his opinion isn't stupid
>> No. 4548 [Edit]
he might not have intended the post to be a troll, but that doesnt neccesarily mean the post isnt trolly
>> No. 4550 [Edit]
In summer I run everyday. By a river, through a boneyard and over a dam. But this winter I gained like 20 pounds and I feel like shit because before I started running I was 270 pounds then I got down to 136 and now Im at like 160 and I feel gross.
>> No. 4551 [Edit]
Boneyard? An aircraft boneyard?
>> No. 4552 [Edit]
File 130118557849.png - (46.18KB , 568x509 , reactionface_Cosgrove.png )
I've been trained/brainwashd since childhood to be a machine. Even though I stopped living with my dad years ago, it just feels wrong if I don't train daily (and hard).

I'm not a NEET or anything but I don't really like going outside much. I am interested in seeing the world however. I'm getting things together to go to Japan (for summer classes) this year.
>> No. 4554 [Edit]
File 130120641223.jpg - (154.41KB , 468x351 , chernobyl-vehicle-graveyard-1.jpg )
Careful of the radiation.

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